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Allah or the Lord Jesus Christ? The Muslim religion is by far the fastest growing religion in the UK ..


Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who explained each of their beliefs.


I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say. The Imam gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video.


After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers.


When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Imam and asked: 'Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?'


There was no disagreement with my statements and, without hesitation, he replied, 'Non-believers!'


I responded, 'So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can have a place in heaven. Is that correct?'


The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of 'a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.'


He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.'


I then stated, 'Well, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope Benedict commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Dr. Stanley ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!'


The Imam was speechless!


I continued, 'I also have a problem with being your 'friend' when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me! Let me ask you a question. Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?'


You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam remained speechless.


Needless to say, the organizers and promoters of the 'Diversification' training seminar were not happy with this way of dealing with the Islamic Imam and exposing the truth about the Muslims' beliefs.



Within twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.K. to elect a government of their choice, complete with sharia law


I think everyone in the U.K. should be required to read this, but with the Liberal justice system, liberal media and political correctness madness, there is no way this will be widely publicised.


Please pass this on to all your e-mail contacts.


John Harrison MBE. MIDSc


This incident happened in London

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Religion piss's me off big time;

That's all religion:

So i reckon they want to kill me?????

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  CheshireTom said:
Another load of internet bollocks.



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But if I read it on the internet it must be true!? :angry:


Why people are thick enough to post crap someone forwards them in an email is the real reason behind why the world is going to end :angry2


Snopes.com also discounts this story.

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OK, this story is bs but what is relevant is the beliefs of Muslims.


Answer just that. (Someone with real knowledge of the Islamic faith please).


The real chance that a culture taking over a country(s) who are historically and religiously not of the founding culture is significant.

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  midlifecrisis said:
OK, this story is bs but what is relevant is the beliefs of Muslims.
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No, that is what is IRrelevant and BS is the statements about the beliefs of Muslims.


What do you want to know? Islam is a monotheistic religion with the same God and prophets as the other two major monotheistic religions that emerged from that part of the world - Christianity and the Jewish religion. It is the last of the three and considers it is the true faith, in the same way as the others do. The Koran repeats almost every story you know from the Bible, including the birth of Christ and the story of Mary, Job, Abraham and his coat, Adam and Eve, and on and on. Muslims (as a tenet of the religion) believe that the Koran is literally the word of God. So do a huge number of Christians, Jews, Hindus and so on think that their sacred book is literally passed down, but Muslims MUST accept this.


Its chief difference with Christianity is that it considers Christ the most important prophet up to his time and for the next 700 years, and not the literal son of God. So if you don't believe that Mary was literally impregnated by God, that's another thing you agree with Muslims about.


Muslims consider that Mohammad was the last (most recent) prophet and for that reason hold him above Jesus in the losses and prophets columns.


  midlifecrisis said:
The real chance that a culture taking over a country(s) who are historically and religiously not of the founding culture is significant.
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All founding cultures have been "taken over" throughout history. Every one of them. You belong to a culture or cultures, whatever it/they might be, that stomped and repressed and basically wiped out the founding culture, almost certainly very murderously but in any case without much thought other than the survival-thought of spreading your culture at the cost of the other (obviously weaker) one. I'm not suggesting you need tarring and feathering, but don't suggest your culture is lily-white.


In a HUGE number of cases, conquering cultures were religiously inspired. Conquerors marching to God's orders are ever so righteous. Was yours? Mine weren't especially religious, but they weren't irreligious either, any of them. But they were winners.


Maybe, just possibly maybe, it's your culture's turn to be taken down a notch and become the stompee.

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You got it Joe. Also; Islam is splintered like Christianity - you cannot paint all individuals with the same brush....nutters everywhere (oops mixed metaphors!)



BA Arabic (long time ago)

Edited by capdagde
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  joekicker said:
No, that is what is IRrelevant and BS is the statements about the beliefs of Muslims.


What do you want to know? Islam is a monotheistic religion with the same God and prophets as the other two major monotheistic religions that emerged from that part of the world - Christianity and the Jewish religion. It is the last of the three and considers it is the true faith, in the same way as the others do. The Koran repeats almost every story you know from the Bible, including the birth of Christ and the story of Mary, Job, Abraham and his coat, Adam and Eve, and on and on. Muslims (as a tenet of the religion) believe that the Koran is literally the word of God. So do a huge number of Christians, Jews, Hindus and so on think that their sacred book is literally passed down, but Muslims MUST accept this.


Its chief difference with Christianity is that it considers Christ the most important prophet up to his time and for the next 700 years, and not the literal son of God. So if you don't believe that Mary was literally impregnated by God, that's another thing you agree with Muslims about.


Muslims consider that Mohammad was the last (most recent) prophet and for that reason hold him above Jesus in the losses and prophets columns.




All founding cultures have been "taken over" throughout history. Every one of them. You belong to a culture or cultures, whatever it/they might be, that stomped and repressed and basically wiped out the founding culture, almost certainly very murderously but in any case without much thought other than the survival-thought of spreading your culture at the cost of the other (obviously weaker) one. I'm not suggesting you need tarring and feathering, but don't suggest your culture is lily-white.


In a HUGE number of cases, conquering cultures were religiously inspired. Conquerors marching to God's orders are ever so righteous. Was yours? Mine weren't especially religious, but they weren't irreligious either, any of them. But they were winners.


Maybe, just possibly maybe, it's your culture's turn to be taken down a notch and become the stompee.

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Ah, but most cutlures did not have a choice.

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  midlifecrisis said:
Ah, but most cutlures did not have a choice.
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I'm not following, I think. I mean, I agree with what you're obviously saying: Members of most cultures who are conquered don't have a "choice" except in the sense of dying on their feet or on their knees.


But I suspect that's not what you're actually thinking?

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  joekicker said:
I'm not following, I think. I mean, I agree with what you're obviously saying: Members of most cultures who are conquered don't have a "choice" except in the sense of dying on their feet or on their knees.


But I suspect that's not what you're actually thinking?

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Most cultures were not able to democratically make choices in favor of (or against) their own self-interest. In most cultures, most citizens were not really aware that their cultures might become extinct do to assimilation by another culture. Most cultures assimilated were done violently and ruthlessly.


We may be the first culture (the European tradition) that is aware that we are hastening the end of our own culture with our immigration policies.


However, I am not overly concerned. This is just grist for the mill of discussion.

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  midlifecrisis said:
Most cultures were not able to democratically make choices in favor of (or against) their own self-interest. In most cultures, most citizens were not really aware that their cultures might become extinct do to assimilation by another culture. Most cultures assimilated were done violently and ruthlessly.


We may be the first culture (the European tradition) that is aware that we are hastening the end of our own culture with our immigration policies.

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You have to give a look to Turkey about Islamic thoughts. Turkish people also slaughtered for Islam by Arabs. After this assimilation of culture,Turks started to fight for Islam and we managed Ottoman Empire. But it s very interesting that ottoman Empire never assimilated the lands it captured.Othervise everybody in Balkans had to be Muslim. Also empire didnt demolish the holy buildings of Christians. If u travel in Turkey u will c alot of churches and other holy buildings. But when u go Balkans they demolish every mosque.In turkey there s no sheriat(law of quran). About immigration; After 2 WW , Germany accepted thousands of Turkish workers. People whı went there strictly protect their culture. We r also very surprised to c their rigid behaviors. Still like they r living in 50's Turkey. :bigsmile:

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  Cinali said:
After 2 WW , Germany accepted thousands of Turkish workers. People whı went there strictly protect their culture. We r also very surprised to c their rigid behaviors. Still like they r living in 50's Turkey. :bigsmile:
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It's not surprising since they could only achieve the status of gastarbeiter.

Edited by CheshireTom
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  CheshireTom said:
It's not surprising since they could only achieve the status of gastarbeiter.
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Some people of Turkish descent in the Bundestag now Tom - unlike you to be behind the times????



Maybe we'll see some Brit/Thai offspring as PM being fought over by the yellows and reds in 30 years...


I've just realised the OP is in the funnies section.........



Edited by capdagde
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  CheshireTom said:
It's not surprising since they could only achieve the status of gastarbeiter.
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Most of them are living in segregation and prefer to speak Turkish, look Turkish TV, tend to import marriable girls from Anatolia and keep them at home like prisoners.

If you live near elementary schools, you will recognize, that their children prefer to speak just Turkish and have an attitude, beeing Turks, which sooner or later will be conquering their hosting society... :bigsmile:


Poor gastarbeiter = foolish PC CRAP :rolleyes:

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  capdagde said:
Some people of Turkish descent in the Bundestag now Tom - unlike you to be behind the times????



Maybe we'll see some Brit/Thai offspring as PM being fought over by the yellows and reds in 30 years...


I've just realised the OP is in the funnies section.........



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Not behind the times, mate. That's why I said "could", rather than "can". :D


I used to play a bit of amateur footie in Germany and they'd have these "mini world-cups" at the end of the season with teams made up exclusively of Brits/Turks/Yugoslavians/Greeks/Irish/Italians etc. Sadly, afterwards we went our separate ways until the following year's tournamant.


There has been at least one Brit-Thai cabinet minister/senator that I know of (and that was back in the 80s/90s) who would be in the running for the the top-ten of popular Thai politicians, so your yellow/red scenario may not be as far-fetched as first appears.



Edited by CheshireTom
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  CheshireTom said:
There has been at least one Brit-Thai cabinet minister/senator that I know of (and that was back in the 80s/90s) who would be in the running for the the top-ten of popular Thai politicians, so your yellow/red scenario may not be as far-fetched as first appears.



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Oh, maybe. Certainly they particpate.


Most of them including that "Scottish" guy are in business (if not show business, heh) and some of them are quite strong in the red-yellow camps already. Country like Thailand, I don't think it would line up along those lines. Thailand is way more like the US than anything in Europe. But who knows?


Don't forget the Thai-Chinese example already. It has often threatened, never really happened. I don't think the Thais would let it. "If you don't want to be like us, get out", the difference being they really, really mean it. And they let foreign schools and radio and newspapers exist (for Thai citizens and immigrants/migrants) only to a certain limit and all of them are heavily policed/monitored.

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  joekicker said:
No, that is what is IRrelevant and BS is the statements about the beliefs of Muslims.


What do you want to know? Islam is a monotheistic religion with the same God and prophets as the other two major monotheistic religions that emerged from that part of the world - Christianity and the Jewish religion. It is the last of the three and considers it is the true faith, in the same way as the others do. The Koran repeats almost every story you know from the Bible, including the birth of Christ and the story of Mary, Job, Abraham and his coat, Adam and Eve, and on and on. Muslims (as a tenet of the religion) believe that the Koran is literally the word of God. So do a huge number of Christians, Jews, Hindus and so on think that their sacred book is literally passed down, but Muslims MUST accept this.


Its chief difference with Christianity is that it considers Christ the most important prophet up to his time and for the next 700 years, and not the literal son of God. So if you don't believe that Mary was literally impregnated by God, that's another thing you agree with Muslims about.


Muslims consider that Mohammad was the last (most recent) prophet and for that reason hold him above Jesus in the losses and prophets columns.




All founding cultures have been "taken over" throughout history. Every one of them. You belong to a culture or cultures, whatever it/they might be, that stomped and repressed and basically wiped out the founding culture, almost certainly very murderously but in any case without much thought other than the survival-thought of spreading your culture at the cost of the other (obviously weaker) one. I'm not suggesting you need tarring and feathering, but don't suggest your culture is lily-white.


In a HUGE number of cases, conquering cultures were religiously inspired. Conquerors marching to God's orders are ever so righteous. Was yours? Mine weren't especially religious, but they weren't irreligious either, any of them. But they were winners.


Maybe, just possibly maybe, it's your culture's turn to be taken down a notch and become the stompee.

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Bloody good post.

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  Cinali said:
You have to give a look to Turkey about Islamic thoughts. Turkish people also slaughtered for Islam by Arabs. After this assimilation of culture,Turks started to fight for Islam and we managed Ottoman Empire. But it s very interesting that ottoman Empire never assimilated the lands it captured.Othervise everybody in Balkans had to be Muslim. Also empire didnt demolish the holy buildings of Christians. If u travel in Turkey u will c alot of churches and other holy buildings. But when u go Balkans they demolish every mosque.In turkey there s no sheriat(law of quran). About immigration; After 2 WW , Germany accepted thousands of Turkish workers. People whı went there strictly protect their culture. We r also very surprised to c their rigid behaviors. Still like they r living in 50's Turkey. :banghead
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i lived in Macedonia annd worked in kosovo for 3 years traveled to manny of the countries in the balkins and noticed that there were mosque,s and orthodox churches in all of them, only place where the religious buldings were burned or knocked down was in kosovo!( also the ladies over there were very friendly to me, except for the muslim ladies they would not even speak to me ) :clueless

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  RobinBay said:
20 years maybe a bit longer but its coming,Leicester became the first city,about 2 years ago, to be over 50% non-white.
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It's about time those bloody Vikings got kicked out ....... coming here stealing our women .... we've had 1,000 years of those Scandinavian bastards....


That's why it is the funnies section - because some people are funny.


Andy Cap

Edited by capdagde
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  capdagde said:
That's why it is the funnies section - because some people are funny.
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Actually, I was slightly embarrassed when you told me this. I get my posts via "new posts" and rarely look at the section they're in. The saving grace (he said punnily) is that there were no rants to speak of. I wonder if that would have been true if it were in the "pol/rel" section.


But you are right about WHY it's here, no doubt about that. "Ain't nothin' so quare..." etc

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