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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

gs joe

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Everything posted by gs joe

  1. Make sure you have trainers on not sandals , as the some tracks ask this as a requirement , have a good trip , Joe
  2. Agree , its the same if you've no wish for phone calls don't give your number ' Joe
  3. I don't remember the OP saying he was coming to Pattaya to sleep with prostitutes. Joe
  4. If you just wish a bit of off road fun , not seen bike hire for the purpose , but theres a quad track in Jomtien . its located on the back road behind the Ace café , Joe
  5. Here one from across the pond , Joe
  6. Maybe just like minded mates , sharing the same views , which is great until they fall out, then it gets more bitchy than Cliquey . Joe
  7. Been a good few years , but did always enjoy there , never did make the Elvis night , is it still on Wednesday ? Joe
  8. 2422th till 9th of April , Joe Wrong date
  9. Your right , if you wish to buy goods go to the beach , Joe
  10. So you only take home girls with bad personalties ? Joe
  11. Found a lot of the lads fun and upbeat , keen to talk and mostly respectful , liked by the girls and loved by the street vendors , in fact added a nice dynamic to my trip . Joe
  12. made me think of an old adage , how do you stop your girlfriend giving you a blow job ? Marry her . Joe
  13. I'm sure a lot of the same attributes could also be inherent for many woman all over the world . Joe
  14. I was just being pedantic , Joe
  15. whats a pommy accent ? Joe
  16. Never had a stong accent and have been in living in Scotland for 20 + years , but still have the scouse twang , Joe
  17. Do you leave a tip for the maid , when you stay in a hotel in your homeland ? and is a L/D consider a tip or just payment for the girls time ? Joe
  18. Lennie's , and Gold fingers before change of format , both had a good customer base , Joe
  19. Did the same a week ago , good service and a good feed , joe
  20. Booking a taxi or not , its still a good idea to know how to get to Pattaya using the taxi stand , with the best will in the world thing can go wrong , so you may need to use it . Joe
  21. I find its best to print off the hotel address and phone number in Thai , if you use this route , Joe
  22. The classy bar will alway offer you a cigarette toilet . Joe
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