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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Pictures of the girls working in Babydolls.

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When will the moderators/Admin grow a pair of balls and ban this cunt once and for ever. This type of wanker stops people from posting/replying and reduces traffic on this board. He has brought NOTHIN

True... and not... in the Babydolls are fair game, no mamasan hassle with the booklet with the silly rip off numbers... but what to expect when the manager of the bar ( a well known and popular guy )

Fuck me, I can't believe you posted most of those photos. You'd have been better off not posting anything. Terrible selection, possibly the worst I've ever seen.   The girl in black bra, penultimate

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Nice pics SOS.


I remember a few of those girls very well. :ang2


Tell Ricky that if he could just lose a little weight I will barfine him in November. :ang2


Keep up the good work mate, just love Babydolls. :behead :bigsmile:



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Hi there Baby Dolls and Chris. Yes, this place has a certain 'style' and I am looking forward to my next visit there. This is the sort of place that makes Pattaya a bit different and keeps the punters like myself returning.

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Nice looking girls there Sinkorswim! What is #60's name?


I am not sure but she is supposed to be very good. :cry2



Just curious now. There is a what looks like a leaf on the armband of the tall girl to the right in the picture. That leaf is looking strangely familiar... Is it what I think it is?;


Yes it is, I did not notice that until you mentioned it. She is also a dirty bugger to by what I have been told. :cry2

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I enjoyed many a night drinking at Babydolls with friends.

Ricky was always a jovial host and bought several rounds of drinks. Top notch place just to hang out, listen to music and drink without any hassles from the girls. I know I will be back in a month's time.

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Here are a few more pics to wet your appetite. We now have over 40 girls working so I am sure there is someone for everyone's tastes. :banghead Just a quick reminder all barfines are only 300 baht after 1.30am.








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I lub Baby Dolls. I've had friends insist we stop at Baby Dolls on every crawl. I've had others who didn't share my enthusiasm for the gynecological table. One complaint, please forbid the girls from dropping the ice cubes from their pussies into my glass. It's very disgusting and I'm just not sure if management knows about this practice.

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I lub Baby Dolls. I've had friends insist we stop at Baby Dolls on every crawl. I've had others who didn't share my enthusiasm for the gynecological table. One complaint, please forbid the girls from dropping the ice cubes from their pussies into my glass. It's very disgusting and I'm just not sure if management knows about this practice.



Thanks for the kind words.....I will have a chat with Ricky (the manager) this afternoon and try to get him to make the girls ask customers if they want special ice cubes. :D


I will be adding more pictures later in the thread. :D

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I lub Baby Dolls. I've had friends insist we stop at Baby Dolls on every crawl. I've had others who didn't share my enthusiasm for the gynecological table. One complaint, please forbid the girls from dropping the ice cubes from their pussies into my glass. It's very disgusting and I'm just not sure if management knows about this practice.



It gives your drink a new twang to it :D


How about drinking out of a bottle would like to see the girls get the ice cubs into your drink then.

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Baby Dolls rocks. What makes it is the attitude of the girls un-like some of the stuck up other bars. Well done to the management. Was there in late September will be back early Jan.

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stopped in Babydolls several times, just a couple weeks ago. The place is excellent, always had a great time in there. Thanks goes to Ricky, a great guy, and a well run club. The girls were all friendly, in more ways than one :D I will return to Babydolls next visit for certain.

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