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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Sailfast

  1. Feb.is not bad. High season is winding down and not so hot, although it's always hot in southern Thailand. That's my first choice. Hope that helps.
  2. Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah
  3. I digress. Should we take this to the argument clinic then?
  4. Probably a little further trek to/from Walking St. than you might imagine, maybe not... Still looks like a good choice and I like that monthly rent. Honestly, if you are not that bothered by location, then my suggestion would be the Residence Garden but you won't get it as cheap as the PB Resort. Let us know how you make out!
  5. It's funny that I rarely bring up politics in casual conversation with anyone I don't really know, and never when I'm trying to relax and forget the real world exists drinking beer in Pattaya. Why is it that when I'm on holiday outside of the USA I'm always asked about US politics. Mostly by Brits, French or Germans. It's like some of them are just fishing for a debate. I have even been asked how/if I voted in local or state elections, as if it mattered to the rest of the world who the leader of my shit little state is. Yes, of course I'm generalizing and of course that's not polite
  6. Are you looking for a hotel or a guest house? Do you care at all about a nice pool or other amenities? Secrets has a very nice bar and reasonable priced, good food. However, it is a guest house, there is no pool, lift, rooms don't have a balcony, etc. I have never stayed in Secrets, but I did get a look at one of the rooms. They are nice enough for the price. I can't imagine one getting stabbed in Pattaya. Crossing the street is probably the most dangerous thing you will do. Just use your head. I have never stayed at the Sandy Spring but it gets good reviews. If you are n
  7. I think the maximum for many airlines in the USA is 330 days advance ticket purchase. If I am booking an awards flight then I often do it as soon as the tickets go on sale. Otherwise I book 3-6 months in advance based on when I think I'm getting a good deal. I should post on this board when I purchase tickets as the price usually drops the following week. I'm a lucky American. I get 22 paid days off per year and 6 unpaid days off. I can also apply for another 30 days of unpaid personal time, but that's up to them if they need me or not. If I get seriously injured outside of w
  8. For whatever reason, my body will not let me drink during the day without getting tired, hung over and grouchy by early evening. However, I have no trouble drinking late evening and into the early morning. I rarely drink before 8pm then I usually have a couple of glasses of wine or beer with dinner and then hit the hard stuff. Total of maybe 10-15 drinks per night unless I'm really hitting it hard, then who knows how much I drink. I enjoy just about every type of liquor, as long as it's tasty. I especially enjoy dark rums and drink it over ice or straight up. I also like stuff like
  9. If you read the report you would have seen the pictures. I believe the problem was attended to by the management so that is saying something. The fact that it was there to begin with also says something. Yes other places get rave reviews but they don't have one member constantly chatting the place up in every possible thread. The "needless badmouthing" started a long time ago when a certain board member would recommend the place constantly. I've stopped by and it's not bad for the price. However, if, at any given opportunity I spammed a place that was simply reasonable w
  10. Never stayed there. Seems pricey but the location is good.
  11. I tend to dislike the anti Islamic/Islamophobia crap. However, this is really rather funny and obviously is taking a crack at Jihadists and the like, not Muslims in general. I can't imagine what the funk anyone would be upset about. But then again, I have been wrong before....
  12. I assume the OP is most probably talking about Australia so I'm going to suggest that you do some research on your countries currency laws. If they are similar to the USA, then you should be aware of what you are getting yourself into. I would certainly not risk breaking Thai currency transaction law. Somehow I doubt you would ever see the money again if they caught you. The following relates to the USA: In the USA if you are carrying over 10K in cash and do not declare it, you risk having it confiscated, as well as jail time and fines. This may sound silly, but, if you are trying
  13. If you are not bothered about price then get the biggest suite at the vault. You WILL be impressed. They even do your laundry every day! Best of all, the place encourages "entertainment". How many hotel rooms have a stereo system with good speakers, a bar, a jaccuzzi and a stage complete with a chrome pole? What more could you possibly ask for in your room? As to the joiner fee at high end hotels, it's a big friggen pain in the ass as well costing you. You will have to approach the front desk, the girl will turn in her ID and a receipt will be hand written for her. No big deal and I
  14. If you bring more than three guests to the vault, the owner hi-fives you.
  15. I think you should elaborate more. Luxury and truly guest friendly might not be much of an option. I guess it depends on your definition of both. Do you mean simply "no joiner fee"? Most "luxury" hotels are not going to be happy about prostitutes in their hotel, guests or otherwise. That's what the fee is all about. If you mean really nice rooms, The Vault has suites that might just be the best in Pattaya. However, it is not a luxury hotel. I would check these suites out if you are not on a budget. They are nicer than anything I have seen for under 3000 baht/night. In fact, I beli
  16. I've been thinking this over, mulling my lifestyle at home and on holiday. In my humble opinion, your mileage may vary, etc., etc., I already live like a king. Would more money make my life easier? Yes. Would more money make me happier? Maybe, maybe not. I have a decent job that I actually enjoy, I own a small house/small mortgage, decent boat and I go to Thailand once a year for a month. What would make me happier? A bigger house? A bigger boat? More complications in my life? Most importantly I have great friends. If I could change anything in my life at this time, I woul
  17. We tend to only notice the loud, the arrogant, the culturally insensitive, etc. That's how we come up with silly generalizations. When I first started in the hospitality industry in S. Florida, I dealt mainly with AirTrours. Imagine my dismay. Then I met the Germans.... Then I started travelling myself and realized that some people just become assholes when they go on holiday. Even more so when you put them in large groups.
  18. Good strategy. I do the same. If I do put the brush under the tap out of habit, I give it a rinse with Lysterine mouthwash. I feel that the tap water is "probably" fine to rinse my mouth and the brush, but, there is absolutely NO reason to take a chance on ruining a day or two of my holiday. The hang overs kill too many mornings as it is
  19. Heeeeeee's Baaaaaaaack! We truly missed these types of barely-sensical posts now enter the famous picture of the big naked bearded guy sitting at the computer on the office chair... I just know it's coming. Seriously, BigD, glad you are back to posting
  20. To be honest, I don't know for sure why. I only know what my eyes see. I tried LG's software for the TV and it did nothing to improve the picture from the PC, but, it could have been the user. The numbers are not the same, that's for sure. I tried to find out the why an LG LCD TV has dynamic contrast ratio of 50,000-1 and an LG LCD MONITOR has digital fine contrast ratio of 5,000,000-1 ...I got lost. Big shocker there Anyway, I hadn't shopped for a while, looking now I see that the prices of TV vs. monitor are getting closer together.
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