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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by forcebwithu

  1. Prepping Soi Honey today for one way status tomorrow. Later today I expect Soi Diana will get the same treatment.
  2. I've noticed that when the power went out, it would sometimes come back in two stages. Each stage 110v. It was noticeable as the fan would start to kick over, but not at full speed until the power came back up to the nominal 220v. Smart lady you have to throw the breaker until after the storm has passed. For killing ants I've found the bait packs to be easier to put out, so would recommend just sticking with that. If you have pets, place them where the pet can't get to them. I had a bit of concern when one my dogs got chewing on one, but when I looked up the active ingredient (b
  3. To add to this topic, here's a C&P of a post I made on the same topic on another forum. I was having a problem with tiny ants that were fond of making nests in my computers and other electronic gear. They're also a problem in the kitchen when any foodstuffs have been left out too long. Based on a recommendation on another board I bought the two products pictured below. Both have proven very effective at eliminating the ant problem around the house. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i577712854-s1067362695.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i4557133900-s18558024373.h
  4. Thought I'd start a new topic rather with a reply to your post rather than go OT on teelack's OFTR topic. One thing that's greatly improved over the years is the electric infrastructure in Pattaya. Like you I had two very close lightning strikes during a storm last week. In the past the strike would usually be followed by a multi-hour power outage. But in the past couple years it's been rare to have an outage, and if there was one the electric company usually had power restored in less than hour. That still doesn't preclude power spikes on the line. To protect against those I have se
  5. I did a search on "Jomtien artist Pisit" and found his FB page. Last post was Feb, 2022 so that's not a good sign. He has his email listed, so you might be able to track him down that way. https://www.facebook.com/p/Pisit-art-100068286635101
  6. Just had a line of thunderstorms move through central Pattaya over the last hour. Rain is tapering off now, but the garden is very happy for the rain. I'm also quite pleased with my expanded rain collection system. This rainstorm and a single roofline gutter managed to fill 2500L in less than an hour. In the pic below, the 1000L tank is at the far back, the 1500L tank in the foreground.
  7. I heard the rumblings to the north yesterday afternoon, but didn't see any rain in central Pattaya. Outlook for rain looks promising for the next several days.
  8. Another data point. I've been at the same address for 12 years, my TM 30 is from 2017, and my 90 online reports have been accepted without a problem. The most recent one was in March. I suspect if I were to do my report in person, the story would have a different outcome. My extensions to stay probably get accepted with the old TM 30 because I use an agent and because my address hasn't changed. Now if I were to move to a new place, I'd make sure to update the TM30 within the proscribed 24 hours.
  9. Correction, water levels were much worse April, 2020. Fortunately it was during the pandemic so we didn't have any pesky tourists drinking what little water remained.
  10. It's been too long since my last update here, so this morning got up early to get a ride in around Mabprachan before the heat of the day kicks in. In a nutshell, last time I saw the reservoir this low at this time of year was during the drought of 2015. Sure hope rainy season is good to us this year otherwise we're probably looking at water rationing later in the year.
  11. The new shop across from Nirun has opened. I wish them success. One problem I think they'll be facing when the rains return and the wind is from a northerly direction is their inventory is going to get soaked. They have retractable covers on three sides, but nothing on the front that I saw that they could pull down to stop wind driven rain from entering. Found it interesting all the price tags are in Thai. Edited to add: Not price tags, but the Thai word for "Pro". And just down the soi the workers are laboring away under the brutal sun.
  12. Another one where the YT comments are pretty funny.
  13. Further down in the article, “Authorities are confident sufficient water will be supplied to factories, the agricultural sector as well as to support people’s consumption until the rainy season which will start between May and June.” said Mr Veeris. Although hotels and homes in Pattaya are not currently threatened with rationing, the hope is that the rains are literally round the corner. The Pattaya water authority confirmed that there has not been widespread and significant water supply rationing in the area since an unusually persistent dry spell in 2008. --------------------------------
  14. I asked my lady the weeks in a year question, but first started off with something I thought would be easy. Asked her how many hours in a day and got a confused look. Same with minutes in an hour. Days in a week and months in a year she nailed, but weeks in a year, another confused look. We had a good laugh over it as it doesn't mean she's stupid, it's just something she never was taught. That too isn't surprising because like most rural Thai, her education stopped at age 12. Where I've seen Thai come across as stupid is from those in leadership positions with supposedly a high level
  15. Caught 37.02 on a USD transfer I made on the 26th. Happy days.
  16. I hadn't realized how long it's been since I last took a ride around the local reservoirs. Too bloody hot now for a ride, but seeing this news article about the situation in Korat prompted me to have a look at the Chonburi monthly report. Lam Takhong reservoir, Lam Mun river drying up amid water shortage fears With the start of the rainy season still at least three months away, water levels aren't looking good for Chonburi. The black line in the chart is now below the worst case projection. https://www.eastwater.com/en/Customer/WeeklyWaterSituationDetails/437
  17. The sun is brutal. Definitely need to be working under shade today.
  18. I didn't notice this yesterday, but they're squeezing in another new shop across from Nirun.
  19. Progress update on the undeveloped land next to Nirun.
  20. Beach footpath photo update from this morning's rideabout. A few of the new pavers are missing. It took longer than I thought it would, but the shower fixtures still didn't last very long. Meanwhile shower #2 and #3 are still waiting to be finished. The footpath is already pretty narrow in spots, so some mindless drone decided to make it narrower still with strategic placement of trash bins. Wonder when they'll get around to finishing the planting of trees. Odd they finished planting the newer section further south, while the older
  21. Here's what one of the foam producing machines look like. If you think about it, the surfactant used to create the foam is an ideal mechanism for causing whatever contaminants are in the water to adhere to your skin longer than normal. Something to think about before going to your next foam party. Surfactant, substance such as a detergent that, when added to a liquid, reduces its surface tension, thereby increasing its spreading and wetting properties.
  22. There are places where I see trucks filling up with treated city water. One is on Bongkoch Soi 3, but as you said, that fill will cost a lot more than a truck that dips its fill snout into a scum filled pond. https://www.google.co.th/maps/@12.9252315,100.8883951,3a,75y,145.87h,73.79t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1snP3OSbct2Bx48PpEfEtfGQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i28?hl=en&entry=ttu
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