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Everything posted by Regyai

  1. Why bother Open a Thai bank account while youre there Chop up as many Aussie Dollars as you fancy and plant them there (youll also have the added advantage that if the rate gets even better while youre back in Aus you can transfer more dollars as and when you like to take advantage) .
  2. Hey can anyone else remember back to the good ole days when no one gave a flying fuck about drinking and driving Or Back to when Pattaya was once a 'pirates paradise' before the advent of mutual masturbation societies and back slapping do gooders trying to turn the place into a little facsimile of the anally retentive nanny states they emanated from . .
  3. Frequently ride m/cycles in Thailand...some trips are just too much of a ball ache to attempt in the SUV But Ive ridden them since my mid teens all types and all sizes You do need a high skill level on two wheels to cope with Pattayas streets and the hydrocephalic morons on them, though what is constantly disheartening is seeing 'over the hill' farangs wobbling about on rented scoots doing all the dopey things that neophytes do - PATTAYA IS NOT A GOOD PLACE TO TEACH YOURSELF TO RIDE MOTORCYCLES. Having some rented skirt on the passenger seat may make em feel young again but if the las
  4. Just back from a few days side trip And thanks to the Black shirt / Mafia intervention at the Swampy Car Parks (you couldnt make this shit up) AOT has spat its dummy out and taken over the running of the airport carparks. So wondering what the outcome would be when I returned to pick up my SUV (envisaging 'Oh that before..new price now XXXTHB') I was taken aback when given a wave thru on returning the card. .
  5. I know the OP wants fabric But for a quality leather at (semi) sensible money keep an eye on the art/furniture shop at the base of the escalator at Carrefour - when they have a sale good deals can be had. .
  6. Not that I use these services But I always thought the 40% savings was against the prices charged by their competitor How anyone could anticipate saving 40% off the actual venue's prices is frankly beyond comprehension .
  7. Cool Now why cant these backward bstards here sell them .
  8. Many Thanks But it only gives me a tad more size than what Im using already .
  9. Yes folks A monitor is what I want No tuners No crap res
  10. Anyone lend a helping hand Tried TukCom etc But asking for a 26 or 28 inch monitor seems about on a par as asking to be given a salesperson's kidney Anyone know where these elusive items can be got? .
  11. +1 for all the "dont buy if you know" comments but if you want to go (& see) where the Rubies Sapphs Etc are traded then take a day out to Chantaburi .
  12. £3/£4K GBP No biggie, just take the cash with you If that terrifies you go the TCheques route (be sure to get sterling and be sure to get them fee free) .
  13. ???? I can assure you its on the light side too .
  14. Biggest factor seems to be are the flights on the one 'ticket' then it is a 'package' and with the short transit on your return leg it should not have been issued if baggage does not have enough time to transit the airport - never mind not being checked through!
  15. Whatever a rond is I want to get one too .
  16. Tried playing 'Spot the White man' amongst LHR staff lately .
  17. You dont have to at all ---- apparently Why doesnt someone advertise BKK - Patts in a fully liveried space shuttle and have some grinning turd turn up in a Honda .
  18. All fine and dandy And certainly all good measures to employ to ameliorate the inherent risks But You have to accept the one overriding risk factor that you cannot alter and that is: that without the relevant licence, in the event of injury to yourself, others, or damage to property then all costs and compensation are being paid for by your good self. .
  19. Its not really as complex as being about C.B.T. (what ever the hell that is - got my Full MC licence when I was 16 all those decades ago before such stuff was dreamt up) Its as simple as this - and this is where all that bar room BS about 'you dont need this, & I've never had that' falls on its face - You need your UK (or where ever) licence AND I.D.P. to be street legal, and guess what it needs to encompass the type of vehicle youre in charge of. If youre not street legal why would you lead yourself to believe that any insurer would not laugh out loud at any subsequent claim you made.
  20. This is exactly why Sterling T/Cs ordinarily always attract a charge - while foreign currency ones are always advertised as 'commission free' (of course they have their profits out of the exchange rate). Lloyds TSB provide them free as a 'perk' for their customers. How long it will last before it goes the way of Nationwide Foreign Withdrawals who can say...but until then its there to be used (or in my case abused ) The small fee per cheque levied in Thailand (30baht from memory) is of course offset by the better rate for TCs over Notes, and should always be defrayed by only using h
  21. This one it seems loads the FX rate in their favour by 2.5%. Max ATM withdrawals per day £300. Assuming you could get £300 in one go from the Thai ATM the 150THB levy makes an overall %age of around 3.5% Over the counter withdrawals £4.50 fee + 2% of total amount All these pre loaded cards are much the same they either offer a Euro or Dollar card which they stripe you with the exchange rate on loading, or its a 'worldwide' one in sterling which naturally imposes fees as they get nothing for any currency exchange at time of loading. .
  22. TC's must be sterling or you get raped with the 'tourist' rates Lloyds TSB is the way to go - 0% on Sterling TCs for account holders (ordered by phone) pick up at branch (or pay delivery fees) Only drawback you can only order up to £3K per day. .
  23. Why does the money have to go via Scotland ? .
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