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Spankys Pattaya Now Packed With Girls

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When we are a bit slow and light on door people we will sometimes have a couple of dancers go work the door for an hour or so. We would never deliberately pick dancers that already were occupied with customers. I can't say for sure where the error in communication was here, but I can tell you this much, if this was a deliberate policy of the bar we wouldn't have any dancers willing to work for us so I know there had to be some confusion. Jklum, my apologies and if you drop back by again I'll buy you one and make sure there's no confusion like that again if there's a girl you'd like to spend some time with.


And Mykl, why don't you stop by some time too? I'll be glad to buy you a drink and you can see for yourself that its not the bar's policy to do this.



I'll be there last week in August and first week in September. I'll stop in and say hi. It may very well not be the bars policy but mamasans have been known to make up their own rules as they go along.

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Hi, I visited Spankys last week, and last night again. My impression is that the title of this discussion should be changed... . They were 22 dancers when I come at 11pm, and 20 yesterday at about 9

Hey guys! Last night Spankys packed the stage with 33 fun, smiling little hotties. Things are going full speed now, come on in and have a look and as usual I'll buy you a drink if you come track me do

Indeed - but I did think he would be following the Spankys threads:   http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/58290-drop-by-spankys-on-soi-diamond/page__p__956102#entry956102

Certainly worth a visit, some decent looking girls in a nicely appointed bar. The manager even acknowledges you and thanks you for visiting, don't get that very often.

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Certainly worth a visit, some decent looking girls in a nicely appointed bar. The manager even acknowledges you and thanks you for visiting, don't get that very often.

True. I know one bar where the owner looks at you like you're stupid and tells you to get a new shirt.

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Was there again tonight. The girls probably have decided to take a long weekend with the pending closure.


Hey Steamer,

Yeah, we were a bit light on girls due to the holiday and also we were busy early and had about half the dancers out with customers if you came in late. Still had a fun night though and we'll be back at it on the 10th. Come find me when you're in next and I'll buy you one on the house!



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True. I know one bar where the owner looks at you like you're stupid and tells you to get a new shirt.


Well I won't speak to any other bars, but at Spankys we genuinely value and appreciate our customers and treat them accordingly. I expect the same from every member of the staff and strive to make our customer service the best in town. Mykl, I know you are right about mamasans puling some crap like that from time to time, but I'd be very surprised if mine did that deliberately, we've just got too many good girls we could send outside and she knows as well as I do that customers and girls will not be happy if you pull the girls away from a night out.


Ingo67 thanks for the kind words, look forward to buying you a pint next time you're in.



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Went in a cuple of time in March but very quite but still mae to feel welcolm, only really went in to see one of the service girls but she was not there as she had gone home for a funeral and while there had badly burned her legs ( saw the photos to prove it) but will visit again in August.

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Hey Steamer,

Yeah, we were a bit light on girls due to the holiday and also we were busy early and had about half the dancers out with customers if you came in late. Still had a fun night though and we'll be back at it on the 10th. Come find me when you're in next and I'll buy you one on the house!




Flying out on the 9th.


I was sitting with Chris and we said hi to each other but I didn't identify myself as a boardie.

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Went in a cuple of time in March but very quite but still mae to feel welcolm, only really went in to see one of the service girls but she was not there as she had gone home for a funeral and while there had badly burned her legs ( saw the photos to prove it) but will visit again in August.


I know the girl you mean and was really sorry to see she got so messed up too. Glad you felt welcome though and come say hello to me when you get back in August.



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Flying out on the 9th.


I was sitting with Chris and we said hi to each other but I didn't identify myself as a boardie.


Well, come find me again when you get back and I'll buy you a drink! :)



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Hey guys!

Drop on by Spankys soon, we've got some more new girls and we'll have the place rockin' all through song kran! As usual come find me and I'll buy you a pint.



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Hey guys,

Now that Song Kran is over drop on by Spankys. Cool off with a cold beer and check out somem hot girls. As always ask for me and I'll buy you one on the house.



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Hey guys!,

Drop on by Spankys soon, it's gonna be a fun weekend! We've got more hot new girls and plently of cold beer, so come down soon and have a bit of fun with us. As usual, if forum members ask for me I'll get you a drink on the house.



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Hey Scott


How about clearing up the mystery of the meaning of bikini colours raised by Gabor - see




Well.... today went out alone, as I like to do....And immediately visited the Spanky's.... and noticed some details I wouldn't with a wingman occupie my attention... Yesterday I looked only the flow of the girls and the few heavy cuties... Today I noticed the black bikini vs the white bikini difference.... whilst the girls in black bikini ( and all of the heavy stunners ) danced, the mamasan and the service girls were eager to offer the white bikini girls to sit with me.... Thanx not, I better wait for the two stunners who made some weak smiles back to me from the stage.. . the stage changed... the white bikini girls went to dance.... the mamasan and the service girls retired, no any kind offers to sit with the black bikini girls... and the two black bikini girls sent me the weak smiles from the stage, demonstratively avoided any eye contacts sitting alone ... just like the other two farangs in the bar along myself... One semi cutie ( I would die for in farangland, but not living in Pattaya ) tried her best, but I have better regulars, so why hassle to try and start to domesticate an other one... maybe later once... i was disappointed being so ignored by the two heavy stunners... so as a sulky prick I asked for my bin..




I posted in the Spanky's thread the question about the white vs, black bikini differences... I'm waiting with interest the reply... It was hard to understand the real situation, as only 3 customer was in the bar, one sitting with a white bikini girl ( alone when she went dance with the other white girls ) an other one and me sat alone...then the other guy left and an other entered, but the mamasans made no any movement forward him until the white bikini girls danced.... I just shared my own experiences and feelings....and possible I misunderstood something...
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Hey Scott


How about clearing up the mystery of the meaning of bikini colours raised by Gabor - see








Glad you quoted his question.


I sincerely doubt that Scott has been following a 32 page thread which happens to mention Spanky's.

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Glad you quoted his question.


I sincerely doubt that Scott has been following a 32 page thread which happens to mention Spanky's.


Indeed - but I did think he would be following the Spankys threads:



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Hey Scott


How about clearing up the mystery of the meaning of bikini colours raised by Gabor - see








See the answers I figured out tonight here, in my biased rants:



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Hey Scott


How about clearing up the mystery of the meaning of bikini colours raised by Gabor - see




It was cleared up last night, all had sexy red ones! Edited by jacko
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Maybe. But, judging by his posts, not as busy as he would like to be :smile: .

Wrong based on a Thursday night....doing OK.
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Hey guys,

So as far as the bikini colors goes... there was no rhyme or reason to this, no deliberate attempt to put certain types of girls in certain colors, no math involved at all. I just got bored with the American flag bikinis we were using some days and decided to do two shifts in black and white just for the hell of it. Hahaha! Didn't have another thought on the subject. Personally some of my favorite girls were in white so I thought I had a pretty fair distribution. I can see now Gabor disagrees and I invite him to have a pint with me and rate the girls so the next time I mix it up I can have a second opinion on the equitable distribution of colors :smile:



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Hey guys,

So as far as the bikini colors goes... there was no rhyme or reason to this, no deliberate attempt to put certain types of girls in certain colors, no math involved at all. I just got bored with the American flag bikinis we were using some days and decided to do two shifts in black and white just for the hell of it. Hahaha! Didn't have another thought on the subject. Personally some of my favorite girls were in white so I thought I had a pretty fair distribution. I can see now Gabor disagrees and I invite him to have a pint with me and rate the girls so the next time I mix it up I can have a second opinion on the equitable distribution of colors :smile:



So why were the girls in black ignoring the customers? That was the question.

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So why were the girls in black ignoring the customers? That was the question.


I guess i was wrong with my paranoid presumptions.... maybe only a coincidence, the two ultra stunners ignored the audience were dressed in the black bikinies... The rest of the former black bikini girls looked the same like the others wearing the red bikinis....

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