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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About marleyboy

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  1. I flew over with Thai on October 12 Flight was rammed! I came back yesterday morning, the flight had a few spare seats.
  2. Well well well! That was a surprise! Ive been re- booked on a flight with Thai Airways ( economy "class K") for October this year............no charge! I was well chuffed! I mailed them on Saturday, saying what dates I wanted to fly (using my cancelled ticket from October 2020), lo and behold! I was sent my e-ticket thingy this morning! NO EXTRA COST!! Result! I "assumed" Id lost the money on this...so a right result! Just need to book a seat now, will probably book an "extra leg-room" seat, for just over 80 quid each way. Great news, I will return t
  3. Thats exactly what Im thinking!! Will wait and see. Edit...Thinking about it, when I originally paid for it in March 2020, I paid using miles from my R.O.P. too? They've not gone back into my account, so may be able to use the miles again?!
  4. Thanks for that, Ive mailed them last week. as I have no clue as to whether, its just a " rebooking" (with no extra fee as the fares have no doubt gone up!) or if it means a fee must be paid on top. They asked me for the dates I wanted,,, so I messaged them today, hopefully will get a reply pronto. IF ! its just a case of no extra money on top. I may well just book it..If I have to pay a lot more money though, I may just not bother! Will update, with what they say.
  5. "Funnily"! enough..after almost 2 years of un-answered e-mails to Thai Airways (about a cancelled flight for October 2020..which I booked in March 2020..and never had a refund for!) I finally got an e-mail saying, I could have a "credit" flight, to be used by the end of this year? When I originally booked the flight, it only cost me about £400 ish, as I used some airmiles with it. Ive no idea how much I will get back? Will I get my "miles" back? Or will it be no fee? I did ask...but was told?! reply to this e-mail when booking? So god know what the "credit" will be. Saying tha
  6. Best bet is, before you arrange for them to come, video call them! (line, or whatsapp etc);# That way you can see how they look like....maybe be a bit wary though of they dont want to show their face!
  7. The "problem" with me (and 1000s! of others) getting any refund/recourse ,is because Thai are meant to be going into administration/re- structuring etc. so its way easier for them not to refund anybody. I really liked Thai Airways timings from the U.K. I will have to punch myself in the face a dozen times though, if I ever fly them again!
  8. I came back from my last holiday there in Feb 2020..the following month (March 2020) I booked a flight for September to come back in December. The flight was obviously cancelled! I booked on Thais website, had an automated e-mail from them, saying they will get back in touch with me. Of course they havent, Ive not received a penny back off them...I dont expect a penny either. The only "good "! thing about it was.......i was going to treat myself and fly Business class.....thank god I didnt book it! I booked economy, using some miles from R.O.P. so I will "only"! los
  9. Also, the way this current covid "wave", is going in Thailand...its just a matter of time, before many countries world-wide. put Thailand on their "red lists".. The future (and most especially the short time future) of Thailand's tourism industry is looking very bleak indeed. Such a woeful pitifully slow vaccine roll-out too...I really feel for the "average" Thai.
  10. Its a lot about "face" of course in Thailand...I mean, most air-lines are losing money...I doubt though, that few are run like Thai Airways! Most are run as proper businesses...Thai Airways certainly doesnt appear to be....... As for a foreigner being put in charge? That would be great to happen, somebody who actually knows how to run a business, how to run an airline, has experience etc...but what would happen to all the "freebies" so many are given? A "properly run airline" (or any business of course!). would streamline the business etc etc...what would happen to all the s
  11. A few weeks ago...I thought the September trip would be "impossible"!.......However, I am getting a "tiny"! bit more optimistic every day! "Hopefully", the U.K. is finally getting a tad better day by day...covid-wise that is, I mean less deaths etc.......... Who knows! As you say...it is a fair time away yet! What is the "saying"? 24 hours is a long time in politics?!! Who knows! My fingers arms and legs are crossed!
  12. I booked Thai from London Heathrow, for September..It was the mid-day flight.. I booked it early March...originally it was meant to be on an A380...In march though..I had an e-mail from them saying it was a flight change..so would now be a 777.. Im booked to go on September 12..........................very much doubt that will be happening though!!
  13. Hmmn. Looks unlikely I will get a refund for my planned September-December trip this year then!
  14. I certainly "hope!" it will fly...........Im more concerned with any "restrictions", about covid free certificates etc....the 2 weeks quarantine /isolation doesnt bother me that much... Fingers crossed...........but Im not optimistic!
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