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Everything posted by samfreeland

  1. nothing ventured nothing gained. great idea. you wont no how it pans out unless you try it. enjoyed your trip reports to.
  2. i agree the mans a genius. he should be the next prime minister. or at the least sir Kevin bloody Wilson .... hes a fair dinkum asshole and im just a fckn cunt.lol
  3. [quote name='flighty' date='Jan 26 2011, 10:20 AM' post='8649 -A little harsh pherhaps. no not at all. also there pasty white skin pointed noses high cheek bones and sickly blue green eyes. i don't find attractive at all.
  4. only 600 baht for a safe cracking bar girl it sounds to good to believe . probably an inside job. bad luck.
  5. you would think he could afford to get some gold sandals. or at least spray paint them gold. it ruins the whole effect. annoys the fck outa me that.look how they clash with the rest of the get up. if your going that far you gotta have gold sandals man. hang on i could be wrong hes a clever bastard you no the sandals go with the tyres and handle bars and the black stripe on his pants of course brilliant.
  6. heres a txt i got today. dear Santa this year please send clothes for all those poor ladies in daddy's computer.
  7. im using the CA technologies ninety day free anti virus trial at the mo no probs.
  8. enjoyed the pics. and im very envious of the pretty girls.
  9. works sometimes other times the nail that sticks out gets hammered.
  10. well i hate to say it fire the ground crew there's probably a sleeper there. whats the chances of it happening to the same company twice in quick succession. cricket anybody.
  11. try some deep heat on your knob the mint tea tree will pale in to insignificance.
  12. but then what do the people on welfare do . are we supposed to step over them sleeping/ begging on the street and being a general nuisance. may as well move to India.
  13. to right five million people here in NZ you'd be lucky if 3million payed tax the rest would be to young to old or cripples unemployed solo mums etc [ yes i no they still technically pay tax].3million to pay for roading infrastructure hospitals pacify indigenous tribes in a country this size. Christ i hope we strike gas /oil soon. but it beats stepping over them starving on the streets.. they will probably just raise the age of retirement up to ninety lol.
  14. the Brits have always been good at assimilating in to other cultures. for instance a British relative from early colonization of NZ had a pakeha wife in wellington and on the Chatham islands his wife was a Maori chiefs daughter. the reason for this apart from the obvious was that it gave him standing in the tribe. if you don't marry in nobody will trust you and your still one of them. its all down hill from there.
  15. i just no i must be getting old when my 44yr old partner starts sleeping with my daughters 17 yr old friend.
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