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Everything posted by teelack

  1. I just wish that I understood what you mean. I would simply click the cartoon and save and it ended up in Google Photos. Now it just won't save. I have no idea how Chrome comes into the picture. Perhaps you can enlighten me please. Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  2. Just wanted to give a plug for Canterbury Tales OK I admit that I had trouble with Google Maps as I seem to get multiple destinations. I took the radical method of asking someone who had been there. It worked. The new layout is great, easy to use and it is very well stocked as you would expect. I picked up a newly published book (2022) and for 180 baht with a 50%return discount was a bargain. Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  3. Just a techo question. Over the years I have downloaded quite a few of the excellent cartoons. Has this privilege been withdrawn or is it something to do with my account? The download arrow appears but that's as far as it gets. Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  4. The expiry date of the visa is the day after you fly out according to your flight ticket. The last visa I applied for was requested about 8 weeks before the flight. The reasons for this is that you sometime need a bit of extra time up your sleeve. If your passport got lost in the post ! Disaster! If you have to source extra material (I had to get some scanned docs from Thailand), and so forth. I dearly hope that the 45 visa exemption is still going when I next want to visit. The cost, time and trouble of the 60 day visa isn't worth the hassle. Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  5. Not quite on topic but I would add. The package you buy has to be related to the amount of free Internet in your accommodation..I took on board the suggestion of a boardie to key in the long code from AIS. In a month I did the heavy work from the free WIFI and used my data plan when out and about. Result. I only used 80% of the package that cost me 275 baht for a month. A little bit of planning has saved me some baht. Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  6. Just to add to the topic. I have twice this year obtained a 60 day visa. As part of the application I have to supply a copy of my airline ticket. In both cases, despite the application date the visa expired the day after my flight. Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  7. Sorry that I can not be there. Congrats on getting this far but I sure that there will be more of the Cherry Bar story to come. Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  8. Looking forward to seeing Pattaya again soon! Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  9. Thanks Phil. Little bits of good news are keeping people like myself alive and well. What's happening on the ground is always appreciated but it's a bit sad that Pete isn't keeping us updated himself. I am sure he has the time! Many of us have been going there since day one. Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  10. Easter blessings? Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  11. Sharing a beer with your kid on can be fun! Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  12. Taking the piss? Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  13. I hate growing old but the alternative is crap! Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  14. Drinking and driving doesn't pay? Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  15. My take on this is that I would rather hold off and possibly pay a premium on my fare than have to worry about cancellations, re-booking, getting refunds or credit notes. Some of the horror stories on this site have made me cautious about air lines and travel agents ability to act in the best interests of the customer. Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  16. Some truth here! Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  17. Stand to be corrected but as I see it your own country who decides who is safe to visit and this in turn sets the insurance warnings and conditions. In other words, no matter what the Thai government says, your own country could scupper the insurance cover. Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  18. Married at first sight! Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  19. Getting into a paddy! Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  20. Off on a tangent but it gave me some hope. I should have my shots by May /June. No rush really as there are no flights out. It was however announced over the weekend that the Australian government were planning to open air travel to Singapore. For both Australians and Kiwis this could be the gateway to Thailand even if in my case I would have 2 flight changes. This all gives me hope that late 2021 might just be on the cards. Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  21. The truth comes out! Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  22. Been to this shop many times! Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  23. I know how it feels Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  24. Need a Guardian? Sent from my CPH1941 using Tapatalk
  25. I am pleased that you have that much faith in the knowledge at BA. Reading some of the comments here about the organisation has lead me to believe that they are not even sure where the front of the plane is! Having said that, as someone has already pointed out today, they are open for tourism right now.
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