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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

for you that have never been to pattaya

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I got some data from the Office National Statistics and it seems in UK at moment 16% of people dont make it to 65. They said that in areas where there was blue collar jobs/lifestyle the figure would be higher . People always told me that hard work dosen't kill ya but the statistics say different.


Yes..I think there is a diff between having a healthy life working & having to put in stress & mental strain in their work. Well,probably people leading the latter life die sooner than the former, regardless of working hard.

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Terrible news.


Sent a shiver down my spine reading it.


Just a thought, couldn't you have the treatment done in Thailand? They have got world class hospitals. Don't know your circumstances so probably a stupid idea.


Best of luck :hijack

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Sorry to hear about your bad luck Cowboy. I hope that you'll get the chance to come through this so hang in there.


As to the go now / wait debate, lets use Cowboy's numbers.


$2500 (presuming after tax) is about Bt85,000 per month. Not bad but no millionaire. If you had to pay rent and wanted somewhere nice near town, say Bt25,000 then you'd have bills of another Bt20,000 (food, internet, clothes etc.) so you've Bt40,000 left to spend and replenish things which wear out. You won't be going out parrtying every night and you will have to watch the pennies though you'll be ok. What about insurance though ? A car ?


Now with twice that, some Bt170,000, your expenses are the same but you now have Bt125,000 to play with each month.


Maybe somewhere in the middle is a realistic goal to aim for.


C'mon Cowboy, raise your spirits and fight this thing.

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I would go straight to Bumrungrad Hospital to get a second opinion.


I would rather die surrounded by nurses that care than surrounded by nurses in the USA.


You get the best care in Thailand, not in the US and you'll definitely enjoy it more, too!


All the best,



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about 6 years ago i came to pattaya for the first time. My time in pattaya was always great. I kept planning on retiring to thailand and living the good life but I have been putting it off trying to put away enough money to really live like a king. I could have retired last year but i would have only gotten around $2500 us and I knew that if I kept working for another five years that it would be more like $5000. so I put off my dream.


My job sucks and life here the states is miserable compared to being back in pattaya. but I kept thinking that in a few more years I will be there full time.


today I found out that I have stage IV pancreatic cancer. next monday I have to arrnage with an cancer doc for a biopsy and they can tell me what my options are. But things don;t look good. my chance of living another 5 years is around 4%. the most likely outcome is that I will die in 6 months to 1 year.


things will get hectic soon as I go through the surgeries, chemo and other things, I probably will not post much and I will be lucky if I get another chance to return to pattaya.


so my advice to you if you have never been. go now!!! if you are trying to plan for some future to retire in thailand work on getting there asap.


and if you are reading this more than 6 months from today. trust a dying man, my only regret is that I didn't go to LOS sooner, my only mistake that I stayed in the USA too long and will not be able to die in the place I love. :bigsmile:

A very thought provoking post, the very best of luck to you sir.

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Wow! Truly sorry to hear this news. I hope everything will turn out well for you. Do not give in to this and fight it with a positive attitude! We meet at the FLB meeting in Redwood City (Harrys Hofbrau) awhile back along with CJ, Soi7 (Larry), Raylene, SF Dude and others that slip my mind. I'm sure if they knew also they would tell you the same.



If you haven't posted this news in Secrets Forum perhaps you should and let some more friends hear about your advice.



The Dude 2guns 2guns 2guns

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Bad news indeed.


Thought-provoking post though.The key in going to LOS seems to be moderation...........don't sell everything and jump on the next flight, and in the same vain, don't keep saving and saving forever as you don't need to be a millionaire here to be very happy IMO.Also, if you are decently-educated and have a Degree, then you always have a fall-back here and will be able to supplement savings if you so wish.


Anyway, bad news for sure............although being treated in Bkk, at a top hospital (due diligence and all that), would surely be preferable.I hope that it works out well for you.

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Good luck son.


May Mother Nature smile kindly on you and help pull you through in a gentle and painless way. I will have you in my thoughts.


Thanks for the reminder of our mortality. Like most gifts, it is too often taken for granted.

Edited by nidnoyham
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  • 3 weeks later...

I,m shocked and wish you a lot of everlasting virgins if they excist.

I have not been on the board for a long time and hope you beat the mother

If not,it was a pleasure meeting you and enjoying your 50 th birthday blast.

So little you can say but i truelly wish that there is a special corner in heaven where guys like us end up.

You wil find some other FLB members there too.

All the best my friend.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm am very sad to have to report that cowboy died recently. His Thai wife was never able to get a visa to go visit him in the hospital in the USA, though she tried mightily.

cowboy was a good friend and a hell of a nice guy...one of the really good ones. We'll miss him.

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How very sad.


Sod it, Cowboy and my workmate combined, have been enough prompting for me to go to LOS next month. Forget the money. God bless them both.

Edited by nidnoyham
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