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Gary last won the day on October 29 2024

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4,127 Excellent

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About Gary

  • Rank
    Elite Poster
  • Birthday 03/05/1945

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  • Gender
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    Loei/Jomtien. Born in Ohio, USA
  • Interests
    Citizen of the USA. Living a long life and being as lazy as possible.

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  1. Frosty, I signed out of the new account and logged in with the original Gary member name. Everything is there and looks good. Thanks a lot.
  2. I have not stayed in my Jomtien condo for a year or so. My wife was very seldom with me. While at the condo, I always used Panda food delivery and was never disappointed. I found their service excellent. I think their drivers are likely poorly paid so I always gave them a fairly generous tip, nothing too generous but usually around a hundred baht. Food delivery is not a very good job and also dangerous so I don't mind tipping. Maybe in the past year the service has deteriorated, I don't know.
  3. I'm not irritated. I give my opinion to those who use agents because I consider it a risk. It is illegal and could come back to bite them. Up to them.
  4. I have irritated some guys who are using agents. I'm convinced that this is not legal. The immigration rules very clearly state the financial requirements. I am also of the opinion that if you cannot afford to have 800,000 baht in a Thai bank, then you can't afford to live here. I'm by no means wealthy but I am financially comfortable and don't have to live on a tight budget. Being retired here in Thailand is great "IF" you can afford it. Living here on a tight budget is not a happy retirement.
  5. Years ago I used to get my extensions from a company called Thai Visa. Yes, the same name as the forum. It was located on the small soi at the end of Soi Cowboy. For several years there were no problems. I was due for an extension and went to the office. There was a big chain and padlock through the door handles. Fortunately I still had my passport. I bit the bullet and went to Bangkok immigration. The immigration officer had a big stack of passports on his desk that they had confiscated from Thai Visa. He checked over my passport and told me that the stamps were legal but had come from Aust
  6. I was wrong about the latest rule changes. I had thought those changes would put the visa agents out of business. That obviously did not happen. Using an agent is definitely illegal but it has been going on for many years. Money talks and bullshit walks.
  7. I considered myself a fairly skilled rider but after nearly getting hit by a speeding idiot driving way too fast, I decided that it only takes ONCE to get hurt or die even though it is not your fault. After many years of enjoyable riding, nearly all on big bikes, I gave it up.
  8. While living in Jomtien, I had a 175cc Kawasaki and a pickup truck. If going into Pattaya, I parked the bike or the car in Jomtien and took the baht bus. I would NEVER ride the Kawasaki into Pattaya. I would take the pickup if I needed to haul something. Finding a parking place in most Pattaya areas is simply a pain in the ass. I nearly got hit on Jomtien Beach Road by a speeding pickup truck. I did drop the bike but didn't get hurt. After that, I sold the Kawasaki. It's simply not worth the risk.
  9. Having health insurance sounds great, BUT, Health insurance is simply not available for us old farts. What will we do if it is mandatory? I have lived here full time for 26 years. Is the government going to throw me out after all these years when they know no company will insure us?
  10. The health care insurance policy was for a maximum payout of 1,25 million baht. I just couldn't see paying the huge premiums. Since I can cover more than that, I could see no reason to make that company any more money. All the years I had that policy, I had one claim for an appendectomy. They did pay with no questions asked. They did deduct one item. It was for a Coke for my wife.
  11. Thanks for that. It never hurts to have a backup.
  12. I got an answer to my email within a couple hours. She did remember me and yes, she is still in business. She quoted me 1,400 baht all in. She is such a nice lady and has such good service that I am not going to quibble over a couple hundred baht. My wife will be busy cutting rice, probably in late November, so she will be happy to have me out of the way for a couple of weeks. I hope by then things will be back nearly to normal.
  13. Thanks a lot, that's her. I sent her an email. Hopefully the flights will be back to normal next month. My wife likes to get rid of me during her rice harvest.
  14. I lost the telephone number for my lady taxi driver. She was a good safe driver with a nice car . She charged 1,200 baht from the airport to the front door of my Jomtien condo. Does anyone know of a reliable driver?
  15. I no longer fly international and only fly domestic once in a while. I always searched for the cheapest ticket and whatever model plane they used was OK with me. I have no brand loyalty regarding airline or airliner.
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