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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by PattayaPete

  1. OK guys, I think I've fixed it now. The script didn't like the space in your user name. If you try again it will now create a directory called ellobo or BeachBoy - no space, and will hopefully work.
  2. Can you try this and let me know what happens. Create a directory on your c drive called pic. It should be a top level directory(ie C:/pic). Copy your photo to the directory. Try to upload it from there.
  3. All the rooms are pretty much the same Casper. Living room in the fron and bedroom in the back. I checked for noise and couldn't hear a thing in the bedroom. I know your a fussy sleeper but I think you'll be fine in any room at the Residence.
  4. You cannot use cellphone purchased outside Thailand in Thailand unless you get them hacked illegally.
  5. Doew your photos file name have a space in it. What exactly is the name of the file you are trying to upload.
  6. Most hotels have someone who speaks a little English but the chance of being misunderstood are high. It's good to get a confirmation by e-mail or fax so you hace some proof of your conversation. At the 5 star hotels and places like The Residence Garden, they speak perfect English.
  7. Note: I modified the address in Odense's post as it had the login function tagged on the end. It would have still worked but the login bit shouldn't be there. Also, this board is accessible from any of the main Pattaya Pages, simply by clicking on Message Board or Board in the top menu. Also, the old board will not be deleted yet. You can still go there, you just won't be able to post anything.
  8. No. although if a poster wants to include PIC in the title they could.
  9. The Archive forum is locked . Try it and you will see you can't reply, for the very reasons you mention.
  10. I use XP as well. The board places a cookie on your computer that remembers your log in id. It does time out after 90 minutes by default, or whatever you set when you login. While the cookie is active you can come and go without logging in. Once it expires you have to log in again. This worls for all OSs, not just XP. BTW, XP rules ;D, ME sucks.
  11. These boards are for general discussion about Pattaya. hotels, restaurants, attractions, good deals and bad and all other aspects of Pattaya life, except bar girls. Please be nice to your fellow boardies and share your experiences, questions and impressions of our favorite town.
  12. There was a problem with many peoples cookies after I changed the login options. To fix it, I have renamed the cookie. Everyone logged in when I did that will have been thrown out. Sorry about that. Just log in again and you should be fine. Pete
  13. The restaurant reviews can be reached from the main flb page www.freelancerbar.com. The bar reviews may not survive the transition as they seem to get little use. Other features from the old members site will appear here over the next week or so. For now of course you can still get to them through the old site.
  14. I'm a bit confused about this guys. There is a small problem on the old board which means you have to log in twice but that is completly seperate from here. I have no idea how to replicate your problem. Let me know if it continues. Perhaps try closing your browser completly and then coming back here direct.
  15. Click on profile at the top of every page. Hope you had a good trip home Floyd.
  16. I'm getting quite a few messages from people who are confused about their status. 1) If you are a member you will see a number of forums above the "Open to Everyone" forums, called not suprisingly - Members Only. 2) If you go to the members list - click member at the top of the main page - you will get a list of all people registered here, including yourself. Those who have membership status have member beside their names.
  17. but I don't think it works that way. When you are off the board you do not show up as logged in, however when you come back you are automatically logged in. My concern about this is internet cafe's and I do want to disable the feature. Just not sure how to do it at the moment.
  18. When a thread has a new post it will rise to the top of the board. If no one posts it will gradually sink to the bottom. :) I can change the responses to reverse chronological order but I'm not sure tht's a good idea - open to suggestions on that one ??? My smilies go where the cursor is 8) not sure why it's different for you Ken. Are you using a Mac :-[
  19. It would be a good feature but I'm not sure it can be done - will investigate. You can hit float in the chat room which turns it into a floating window, and then you can browse elsewhere to your hearts content.
  20. Ok this board is back on line after the server change. I had to delete a couple of Members and Posts due to some techie problems. Sorry if you were one of the ones involved. Polls and the chat room are back as well. So we are still Beta testing, so give it hell ;D If you are having problems with new messages not going away or being denied access to some areas, try marking all posts as read and then logging off and logging back on. If that fails you may have to delete all your cookies (go to tools - internet options delete cookies). I had to change the cookie file which may
  21. Seems to work OK for me Paul. Have you been sitting with the main page open for a long time? Try refreshing your browser and see what happens. It does only show one post per thread so if three posts in the same thread or all recent, it will only show the last one. If you click on it though you will see the whole thread.
  22. The thing is about the open part of the site is that you still have to be registered to post. Anyone posting unsuitable material on the open site will get banned and can't come back, so hopefully that will keep things in line. On the old open site I had to read and approve every message (major pain) becuase there was no way of stopping people from posting there. Of course the members part of this site is only open to "approved people" and will continue its liberal approach to life.
  23. At the moment there is no way to see it first which I agree is a bit lame. Will add that feature in in the future.
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