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Very short short time bar fines at Secrets?

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First let me say that I like Secrets!...it remains one of my favorite places to visit a while when in Pattaya! :cry2


I need some help though in understanding a curious trend I have noticed with the ladies barfined at Secrets? :clap2


1. My first day at Secrets I noticed a disappointed customer who was supposed to meet a go-go dancer from

Secrets that he barfined....she miraculously showed up after he complained to Mamasan....


2. Over the course of a couple days I noticed customers barfining Secrets girls and then suddenly like within ten or 15 minutes the girl would be back a Secrets after I watch them leaving with a guy....


3. I saw one go-go with a guy at entrance of Soi 14, she was daytime go-go leaving with the guy, again

15 minutes later she was back at Secrets


4. I barfine a nice lady at Secrets to go with me to another bar and to dinner....about 5 minutes after

She and I arrived at the other bar she got upset about something(I still dont know)...and the barfine

ended, coincidently within 15 minutes of us leaving Secrets...


5. Later that night I saw that dissapointed customer(from above) he told me that after he had barfined the

go-go at Secrets she told him she needed to talk to her sister for a few minutes and she would meet him

back at Secrets--then she never show up......He told me he would never barfine at Secrets again...


6. The next day I saw my Secrets lady and she wanted me to sit with her again....I politely made an excuse, and sat by myself having some coffee--again within an hour I saw two secrets ladies get barfined, and then within in 10 minutes return to Secrets?


7. I have heard of short time, but it is absolutely impossible for anyone to anything in such a super short time....so what is going on with these Secrets barfines?


8. I saw a youtube post that said Secrets ladies required 3,000 baht?


Does anyone know what the story is with the Secrets Barfines?....I still like Secrets for drinking and food...though I will never again ever barfine......Cheers! :D :clap1

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I've never heard of that kind of thing happening at Secrets any more than at any other bar in town. Two or three times I've barfined girls from there without much of a problem. They were just hostesses, though.


In any event, there are thousands of girls in Pattaya. Why not try somewhere else if you think it would be better?



Edited by js007
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barfined a hostess there (not go-go girl) near beginning of evening 8pm. came back at about 1am to scoop her up after hanging with friends, with no problems, cause i told mamasan i would be back after midnight at earliest. whatever she did before i got there really doesn't matter, when i showed up she was there, ready and excited that i came back and ready to go have some fun.


3000 baht (i assume LT)is negligible, depending on girl, and situation, but seems rather high even for a go-go girl there.

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  2Dangerous said:
3000 baht (i assume LT)is negligible .................
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........... and BigD, Dontcha and Gabor have all just choked on their coffees. :D



  mykl said:
I call bullshit. Based on personal first hand experience. Did you complain to the management?
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How predictable. :clap2

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Are you sure that these coyotes and hostesses were barfined when they left? Did you see barfine on the itemized receipt? I know that the BG's working there get staggered periods of time off to go out and get a bite to eat, they usually eat on the nearby soi where Misty's and Angelwitch are located. Also they are rotated on short increments to go outside and be a Hello Girl.


A 3000 baht long time fee is definetly not the standard although I wouldn't be surprised that maybe a few might ask for that if they are very popular and may even received that amount if the punter is willing. I know that if I were a working girl and guys were asking me to go L/T every day and very early in my shift I would start asking more to see what the market would bear. Anyone who wouldn't is not to smart.

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Okay I am not trying to in anyway critisize Secrets..........I like Secrets....but I have had

an experience, and some observations......


It is possible that my one experience, and the series of observations lasting

over several days are just a coincidence....


The initial feedback from my post seems to contradict what I observed at

Secrets....I merely was posting based upon what I saw..


I apologize if I angered anyone :D


:clap2 Cheers!

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I hope you didn't think my response indicated that you angered me, not in the least. I am still curious how you know that the coyotees or hostesses that left were indeed barfined. I gave you a possible answer as to why your seeing these ladies leave and then return a short time later. My answers were not guesses as I know that they do rotate out for a bit to eat and also to act as hello girls.

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  cebual said:
Okay I am not trying to in anyway critisize Secrets..........I like Secrets....but I have had

an experience, and some observations......


It is possible that my one experience, and the series of observations lasting

over several days are just a coincidence....


The initial feedback from my post seems to contradict what I observed at

Secrets....I merely was posting based upon what I saw..


I apologize if I angered anyone :D


:clap2 Cheers!

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You should ask this of Soi7 on the Secrets board. If you feel there is a problem there, you should have spoken to management there. You spent days there and never brought it to his attention?


For the record, there are no gogo dancers at Secrets, only coyotees, hostesses and service staff.


Your post seems fishy.

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Thanks Emil....heres a bit more....I know several of the ladies were barfined because they told

me....I also saw two Secrets customers at another bar so I was able to talk to them...one of the customers

seemed to be "generally irritable," so I can easily discount what he said...


The other guy I talked to,who had barfined at Secrets said that he thought some ladies are tired, some not feeling well, some just want to go home....or visit their friends, or whatever....


My experience with the Secrets lady who went to the other bar with me(I still actually like her, she is a nice lady).....was just part of pattern I noticed....she went from friendly to upset so quickly, I was perplexed as

to what happened....since her mood change did not seem to make sense to me, I considered it within

the framework of the other observations....


I only barfined the Secrets lady because I wanted to chat with her and have dinner...


Anyway,does not matter.....Cheers!




:D Midlifecrisis......What is fishy?.......What is you problem with me posting what I saw?


Anyway, it is unfortunate that you are so defensive about anyone posting an observation....


I have no idea who Soi 7 is anyway.....Nor do I want to get in a misunderstaning with anyone...

I posted what I saw on the this board because I it seemed the better platform....


It appears that most feedback discounts what I saw as being happenstance, which i have

accepted as being a viable expanation....


It is unfortunate that anyone has to be so hypersensitive....that they call my observation Fishy


so midlifecrises......"What is Fishy" :clap2

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ok... so to add to this story a little....


One of the secrets hostesses, whom shall remain nameless lol, has been a friend of mine since she worked at FLB some 3 years back.


She told me about a month ago that there were several girls at secrets that would .... cheat customers. I use the word cheat because I dont know what other word to use lol. She told me that there are a few there that will agree to go LT and almost always end up back at the bar before the night is over, and one that waits until she gets to the room to tell her barfine that she is on the rag... which she usually isnt.


She told me these things 3 or 4 weeks ago when we were just sitting and chatting.... but it sounds like exactly what is being described here by Cebual.


I find it hard to believe that such activity has not been caught and dealt with by the Management.... and even harder to believe that management would knowingly allow such activity... but it sounds as if either one or the other are the case.


If any of the secrets staff read this.... lets hope they put a foot down and stop the games... or they will end up in the gutter of "bad bars" that nobody wants to go to.



Edited by frostfire
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What is fishy is that you come here complaining about something you spent days brooding about in the club you are now complaining about without ever talking to management, i.e. Soi7, Larry, who also has his own board.


Go to Secrets board and post your question there by PM to Soi7.


Your observations seem way off base by my experiences there. All you are doing is casting aspersions on a good place without ever having taken the issue to the owner for resolution first.

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Soi 7 is the board handle for the early shift manager named Larry. If you were in there before 10 PM you probably saw him usually wearing a Secret's shirt and ballcap. After 10 PM Ben is the manager. If a BG's left on barfine (you could tell as they would have changed out of their coyotee outfits or gowns if hostesses) and then returned 15 minutes later then the punter should have immediately brought the problem to the attention of management. I'm pretty sure that his barfine would have been refunded.

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What is fishy is that you come here complaining about something you spent days brooding about in the club you are now complaining about without ever talking to management, i.e. Soi7, Larry, who also has his own board.


Go to Secrets board and post your question there by PM to Soi7.


Your observations seem way off base by my experiences there. All you are doing is casting aspersions on a good place without ever having taken the issue to the owner for resolution first.

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true to a point... but then, I am fairly sure Cebual had no idea who larry is or was, so his posting here was all he thought about...


I applaud him for it personally, because I suspect he is correct... after the conversations I have had with my hostess friend from secrets.


If it IS true, then it needs to be outed here so people know to watch their asses... thats what this board is all about. If its not true, the truth will come out here... again, one of the reasons for the board.


I personally like Secrets... and have barfined from there several times without problems, but I have never barfined someone "new"... I have always taken ladies I knew before - usually from FLB lol.



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Frosty what I found odd about the OP's post was that he said he observed this leaving and returning a few times. First when they get barfined they change into their street clothes and most of the time I don't even recognize them unless I know them a little. But the biggest oddity is that not once did he mention that when he saw the BGs return 15 minutes later that none of the punters who had barfined them return to make it an issue. I know that if I had paid 600 baht for a barfine or 1000 baht if it was before midnight I would have been right on their heels and talking to management about a refund. This is why I brought up the policy of the BG's going out for a bite to eat or to pull their turn as a Hello girl.

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  CheshireTom said:
How predictable.


Of course it's predictable. I have never made any effort to conceal the fact that I am pro Secrets. I have stayed at secrets and bar fined multiple girls from there with no problems and I have spoken with other people who have had the same experience. One extra. OP said his bar fine left early and said she would see him back at secrets, then in a later post he said he only bar fined her to take her to dinner, not expecting her to return to the room. I'm not sure what the problem was.

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  mykl said:
Of course it's predictable. I have never made any effort to conceal the fact that I am pro Secrets. I have stayed at secrets and bar fined multiple girls from there with no problems and I have spoken with other people who have had the same experience. One extra. OP said his bar fine left early and said she would see him back at secrets, then in a later post he said he only bar fined her to take her to dinner, not expecting her to return to the room. I'm not sure what the problem was.
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Silly boy. :clap1 I was referring to your compulsion to shoot yourself in the foot at the mere mention of Secrets i.e. "personal first hand experience". Is there any other type of first hand experience, other than personal. :bigsmile:

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Still dont see the harm in the OP posting here to warn fellow BMs. If I went in to Secrets and saw a hot TG I wanted to BF, I would. Bearing in mind this post, I would get her to agree how long she would stay at my hotel and I would ask if she was menstruating before we left the bar. OP has maybe saved any aggravation for me, the TG and for Secrets because I would have went back and requested the barfine returned.

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