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Everything posted by Sailfast

  1. Hopf http://teakdoor.com/food-and-drink/23927-t...ial-review.html Nice brew too!
  2. I have one question; Am I forced to have sex with lady if she barfine me? Dude, your my pimp.! Forcing me across the border and feeding me drinks, then I have to have sex with women against my will. I feel so dirty. Do I have to call you Pimp Daddy?
  3. From your post it sounded like you synched your iphone to itunes before extracting the songs and saving them to your hard drive and lost a bunch of your "choons" Maybe my Engleeesh no goodah.
  4. Say it ain't so dude. Say you didn't synch your Iphone to Itunes....
  5. REMEMBER: DO NOT sync your iphone to your new PC until you get the songs off of it and on to the PC. If you do, you will lose everything (don't ask me how I know).
  6. I'm not gonna be much help here except to say that it can be done. I have never had to do it, but I have an idea it won't be all that straight forward. There is plenty of software out there to do it and they all claim it will be easy... Maybe they are if one is computer savvy. Judging by some of your previous posts, I have a feeling your not all that tech savvy
  7. Damn! I was hoping the girls where gonna start barfining us. ( All kidding aside, great idea. In all promotions there will be some who take advantage or try to scam. That does not mean they don't work, it's just the cost of doing business. Can't wait to try it out next month.
  8. It's very tough to read people intentions and I have a bad habit of using implied sarcasm when I write (if that makes any sense). Interestingly, they did deny a gay male dating service the opportunity to purchase air time during the game. My sincere apologies for subjecting you to "The View", but there where several clips that I found that had been altered/edited and I wanted to be sure I had the original clip.
  9. My post had nothing to do with free speech, one way or the other. I am very wary of right wing Christian cooks who buy up super bowl ad time to spread their agenda. They have EVERY RIGHT to do so, I just don't like it. I have just as much right to complain about it. CBS also has a right to accept or reject the ads. What ads they accept or reject can form an agenda. They have a right to an agenda I suppose, and I suppose it gets tricky when they are using public airways , but that's another argument.
  10. Are you saying I look fat in these jeans? CBS can air anything they choose. I don't have to like it. In fact, I reserve the right to be worried. My half a sentence had nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with what I, and many others perceive to be an issue of individual choice, freedom and the moral majorities attempt to stifle it. Some dickhead can stand in front of a place of worship are praise Osama Been Hidin' and it's within that persons rights. I don't have to like it and I reserve the right to be pissed off about it. A bit presumpt-u-ass today aren't we J
  11. On the whole it seems like a non issue. Some are upset and protesting about it, and they have a point. However, it seems he was later cleared of any charges. The fact that CBS is airing a pro life commercial is more worrying to me... Little johnny bible verse NFL player's mommy decided not to get an abortion and look how things turned out. Little adolf mein fuhrer's mommy decided not to get an abortion and look how things turned out.
  12. Yes, it appears that most, if not all of the big banks will work fine. It's the smaller banks that are the problem. Sadly, I do my business with smaller local banks (another topic, I know). I did find a small bank in my area that will work anyplace (except in OFAC countries).
  13. Here is just a few of the banks I have called today that WILL NOT do business in Thailand; Peoples Bank Citizens Bank Newport Federal Savings Bank Chelsea Groton Bank Charter Oak Federal Credit Union Connecticut Community Credit Union As I stated in my original post, these are NOT huge banks. My point, to other board members was to check with your local bank before you travel. And dig deep because I had to push to get answers in some cases. I even called Bank Of America. They told me they will do business anywhere in the world. I pushed and got transfered to another asshat wh
  14. And the hits just keep on coming. The more I call the higher the % gets. Probably more like 90% of smaller banks have blocked Thailand. The last bank I called also had the PI and Malaysia on the list of blocked countries.
  15. Well sort of. Other countries on the lists included some like: Myanmar, Somalia, Cuba, Iran, etc. I got answers that ranged from "fraud", to "terrorist watch list",s to "communism", to "I don't know". I'm guessing the real answer is fraud protection, but, the under trained asshats on the line didn't really know so they made some shit up. So your bank didn't do business in Thailand, but, they changed that just for you? Sorry, but I highly doubt that, probably more like they unblocked your account after they verified that it was really you who was making transactions. I'm still
  16. After several years of using my Peoples Bank ATM card, last year Peoples Bank would not permit me to withdraw money in Thailand. This caused me a bit of stress, but Paypal came to the rescue. I transfered funds from Peoples to Paypal and withdrew funds from Paypal using Thailand ATMs. This year I decided to call around to find a new bank that would permit me to withdraw funds in Thailand. Most say that Thailand is on a list of "blocked" countries. WARNING: Don't trust the idiot you are talking to. Make them get the list and read it off to you. Last year they told me everything
  17. http://www.snopes.com/travel/foreign/olympics.asp
  18. I also worry about things like theft or a power surge. I keep my Seagate in a separate location from my PC and I don't leave it plugged in or connected to my PC. I have many memories stored in that old seagate Just lock the thing up in your safe and backup once a week or so. Unless of course she has the combo...
  19. Thanks Lucifer, that worked like a charm. I didn't think it would be that easy! I owe you a drink or three...
  20. A cancelled passport is worthless. Well, not really worthless because they can be purchased on ebay and the like. Key West FL issued it's own "Conch Republic Passports" a few years back (pre 9/11). So have some other idiots who claim to own their own country. There is a rich nut off the coast of CT/NY who tried it, even printed his own currency from what I'm told. Since he still lives there so I'm willing to wager that he still pays taxes. Passports issued to "fantasy" countries where also quit popular as novelties, again, pre 9/11... It used to be a game to get a REPUBLIC OF S
  21. This has worked well for me http://www.iringer.net/ One can make them without software but there are many steps involved, this might be easier for some. My Gawd, I just hijacked my own thread
  22. I'm thinking about unlocking my Iphone 3G. This will allow me to leave my ipod at home, one less thing to carry. Has anyone tried this from the software they sell online? Any suggestions?
  23. There is a way, pay someone who knows what the fuck they are doing. Or... Follow the instructions provided by this 8 yr old. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-AX6E0Ceik :D :D :D
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