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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by zyphur

  1. Very good laugh this month.......but I thought it was 10 for a bhat bus and 20 for a tuk-tuk.......but then again I may be accused of being a LDOP.............thanks as always
  2. Looks that way....a great result.......who knows where this may all end. Mr. B may well be going down, there has to be a whole mass grave of skeletons in his closet, it could just be who of his former 'buddies' wants to unlock it for the price of a 'get outa jail free' card! I think there must be more in the pack than the one Chuck Blazer has got in his paws or in the paws of his lavish lifestyle kitties..........wonder who can 'trump' his cards!
  3. Very funny indeed.........let's hope John Oliver's wishes come true........if only to see him down a bottle of Bud Lite Lime!!! But seriously, FIFA is one self-indulgent organization that needs to be brought down.
  4. Great set of pics, thanks for sharing and nice touch to pixilate out all the farang faces.......not so many of us do that and who knows who we might drop in the proverbial by not doing so!
  5. "Dongtan'.....hilarious! Much appreciated as always.
  6. Magical memories.....thanks RT. Some things never change though, like the fantastic sunsets over the Chao Phaya, the street food carts and Bangkok Street Name signs.......they were there on the same poles back on my first visit in '73'. Anyone know when they were first erected? The girls all seemed to have had more meat on the bone back then and if there were, I never managed to find a single bald beaver despite extensive searches.
  7. Truly an amazing cross section of Ruskie Gals.....and in one or two cases the term 'gal' affords no boundaries. Thanks for taking the risk to bring us these candid photos!
  8. Stayed at the Hilton a few years back on my last visit. As you say great pool and large rooms. Nice to stroll along the beach directly from the hotel and stop at one of the set-up beach bars for a Sundowner. I recall the girls appeared to be somewhat more 'mature' than Pattaya as indeed your picture reflects.
  9. From my own perspective, I try only ever to deposit in an Ass To Mouth......sometimes my deposit disappears into the void but on some occasions it is spat back out and on certain occasions, with less than I deposited! I suppose that all depends on the amount I was depositing? Somehow a withdrawal would seem to show no respect for the ATM. I do believe however that the option for a free deposit for homeless guys and their mates would be a winner. I may even consider selling the Condo if that happens.
  10. A good humorous read as always and appreciate all your efforts.....100 monkeys, that's a sizable troop!! Sad news about XZone and the Blues Factory.....both were regular haunts on my trips. Times they are a changing. Keep up the sterling work.
  11. Getting robbed like this is probably more distressing than getting mugged as you naturally expect your money to be ok in a safe but as other BM's have said, it is pretty easy to get into most of these small hotel safes. Breaking into In-room safes and strongboxes is becoming an all too frequent occurrence in the smaller hotels it seems, so carrying large sums of cash around is always a potential problem. Using your home based single currency credit card at ATM's or in shops will get you robbed by the card company on exchange rates and associated charges. Opening a bank account in the country y
  12. Hey....well that's a veritable Aladdin's cave in there. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Great set of pics as always Firth. I would also go with the fish being a Puffer, or there again it could be a Durian on steroids!
  14. Guess this is the result of what comes from the benefit of having a long lens.......well I hear that's what some people call it !! LOL. Great pics as always.
  15. To catch a mockingbird - Egon Hunting Predictions - Mark Miwords Love at 30,000 feet - Miley Hiclub Toothache - Phil McCavity
  16. Mess in the Road by G.G. Dunnit The Firey Furnace by I. Mastoka A Spyglass for the President by Monika and her sequal....Stain on the Red Dress, written under her nom de plume of Justice Jizz Keep on Trucking by Hertz van Rentals A Beginners guide to male anatomy by Ivor Massivone Deefrocked by Isaac de Priest A Minute before Midnight by Justin Time and the now notorious One Night in Bangkok by the infamous Australian female writer Hessa-Gotta Hardon
  17. One of the best pics I've seen in years, the look on the dogs face is awsome.
  18. Airline preference is such a personal thing, there are so many considerations as to what people like or don't like about individual airlines and I wouldn't give much creedance to all these magazine listings. Maybe Travel + Leisure did operate a 'clean' and transparent survey, but I can't recall any magazine having their surveys audited by an independent body. I'm being picky I know but as an example a certain airline and not the only one I can assure you, did a deal on advertorials and in return got a few thousand copies of the edition with the voting section in it. Gave them out to staff and
  19. Agree with all the other comments, tired rooms but ok pool. Location is good though IMHO as a lot of action close by. 7/11's & food stalls on the corner for convenience. Wi-fi works fine in the lobby but not in the rooms and no In-Room safes......have to use the ones behind reception and for that better bring your own padlock. Having said all this, stayed here a couple of times and never had any problems so for me its an ok choice.
  20. Great contrast between the Blue and the Grey bikini, the blue looking even better from the front than the rear! Magic pics as always.
  21. Some terrific 'takes' on Pattaya life here! Excellent eye behing the lens, keep it going.
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