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Everything posted by samfreeland

  1. Get well soon Dr Mick. I have enjoyed reading your posts and reports from khon kaen. You certainly wont miss smoking. I read here dark glasses may make you feel more comfitable.http://www.rnib.org.uk/eyehealth/eyeconditions/eyeconditionsoz/Pages/stroke.aspx
  2. A preloaded throw away visa is good for that kind of purchase.
  3. I dont suggest anybody follows this advice as you will end up with two programs you cant remove and your pc will slow down !
  4. Never download babylon search engine with firefox its crap and like a virus to get of your pc.
  5. I dont know he took it pretty seriously. To the extent he ruined the rest of his holiday trying not to spread what he thought he had to other mongers.
  6. My grandfather is 91 this year he got married again when he was 82.He still mows the lawn and does the books for the RSL. He recently moved to victoria from the gold coast as its cooler. He has a great sense of humour when he meets men in there seventies he will say how you going young fella. I think he is trying to out live the qeen and prince phillip. He was the shortest man in the household cavalry.
  7. Make sure to wash them as soon as you have finnished using them. Mine sat for six months and when i finally cleaned it all the teflon fell off and it looked like it had electrolysis..
  8. They are some of the more profound words i have read on here. i will try to aspire to them. i will no i am a success when i am regarded as such.
  9. i think the steelers will win at the superbowl.
  10. Are there qualifications recognized overseas ? there are a lot of people here that are highly qualified in there own country but can only drive a taxi in NZ.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYpOFimB7ZA was pretty easy
  12. interesting place cool pics very similar in condition to the New Zealand air force maybe a bit moderner though.
  13. come back issanguy there's been some kind of misunderstanding.
  14. That's right we want the pussy the whole pussy and nothing but the pussy. Dont look him in the eye just say you like pussy and keep on walking.
  15. it looks a bit faster than my old virago thou.
  16. every western women who visits a Muslim country should be made to wear a burqa or be refused entry. how do you think that would that go down.
  17. Is this the best we can do to twist the Muslims tail.
  18. [quote name='Bazle' and costs about £3-400. you should be on a commission.
  19. nobody felt good about that poor amazonian chap getting shot it was despicable . unfortunately these things happen.
  20. reminds me of that old world war two saying when the Germans started bombing the British would run and when the British started bombing the Germans would run. when the Americans start bombing everybody runs. certainly a very sad situation for all involved in friendly fire incidents.
  21. or a sign of a damn good shot with plenty of ammo to burn..
  22. the sport for real men baiting other sportsmen.
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