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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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I have been reading about guys asking if it's ok to clean yer nashers with tap water in hotels/guesthouses?? ffs most of em stay in hotels/guesthouses without adequate safety and they worry about the water.I used to work all over the UK and me boss always told me 1st thing you do in a hotel is look for a fire escape so you know exactly where it is in case of fire.So what hotel/guesthouse do you stay in and does it have adequate safety precautions? if it doesn't why the fuck do you stay there and what would you do in case of fire?

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When I check into a hotel whether home or abroad I always have a quick look where the air conditioner is drawing its air from, (I've seen a few in Pattaya pulling air in adjacent to cooker vent outlets), I have a look at how I would get out if the stairway was involved in a fire and I carry a cheap battery operated smoke detector which I put on top of the wardrobe, I don't use a baht bus for any journeys that will be on fast roads, only taxis with seat belts and I'll only use motorbike taxis for short trips down the side soi's. Maybe a bit over the top but I don't want to be a 5th page story in the daily mirror :crying: :shame:

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When I check into a hotel whether home or abroad I always have a quick look where the air conditioner is drawing its air from, (I've seen a few in Pattaya pulling air in adjacent to cooker vent outlets), I have a look at how I would get out if the stairway was involved in a fire and I carry a cheap battery operated smoke detector which I put on top of the wardrobe, I don't use a baht bus for any journeys that will be on fast roads, only taxis with seat belts and I'll only use motorbike taxis for short trips down the side soi's. Maybe a bit over the top but I don't want to be a 5th page story in the daily mirror :shame: :thumbup

You're safety conscious and use the motor bike taxis? FFS :crying:


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I've never checked. I guess I'm going to be a statistic.


ffs (as you say), why do you worry so much?

i don't worry i always make sure it's safe!!!!

up to you what you do but members on here worry about water for cleaning their teeth but not about whether their hotel/guesthouse has adequate safety precautions in place, maybe it's an american thing as you have admiited you dont give a fuck, i just find it really strange :crying:

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When I stay in a hotel in the US or Europe and pay US or Euro prices. I expect modern up to date fire safety standards. When I'm in Pattaya and pay a much lower price for a room. I don't expect the most up to date safety standards. I expect a reasonable level of safety.

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When I stay in a hotel in the US or Europe and pay US or Euro prices. I expect modern up to date fire safety standards. When I'm in Pattaya and pay a much lower price for a room. I don't expect the most up to date safety standards. I expect a reasonable level of safety.
Yes, that is about right. I would expect the Hilton, Marriot, Sheraton etc etc to have smoke detectors, and unimpeded fire exits.


Elsewhere, you will be lucky. Most discos are death traps, and some are going for the title a second time.

You won't see many GO-GOs with a fire exit, in fact if a fire broke out at the entrance you would have to buy pitchers of beer to try and put it out.

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Yes, that is about right. I would expect the Hilton, Marriot, Sheraton etc etc to have smoke detectors, and unimpeded fire exits.


Elsewhere, you will be lucky. Most discos are death traps, and some are going for the title a second time.

You won't see many GO-GOs with a fire exit, in fact if a fire broke out at the entrance you would have to buy pitchers of beer to try and put it out.


I think the OP's point was, if you have a choice, which you do in Pattaya, why would you choose to stay in a hotel that doesn't have decent safety precautions over one that does. There are plenty of hotels/guesthouses in the 700-1,000 Baht range that have smoke detectors, fire alarms, emergency lighting, torches in the rooms, fire extinguishers, fire escapes etc. Throw into the mix, dodgy electrics, obvious overloaded circuits, locked doors and barred windows and it would seem sensible to choose to stay in a place that does have decent safety precautions in place.

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Yes, that is about right. I would expect the Hilton, Marriot, Sheraton etc etc to have smoke detectors, and unimpeded fire exits.


Elsewhere, you will be lucky. Most discos are death traps, and some are going for the title a second time.

You won't see many GO-GOs with a fire exit, in fact if a fire broke out at the entrance you would have to buy pitchers of beer to try and put it out.

As a contractor that has had to deal with building and fire codes for many years, there is something that jumps out at me in Thailand/Pattaya. Doors on these buildings should open to the outside. During a fire, everyone runs to the door and tries to get out. They should be able to run right through the door. However many bars, disco's, theaters, and hotel fire exits have doors that open in. During a fire, everyone runs to the door, the people that get their first try to open the door, but everyone else in a panic pushes to get out. Often those in front are crushed to death. I'm sure you have read, or seen TV news where hundreds have been trapped inside a building while it burns. This is why. When I go into anyplace in Pattaya, I look at the doors, if they open in I look for a second exit. If they have one, I make a mental note to use it in case of fire. If they don't have a second exit, I say lets go someplace else, and move to another venue.

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I have been reading about guys asking if it's ok to clean yer nashers with tap water in hotels/guesthouses?? ffs most of em stay in hotels/guesthouses without adequate safety and they worry about the water.I used to work all over the UK and me boss always told me 1st thing you do in a hotel is look for a fire escape so you know exactly where it is in case of fire.So what hotel/guesthouse do you stay in and does it have adequate safety precautions? if it doesn't why the fuck do you stay there and what would you do in case of fire?


On this issue I have a vested interest , I always check fire safety wherever I stay as I am a retained part time fire fighter in the UK and always make looking for the fire escape routes on arrival a priority.


Guess I am a sad f*ck .

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Okay, getting serious. What kind of fire escape are you looking for?


Are you referring to one of these?



or this




Just what, at a minimum, constitutes a fire escape?

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I have over twenty years in the UK fire service wholetime and done loads of inspections for the service in all sorts of premise.


I am a partner in a Health and Safety company (part-time) doing Fire Risk Assessments along with many other types of work. I have yet to see what I would class a safe building in Thailand, I include the few 4-5 star hotels in Bangkok that I have stayed in, in that statement. The building standards relating to fire are just not adequate, even when the premise is in full compliance with Thai building standards.


If at all possible I always stay in a low rise hotel eg; Sabi Resort/ Thai Garden Resort when in Pattaya. Although more difficult to find when in Bangkok.


Best Regards

Fireman Sam

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