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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by MM

  1. So, what was the name and type of the place that was packed next door to Jim's? I haven't been up there for a month, so I'm curious if there is a new place out there in the hinterlands.
  2. No reason for some of the comments. Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  3. The pharmacy? Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  4. How do they determine if a vehicle is acting as a "private taxi"? What happens if a friend or relative gives one a ride to the airport? Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  5. There are guys on the forum who are very familiar with Jomtien. Maybe one or more of them will contact you.
  6. MM

    Bite Me!

    BTW here is the notification/explanation that was given by one of the owners...
  7. MM

    Bite Me!

    The boil-in-a-bag offerings are actually pretty good. I've bought them, and they come in handy for a quick main at home.
  8. MM

    Bite Me!

    Sadly (for me, at least), Bite Me has closed its doors after 11 months of operation. The staff will be moving to the new ROBIN HOOD restaurant in the Avenue shopping center (where the old ALL AMERICAN restaurant was). The Bite Me location is apparently going to be used for producing vacuum packed ready to eat meals to be sold wholesale to restaurants and also sold retail. There is no time-table for this re-opening.
  9. I went by the TT booth exchange and their rate was .01 baht less than the BB-TT rate. I have no idea what your GBP does in terms of exchange spreads etc. It's hard enough to keep track of the USD.
  10. Paypal doesn't charge any fee, but they skim about a baht off the current telex exchange rate. I only use them if it's an emergency. Otherwise, I move the paypal money to Bangkok Bank and transfer it using their system. I just checked what the rate for paypal is for USD...35.036583 Using a regular wire transfer to Bangkok Bank, the rate would be (at this time), 35.85
  11. I see the problem. Apologies. Now to resolve it... Do you have a highlighted phrase at the very bottom of the page that says "Change Theme"? If so, select "IP.Board - DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE" If not, get back to me....I have some work to do. I've made a change to the default board look (skin). Does it fix your problem, ThingsPattaya?
  12. I see the problem. Apologies. Now to resolve it... Do you have a highlighted phrase at the very bottom of the page that says "Change Theme"? If so, select "IP.Board - DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE" If not, get back to me....I have some work to do.
  13. Looking at all the offerings, I personally thought they were outrageously overpriced, usually 995-1500 for what looked like a 600 baht meal at most. It's the Christmas surcharge that all the restaurants were adding on to price gouge. So, silly me, thinking that Hooter's was a stand-up kinda place that usually gouges, but for this event was coming in at a reasonable single serving price, I thought "what could go wrong?". Okay, I see that it's a case of "you get what you pay for". Really, Rich Man Poor Man sounded like the best deal at 695 for a full dinner.
  14. I had this for Xmas Eve dinner and was quite happy with it
  15. Here is what I was served... and here is what was inedible and left on my plate, not that what is missing would be called "edible" objectively
  16. The app is Cerberus available in the Play store for Android phones. Incidentally, it would make an excellent tracking app for anyone who might be wondering where and what someone is doing. Sponsoring a girl? Want to know where she is, what she is doing? Put the app on her phone.
  17. I can't see where not putting sensitive info on your phone has anything to do with the capabilities of this app. That's your thing, not mine and/or many others.
  18. Why wouldn't you know if it worked or not? You could download the app and try it yourself from the internet site (make a backup beforehand).
  19. Just so you know that Evil's meal was not an abberation, I had the same Christmas dinner at Hooters (shown below). It was advertised at 399 baht, but apparently the small print said it was exclusive of VAT and 10% service, so it was more like 470 baht. The turkey was pathetic ... akin to what I would think soylent green might taste like. The ham was microplaned and almost transparent, it was so thinly sliced. The dressing was cut out of some cake or something. It tasted nothing like any dressing I've ever had. The peas were underdone and crunchy, the sprouts were hard, th
  20. You can factory reset and wipe the phone with the app. I am not sure if you have to have rooted the phone beforehand though. I've downloaded the app and now I have to get my phone stolen to check it out
  21. IIRC, the standard, minimum fare was raised to 7 baht several years ago. Prior to that it was 5 baht, and many farang were commenting on it being 10 baht for them and 5 baht for Thais. That seemed to generate huge amounts of discussion on the forums, hence the "How much is a baht bus?" topics that became a sort of catch phrase for discussions on Pattaya forums...well, this one at least, since at that time it was about the one and only. Now, when the fare increased to 7 baht, farang continued to pay 10 baht (well, I did), and Thais, not having 7 baht in change, generally paid 10 baht as
  22. I ate there on their soft opening day. I don't recall which rib flavoring I ordered. There was very little meat on the St. Louis cut, the meat had to be cut off with a knife, and I left a lot on the bone because I wasn't into gnawing them. Overall, it was a disappointment because I prefer the ribs to be cooked to the fall-off-the-bone stage. I had just eaten next door the day before, and liked the ribs there much better. Granted, it was their soft opening, but when asked about the cooking times and how they wanted to present the ribs, I got the distinct feeling (from the manager) t
  23. Might have to go there after the Xmas dinner elsewhere to have some Xmas pudding! I miss my mom's fruitcakes :-(
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