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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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  1. Hi there, I just used a new taxi service and it is very good. I used Mr Toom for over 10 years and for a while after he died (I'm told by his family - from booze - RIP Toom). After a two year break I decided a fresh start was in order. Nams Taxis was highly recommended to me by someone on TVisa: All lady drivers, good cars. I gave her a try.... Excellent ! Good service. Fair prices. On time. Good quality cars Attention to detail. Couldn't ask for better. Here are her details - Links http://www.namstaxiladydrivers.com/ https://www.facebook.com/namstaxipat
  2. Thanks Frostie, it was a very good bar crawl, despite a couple of lacklustre clubs, we had good fun. It was good to meet you all, and Phil again. I really enjoyed it all...a bit like the old days. And that Crafty Bushman brought new meaning to that old phrase about'growing old disgracefully'.... Something for us all to aspire to !!
  3. I also at the dentist Wednesday,..but I'll be there. Keeping the name "FLB Bar Crawl" appeals to me....for sentimental reasons. But up to the Regulars !
  4. I use Bell because its clean, safe and convenient... the saving is a bonus !
  5. I noticed that both FLB and Heaven Above have "The Best Party Bar in Pattaya" on their sign boards outside. Copyright infringements? Misrepresentation ? Someone should be suing someone!
  6. THanks Guys... the Tikka Centre's just got a new customer !
  7. It doesn't sound very promising. You'd think with so many visitors from the sub continent (India) there'd be some benefit arising from their presence. Maybe it will take a year or two...
  8. Hi.... does anyone know of a good Indian curry house in Central Patts? I used to like the one in the Papagayo arcade, but the chef left about 18m ago and his Burmese replacement wasn't so good. Tried one up near Central but the ambience was pretty close to zero. I need my biriyanis and vindaloos !
  9. I went to my local STD Clinic in Oz for my annual check up today. No symptoms... just a good idea I reckon for all sorts of reasons. My Doctor was a very pleasant middle aged woman. Asked me the usual background questions... she told me that there was no point in testing for gonorrhea... why not asks I .... cos if you've got that you get a copious (discharge) of greenish stuff... even if its a light dose, you still get the discharge. OK says I. We should test for syphilis she says. Why I ask, I haven't had any spots or lesions on my Dick. Because it's highly infectious and about 3
  10. After living many years in Africa... the no see, no hear, no hesitation in pace technique has become so natural to me that I'm very rarely bothered by the tailors. Rule number 1 is.never make eye contact... if you can do that you're more than half way there. Oh, and put your hand behind your back if they look really intent on grasping yours. Yuck !
  11. search for Mr Toom on this forum. reliable skupplier of taxis at a fair price..... KK is quite a way...
  12. Thanks Frogster, that was a good recommendation. Don't get put off by the know-it-alls ... the info you provided was good quality, it was new-news and was good enough to enable people to make a choice / find out more. Good stuff! It would be good to see your Trip report... Cheers Mate !
  13. This may be an oldie. But I haven't heard it before..... An Irish daughter had not been home for over five years. Upon her return, her father cursed her. Where have ye been all this time? Why did ye not write to us, not even a line? Why didn't ye call? Can ye not understand what ye put yer old mum thru? The girl, crying, replied, "Sniff, sniff... Dad... I became a prostitute..." "Ye what!!? Out of here, ye shameless harlot! Sinner! You're a disgrace to this family." "OK, Dad -- as ye wish. I just came back to give mum this luxurious fur coat, title deed to a ten bedro
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