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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Sailfast

  1. I've stayed in both the RG and the Vault. The 2900 baht suite at the vault cannot be compared with any other room I have ever seen, anyplace, for less than US$100/night. It's really cool. Jaccuzzi, bar, stage with chrome pole, PC, etc... The standard room is very big, but not a true suite, so for 1300 baht the RG is much nicer. The long room, if memory serves me, is just a longer version of the standard room so it's really huge, but still just one room. The rooms at the vault are very nice, very clean, and have all the things you need such as a safe, PC, big shower/bathroom, no
  2. Depends on your budget. Residence Garden has two bedroom suites and two very nice pools. Ten minutes to Walking ST.
  3. Black Eyed Peas Brings me back to my first trip in '05 We watched the terrible news on Boxing Day Wondering what to do Google brought us to Pattaya Talk Veered from Phuket to Pattaya Terrible tragedy Had no idea what to expect Here I am five years and seven trips older Passport full of Asian stamps Pattaya Chang Mai Phuket Koh Samui Bangkok Siem Reap Sihanoukville Phnom Penh Hong Kong Macau Shenzhen Da Peng New Friends, Sailboat Charters, Temples, Ruins, Gambling, Soapies, Mountain Bike Treks, Bars, girls, bars, girls, girls, girls...
  4. Black Eyed Peas Brings me back to my first trip in '05 We watched the terrible news on Boxing Day Wondering what to do Google brought us to Pattaya Talk Veered from Phuket to Pattaya Terrible tragedy Had no idea what to expect Here I am five years and seven trips older Passport full of Asian stamps Pattaya Chang Mai Phuket Koh Samui Bangkok Siem Reap Sihanoukville Phnom Penh Hong Kong Macau Shenzhen Da Peng New Friends, Sailboat Charters, Temples, Ruins, Gambling, Soapies, Mountain Bike Treks, Bars, girls, bars, girls, girls, girls...
  5. Near future? Next 4 - 6 months? There is very little Sprint 4G coverage in the US. Fact is, there are only 13 states, 1-2 cities per state with about 50% coverage in those CITIES. Talk to me when 4G is in every major city in every state. That is going to take some time, I'm not slamming Sprint, it's just the way it is. For the time being Sprint is selling you on a service that you probably won't be able to get for several months. I have a better idea, why don't you tell me when 65% of the US population will have 4G coverage from Sprint. The "Clear winner" was, IMHO, and as an Ipo
  6. A couple of points, if you don't mind. There is no Apple Iphone 4G, it's the Iphone4 but it does not offer 4g reception. The HTC offers "4G" but good luck getting a 4G signal in the near future, unless you are lucky enough to live in one of the few major cities that offers 4G. I own an Iphone, in fact I've owned all three versions of the Iphone and I love it. It's the easiest phone to master and if you are an Ipod fan then I would say the Iphone is the one to buy. I know enough about digital cameras to know that megapixels are not the only important thing in a camera or the resul
  7. That is exactly what Apple does not want you to do. I'm not saying I agree with it, but it is rather funny that you spent all that time attempting something the device is not made for...lol It can be done, but it's a hack.
  8. It is really a poor attempt at distorting context through editing. If you listen carefully it does not work at all. If one is shallow enough to listen to something this highly edited in the same manner one would listen to a speech and use only key words and phrases you will think what the editor wants you to think, He or she obviously understands how people talk and listen. However, notice that often the editor does not even use complete sentences in the clips. That's a dead giveaway to dishonesty in editing. Telling a group something they want to hear is an easy message to deliver.
  9. My G/F worked for Hard Rock in the USA just up until our last trip to LOS in March. We stopped in just for a bite and to check out the band. The menu was almost exactly the same (as would be expected in a franchise) and the prices, if converted to US$ are almost exactly the same as they are in CT and FL. As stated above, the band ain't all that wonderful. On top of that, the food is not all that great to begin with so I would give it a miss... All in all, it's a major tourist trap. A nitro can of Guinness set me back nine US dollars if I remember correctly.
  10. I have to stop in for a drink every trip. The place is, or was, just so over the top and used to give me the creeps. Like going into a fun house at a cheap carnival. Was there in March and it looked like they did some work inside the gogo. CLeaned it up and redid the furniture. Maybe even changed some of the staging??? There was a high percentage of Katoeys dancing. Some very darn good and it took me a while to sort out the meat from the muffins. They also seemed to have toned down on the annoying sales pitches, scratch off tickets and raffles. Never stayed in a room thoug
  11. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheRoyalGlitter If the glitterman is the glitterman; At least now we know why he wants those pics.... RFLMAO He even includes photos of himself sitting on a fake throne and pheasant hunting like the true royalty he is... What a fucktard.
  12. MHO: I choose more daytime hours at the end. I can get amazing things accomplished in my last 8 hours before the taxi picks me up. Plus the afternoon arrival allows you time to prepare for your first night.
  13. Maybe he worked in the hospitality/travel industry at one time British tourists are notoriously friendly, good natured and polite until things don't go exactly their way. Then they are notoriously short tempered, demanding and rude to the point of violence. I witnessed an AirTours/Thomas Cook "riot" at Miami airport that was pretty scary. Amazing how people will through chairs, scream and threaten when they have no hope whatsoever of winning the battle. Due to a delayed flight, from Changmai connecting in BKK to Siem Reap, myself and five others where moved to the head of the
  14. Almost all the rooms have a small balcony with table and two chairs. To my knowledge you can smoke in any room. The hotel is designed so that almost every room has some sort of pool view. There are two pools. The pool in the front is much busier, gets lots of sun. The pool in the back gets less sun and is much quieter.
  15. I had two rooms at different times. Both on the front near reception. First was facing the kiddy pool, no wifi in spots inside and no wifi on the balcony (can't imagine why?) The second room was aslo poolside and in certain spots inside the room there was no connection. In the breakfast area outside, I could always get a signal, but sometimes I could not connect. I'm guessing the walls are cement and that is part of the problem. Funny, I could always get a signal from the family mart across the street (never connected though, as you have to pay). For the record, my party had three
  16. I stayed for three weeks and as of March 30th; The speed was OK, but the connection gets dropped on occasion and sometimes you can't reconnect for a while. It was out for at least 12 hours one day. All in all I would say it's a pretty good connection if you just need to keep up with email, etc. The overall percentage of staying connected is pretty good, but, I can imagine that when you need it most... Anyway, if you need a reliable connection for work, I would be concerned. Then again, I can't recommend an alternative as it's the only place I have stayed in Pattaya with wifi, so, m
  17. I haven't had a television in over 20 years. You won't catch me preaching about others personal choices. Funny you changed your writing style. All of a sudden you use proper capitalization, punctuation, and paragraphs? Again, I doubt you are the guy on the bike. I do think you reside under a bridge.
  18. Me thinks the real glitterman would use punctuation and paragraphs. Sorry, but I'm betting this is a wind up. If it's not I'll eat crow.
  19. I constantly hear about Farang couples appearing on walking st. as the "evil looking witch towing along the sad looking idiot". All because most of us assume we know what is going on by looking at a snapshot of someones life. I can say that judging the Farang couples I have met one should not judge You just never know. I think Pattaya will continue to be more and more popular for couples who live and alternative lifestyle. JMHO.
  20. Wow, you are certainly slow posting "your" story. Happened so long ago and you are just getting to it?
  21. Actually, it's interesting and helpful to see several points of view.
  22. Never had that happen to me. But I suppose if they guy cooking doesn't know how to tend the wood burning oven then the pizza would suck.
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