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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Hello everyone ,  i have been to thailand 3 times now but only during the cool season i.e december , i normally wear a shirt and jeans when out at night  , but i was wondering if it will be to hot in april as i am led to believe ,it will be roasting then ? shall i not bother with jeans ? i do believe that the girls do prefer a nicer dressed man rather than a beach bum type , any comments welcome.  thanks. 8)

and dont bother telling me that even wearing a birthaday suit you could pull !


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I thought it wa always hot in Thailand whatever the time of year  ;D


The main difference between December and April is that in April, the humidity will be much, much, much higher! I got off the skytrain one night in Bangkok and my glasses steamed up immediately! Same happened the following morning when I walked out of the air conditioned hotel for about 5 seconds!


As far as dress code goes, I think the bg's do prefer you to wear long trousers at night - I always do - though during my April trip i had to go back to the hotel most nights and change my shirt because I was sweating so much!!


Also, if you're coming in April, you might catch the Songkran festival, when you're at a major risk of getting very wet!



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ive always thought the old saying about thai girls prefer you to wear trousers was shite.


as long as you dont stink like a dead soi dog, and are reasonably smart im sure it does not matter one iota, in pattaya anyway.


as for april, its the hottest i have ever know it, and if you venture down south, its like being on the sun.


even my thai girl was moaning it was too hot.

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I agree with Baron von TT


I am going to Pattaya to be relaxed and have fun, not to impress anyone there.  


The uniform of the day in Subic/Pattaya is the same.  Nice T-shirt and shorts to feel comfortable and relaxed.


If I was going to the Go GO bars, then I would consider wearing pants.  But then again, why?  It is too hot in April.

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I was there in June last year and yeah it's hot, and yeah it's humid but I never wore shorts at night and I was very comfortable. I don't sweat like a pig but I had two years of living in Pattaya and two years of living in Saudi Arabia to get used to it. I always look for a fan to sit under or make a visit to my favorite air-conditioned go-go's. I'll be there in April as well.

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Never been in the cool season but then the heat doesn`t worry me.

Always wear longs at night if for nothing else than to stop any mozzies that might be around.

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I humbly disagree with the Baron and Barrio Runner. Most TG's I have met prefer their date of the evening to be wearing long trousers.


Anything cotton is usually the best. Synthetic fabrics do not breath as well.

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long as you dont stink like a dead soi dog, and are reasonably smart im sure it does not matter one iota, in pattaya anyway.


Even if you do stink like a dead soi dog. For the most part the BG is only interested in how many purples you willing to pull out of your wallet and give to her.

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I humbly disagree with the Baron and Barrio Runner. Most TG's I have met prefer their date of the evening to be wearing long trousers.


Anything cotton is usually the best. Synthetic fabrics do not breath as well.



just how do these urban myths come about?


do people go around with a clip board and do surveys?


and how do you know sammy, do you make a point of asking every girl you meet?



i never wear shorts at night, but my mates do and as pattaya is a beach resort when all is said and done, i stiil say its utter shit to suggest they preffer one or the other.


i dont see all the grunts being avoided in may, just cos they are wearing shorts.


bangkok maybe, pattaya, never in a lifetime.

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Ok then the general opinions is to wear trousers , i was just testing the water to see if anybody else was going to be wearing just a leather thong as i intend to , seriously  thanks for the info about it all , i'll try a few minute just standing in my jeans then run back into the aircon and put some shorts on , i sweat like a pig but dont smell like a soi sog , more of a mungrel  .cheers

see ya all there in april , im the one with a smile and thong on , lol ;D

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"Even if you do stink like a dead soi dog. For the most part the BG is only interested in how many purples you willing to pull out of your wallet and give to her."


I agree with this 100%.  It's to her best interests in her line of work to make money.  If she starts to become picky on who or how they are dressed, then she is the one that gets the short end of the stick.


It has been said here a few times, some BG's are selective in who they go with, others are not that selective.  I do not think that a BG will blow anyone off becasue they are in shorts and a t-shirt if that farang has the money to have a good time.  I am going there to have a good time, not perform in a fashion show.


Myself, I prefer to be comfortable as this is my vacation and I should have no problem in finding a BG for the evening.  Remember, money talks and you can buy anything you want in Subic/AC or Pattaya.





I agree with you with the Marines/Sailors in town.  95% of them are in shorts and they have NO problem with any BG's do they?  I should know, I was that sailor many times in Pattaya and had NO problems.  


Money talks.


[smiley=cheers.gif] [smiley=Eyecrazy.gif]

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I agree with you with the Marines/Sailors in town.  95% of them are in shorts and they have NO problem with any BG's do they?  I should know, I was that sailor many times in Pattaya and had NO problems.  


Money talks.



I have to agree, in my trip to pattaya with the ship, th tg never made a fuss if the farangs were not in their sunday best, hell for god sake it is hot and you are on vacation enjoy it!!! ;D ;D ;D

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Just want to reinforce the point made earlier about the mozzies - they come out at night with a vengeance and bite, so long trousers are a definite advantage. Personally I prefer track suit bottoms to jeans, not only because i'm a sporty kind of guy, but because jeans are hot and heavy in the humid season and the right track suit bottoms are more flexible and cool. Could be an advantage also when being persued by an ex-girlfriend you dont want to see again !.

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  • 2 weeks later...

nearly always wear shorts as i find them more comfy and give easier access for the girls hand to wander.


I do not think girls prefer one or the other, I have often asked girls to pick something for me to wear and they always pick shorts, when I have asked if they want me to wear trousers or jeans instead they have all replied "no, too hot for you shorts better"


you can look smart in shorts as well just depends on how you present yourself.

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In the past I've had rows with the tg . She wanted me to wear shorts at night . I wanted strides to avoid the mozzies.


I'm sure she either has no male dress sense

or she dresses me like a pratt so other girls don't look at me.


If I leave something she's bought me at home she sulks .


For example she bought me a flourescent blue silk shirt.

wore it back in blighty and everyone thought I was a faggot.


Still,I wear it on the plane so she always finds me at the airport quick.


You can't miss the fucking thing.



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Cheers LLoydie .


Maybe I should start a thread on the best way to lose

crap gear without offending the tg.


She also bought me some Wrangler T-shirts and the message on them is spelt wrong.


What do you do???




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when she has taken stuff to laundry (you dont even need to wear it as you insist it is washed first due to your sensitive skin), you offer to collect it on your way back from 7-11,where you have bought her 1-2 call top up and food, also allowing her to have more sleep (god I am so nice to her) ;), you collect and donate a article you dont like to lady at laundrette for her husband or bf (telling her not to say anything to tgf  :-X) lady is happy  :Das she has gift for hubby, hubby is happy :D, you are happy ;D tgf probably wont even notice the item is missing ???, if she does then you have to say the laundrette must have lost it and you will look later :'(.


after she has eaten (5 times) and talked with friends until phone card has run out she would have forgot all about it and its time for nookie ;D ;D ;D


hope this helps!

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;D Wot about a kilt practical cool and fully ;) accsesableand it should keep the BG's interested only down side is it might just attract an LB or two 8)

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For me, shorts in the daytime and pants at night - I get a real reaction out of Thai mosquito bites.....also I wear polo shirts most of the time day and night....

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;D is it hot :o yes very . you are use to uk waether. i strongly suggest that you get ready for heat you can not fathom. yea take shorts cotton. or  beter yet get them there for 99 baht. shirts cotton very lite. sandals are a must at the very least. this will make you feel confrontable. as for the  female company i think the rest have it right baht talk's and the other  walk's. :o just my thoght on that. cheers 18 days and wish i was there already [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=bonk.gif]

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just do your own thing I guess.............


Some handle the heat better than others so do what is right for you.


You will know within minutes of stepping outside the aircon hotel !!!


Personally I prefer pants at night as the mozzies just luv me


Personality overtakes dress in most cases, if ya don't stink that is......



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