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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by jacko

  1. jacko

    E T A

    Faster on arrival I expect..... Doesn't the USA have this already.......?
  2. Yes, you can whiz up behind someone and have their phone away without them hearing you..... beware in London.
  3. Let us know on that one. I guess you promptly did your TM30 when you got back last month?
  4. jacko

    The F-Visa

    Is it not still a Nnn-Imm-O subcategory F for family? So many new categories of late and varying requirements... hard to keep up.
  5. I am inclined to think our issues are related to True..... I am also seeing poor picture quality on my TV of YT videos, which connects to my router over Wi-Fi 5G. Speedtest to my laptop (ethernet) look OK. To my phone looks good too. I hope True are not throttling.
  6. Same same...... and things seemed to happen after a long outage I had some 12 or morre days back. I verify it is perhaps 'at my end' by switching to AIS Mobile data on my phone and trying that... and if OK, it's router reset time! As you also say, I am only seeing issues on PT.
  7. I am all in favour of giving the lady an inexpensive hobby or diversion.......beats shopping for designer clothes!
  8. Only yesterday I was behind someone who was buying coffee, and was doing everything one handed as he couldn't put his phone down or away..... really wasting my and the server's time. I needed my coffee NOW!
  9. Have to wonder where the market is for this in this area..... I had heard the similar venture on the old Excite disco land was not doing so well.
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