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nickman70 last won the day on September 23 2023

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About nickman70

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  1. It looks like things are not getting better to say the least, Yingluck dissolves parliament but supporters of the protest are saying that it is not enough. I hope this ends soon and with no more blood. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-09/yingluck-calls-for-fresh-elections-to-end-deadly-thai-protests.html
  2. I usually buy packages ( airplane and hotel) at home, so the big expenses are out of the way, usually using Expedia.com, because I always got the best package there after I compared and they are easy to deal with when I cancel. When I have enough travel points, I get the ticket free from the airline and book the hotel from Agoda, in the last three years, every year, I bought 2 tickets and got one free with a combination of points I got from the airlines and by opening their miles credit cards ( I rotate airlines, I did it with American. Delta and United so far). In the U.S., Capitalone credit
  3. For this exact same reason, every time I go to Thailand, I get a flight and hotel package, it is most of the time cheaper, I shop around early and get a good deal. Then fully insure the package ( the 90 bucks or so are really worth it). It is not that I need insurance, it is mostly for unforeseen events like these or unfortunate events like accidents. I always have the option of cancelling without losing any money and doing it another time. I actually used the insurance once, I had to cancel because of some commitments at home, I received every penny back ( except the insurance of course), no
  4. Rest assured of one thing thought, I will not discriminate, I will pick upThai girls whether they are "Red Shirt" or "Yellow Shirt", I can guarantee you that!
  5. Thanks guys for the the comments, I am coming end of Jan. mostly Feb., I won't cancel. It looks like things were fine even during the worst of the red shirts uprising.
  6. To be honest, political unrest does not scare me that much, it is usually confined to certain areas. As long as the airport is open and I can come back on time that's all that matters.
  7. With all the news about demonstrations in Thailand, is it affecting tourism. I was planning a visits in January, I will probably cancel it if there is a risk of Airport shutdown like 2007 or the red shirts saga in 2010 if I remember. Any comments? I am not asking a political question, I just want to know your opinion whether you think the situation will escalate and spoil vacations
  8. Looks like you found a solution to your problem...I had no doubt cause Pattaya is the land of Dongs... it i not just Vietnamese Dong that can be changed in Pattaya, in fact every Dong changes in Pattaya. My Dong does always have a life changing experience in Pattaya
  9. Come to think of it, there is no way for me to differentiate between Russkies and other Slavic girls from the Eastern block. I can't understand a word of Russian. The girl I hooked up with could very much be from Romania or Ukraine, she was an extremely white spinner with very dark hair.
  10. There is some truth to this, part of this is cultural, Russians girls do not have the open attitude about sex that Thai girls have and a lot of these girls come from rural areas in Russia that are more conservative, so that's why they come off as cold and uninterested. But girls are girls if you have a way with them...u might get lucky
  11. I agree with you, I won't look for a Russian and I am not interested in them, if I want the expensive white meat, I have plenty here where I live. However, they are lots of single Russians now who come on vacation and want a little on the side. The numbers are growing, and I don't mind doing one of them if sh comes my way...I am young enough to attract a 20s-30s who is looking to get laid on vacation....and trust me they are many....
  12. It is not a matter of attraction, there are plenty of white girls in Farangland (US, Aussie, Europe). I wouldn't have brought the subject if Russian girls are not everywhere and now competing with the Thai in some venues and the phenomenon is just growing. Pattaya is still my favorite playground, and the Russian girls are a new flavour that invaded the place. Whether we like it or not, whether we chose to ignore it or not, it does not change the fact that they are everywhere and that they are affecting the scene.
  13. LOL...same same but different, I would wear a fur-lined condom, if they had a furry bush...the ones that I had has baby shaved pink pussy....real pink
  14. True, I need some glasses, but some of them blonde Russian Girls are hot... My point is, it are can be spoilers
  15. If you watched the American comedy series Seinfeld, you probably remember the episode when George was not happy when Elaine wanted to buddy up and do stuff with Georgeâs fiancée. His argument was that there are two Georges, independent George, who is Seinfelds friend, a loose cannon George who lies and cheats and is part of a wolf pack of men, and then there is relationship George who has a fiancée and acts like a family man, these were two separate worlds that he lived in, he wanted them to stay separated, because if the two worlds collide, bad things happen. Let me come back to the title, I
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