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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Walking Street doesn't need bars and gogos

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Look at the crowds on the street when every bar is closed.


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these pictures are intresting but ... it's the those russians who come to pattaya with theyre wives and kids that ruin pattaya .

it realy says alot about them that they bring their children to a place like pattaya .

as if the overpriced russian hookers aren't bad enough , they have to ruin the mecca of mongers from around the world .... our pattaya

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It simply indicates what we knew all along.

Most tourists are not using the bars!

(Or without drinking there is nothing better to do).

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It simply indicates what we knew all along.

Most tourists are not using the bars!

(Or without drinking there is nothing better to do).

True, but what brings them to the street?


Composed on a mobile phone.



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Walking Street is the center of entertainment in the town ,, people go to walking street to see "whats happening" , the fact the bars where closed on this night and not much was happening proves nothing . Walking Street with bars closed still provides more to see than any other Soi with bars Closed

Edited by nus01
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It has always amazed me that there are more lookie loos than patrons of the bars. However, if the bars close, the neon and lights will dim and the lookie loos will go elsewhere unless there is a replacement.


Walking Street is a boardwalk, to use a term. It is about sex and drinking. It is a rarity in the world. People come to ooo and ah about it nowadays as come to partake.


Boardwalks can die - Atlantic City is in the process. Playland at the Beach in San Francisco died decades ago.


MM, you would know best as this phenomena has been going on for years, is WS evolving into something else, slowly dying or as good as ever?

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Well of course the tour groups were brought by coaches.........

Dropped at the south end near Bali Hai and follow the flag or are given an hour to walk to the end and back!

The large number of Thai visitors at the moment will want to see the famous Walking St.


I didn't notice whether the street entertainers were working...the smoking cowboy magician, the contortionist little girl, the break dancing kids et al.... but the usual bottleneck, the writhing European girl in a fish bowl took a day off.

With all the alcohol related entertainment off line, what was left of Walking St is it, until the football started.


It must have been easier to enter WS from the North, without all those punks with the cards advertising rather sordid types of entertainment.

Edited by jacko
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I have to say that this thread has the most untrue and misleading heading I have ever seen on this board.


Walking Street doesn't need bars and gogos!

Bugger me! It needs as many as can be squeezed into the street! :lsmile

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Walking Street is the center of entertainment in the town ,, people go to walking street to see "whats happening" , the fact the bars where closed on this night and not much was happening proves nothing . Walking Street with bars closed still provides more to see than any other Soi with bars Closed


What I was noticing along 2nd Road and Walking Street was that the amount of lights and businesses seemed to be "normal"..if you look at the pictures above, you can see many lighted signs, primarily for restaurants and other non bar related businesses.


On 2nd Road, if someone didn't know that a normal night would have bars and lights where the shut businesses were, they wouldn't notice anything but bright lights and a city street alive with tourists and commerce.


What it says to me is that bar and gogo entertainment is a tiny fraction of most of the city's businesses. It may be stating the obvious, but I do believe many have the impression that Pattaya is all about bars and gogos...when in fact, they are a small part of the landscape compared to all the other commercial activities out there.


Of course some streets are totally dark when the bars close..soi 6, much of soi Diana, the side sois off of Walking Street...and long parts of Soi Buakhao, but unlike a curfew where everything shuts and it goes dark, removing just the bars is not that noticeable..to me, at least.

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A fair number of tourists probably weren't aware the bars were closed for Buddha days. On Friday and Saturday nights, I was asked multiple times on the street and on baht buses by people from several different countries if I knew why the bars were closed. I believe there was concern on their part that it might have something to do with an official crackdown. They simply weren't aware it was a religious holiday.


I think many tourists went to WS expecting the bars to be open. And once they were there, they walked around.




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I am sure that a great many of these people had no idea that the bars were closed until they got there.

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Maybe for the vast majority of the tourists, its somehow a major thing for them to talk about that they actually went to Pattaya, went to Walking Street and survived. Probably makes for great story telling back home. Oh well, I guess for them, they can be very easily entertained by walking past bars and go gos, and paying a tour guide for the privilege :lol:

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Maybe for the vast majority of the tourists, its somehow a major thing for them to talk about that they actually went to Pattaya, went to Walking Street and survived. Probably makes for great story telling back home. Oh well, I guess for them, they can be very easily entertained by walking past bars and go gos, and paying a tour guide for the privilege :lol:

And consider, we are part of the show.

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Guest MeGoDanceNow

What I can't understand is how the family that scoops millions of baht in rent and key money from the gogo bars up and down walking street will let that smoking cowboy guy and the child acrobats block the whole street for peanuts. I know the backhanders go to different people, but don't the landlords have the pull to get those space-wasters off the street?

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Guest MeGoDanceNow

Anyone in town on Sunday that had to battle the fucking motor bike exhibition. What a noisy nightmare and has simply no place in the street.


Yeah, I was in Mandarin during that nonsense. What a pathetic disgrace. Massive inconvenience for all the paying customers and the bar owners paying through the nose for key money, a mild diversion for rubber-neckers who already spent their net worth ($1,000 or so) at the duty-free electronics shop.

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