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Please can we wrench control of this board from the clutches of Glitterman

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Please can we wrench control of this board from the clutches of Glitterman.I am all for freedom of speech but this guy takes the biscuit.Please don't respond to his posts and then he might go away and we could get some decent info instead of his rubbish.

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Well, if we didn't have that heavily enforced rule that we have to read every post in every thread it would be better. Then we could skip the ones that so clearly indicated The Dreaded One was involved. How about it MM? Isn't it about time to stop enforcing this rule?



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Why don't you put him on ignore? He isn't damaging the forum.

I agree. He has a right to post as long as MM says he does. If you don't like him, don't read his posts!


I don't care what Glitterman says and I do not read his posts. Some do care and read, some do read but just to insult him I suspect.


Nobody needs to be banned.

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Glitterman only has 17 posts. Well, now 18, today's is actually new. All the same posts can be found on

Pattaya talk


Thai visa



And some of them on PattayaAddicts, he was suspended before he could post them all.


It appears that he has received the same reaction on all the boards with about 90% calling him an "Attention Whore", "Wanker", "Poofer", "Gay" and such. The other 10% saying that he causes no harm, just ignore him. I saw him on walking street a couple of days ago, the first thing that came to mind was the several suggestions of sticking a stick in his front spokes. Unfortunately, I don't carry around a stick, nor will I start on the off chance I see him again. I've put him on ignore here, and on most of the boards. There are a couple that I haven't got around to yet, that's how I know what he has posted. I'm sad to say, that putting him on ignore just makes you unable to read his drivel, it doesn't hide his topic headlines. I would just as well not know there he has posted again.


The one good thing. He has written 18 posts in five months. He doesn't seem to have the energy or the ability to come up with many subjects to lecture us on. Glitterman will never make BigD status here. That should bring a smile to your fase :rolleyes:


What ever his self serving needs, to make himself a star are. The best you can do is not give him a pulpit. Don't read his posts, don't reply. There are counters, he can see how many of us, read his sermons. Try the ignore feature. This guy is a very good troll, he stirs up controversy, then just sits back and laughs. We fall for it every time. Here is one good thing, his look alike, Boy George is in town, maybe that will keep him occupied for a couple of days.



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When I open the page on general discussion about Pattaya I don't expect to see almost the whole front page filled with the ramblings of one man and the further ramblings of those for and against him,but with no decent info of any kind.Put his crap in the funnies section.

PS I dont read his posts (after the first one)I just want the board to be the old helpful board it used to be and not the last refuge of idiot posters who are of no help to fellow boardies.

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Please can we wrench control of this board from the clutches of Glitterman.I am all for freedom of speech but this guy takes the biscuit.Please don't respond to his posts and then he might go away and we could get some decent info instead of his rubbish.


" . . . control of this board . . . " ??? Since when?


There's a simple solution for those who don't like the Glitster's posts . . . ignore them.




--- Farsider

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  • 2 months later...
When I open the page on general discussion about Pattaya I don't expect to see almost the whole front page filled with the ramblings of one man and the further ramblings of those for and against him,but with no decent info of any kind.Put his crap in the funnies section.

PS I dont read his posts (after the first one)I just want the board to be the old helpful board it used to be and not the last refuge of idiot posters who are of no help to fellow boardies.

OOPS :beer

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The guy is harmless, just a Pattaya personality who doesn't take himself seriously yet others seem to for some reason, and all the people calling for him to be banned would probably be the same people saying they miss his ramblings if he was, also a bit ironic that when he was banned/binned people copied and pasted his posts onto the main board, as others have said no one is forced to open and read a topic that is of no interest to them and also while never having used it myself i'm reliably informed that the 'ignore' function should be in most peoples capabilities and i'm pretty sure if someone couldn't fathom it out assistance would be given.

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The guy is harmless, just a Pattaya personality who doesn't take himself seriously Did you really say that?? Have you read the trash that he posts?? yet others seem to for some reason, and all the people calling for him to be banned would probably be the same people saying they miss his ramblings if he was, also a bit ironic that when he was banned/binned people copied and pasted his posts onto the main board, as others have said no one is forced to open and read a topic that is of no interest to them and also while never having used it myself i'm reliably informed that the 'ignore' function should be in most peoples capabilities and i'm pretty sure if someone couldn't fathom it out assistance would be given.

No one was coping and pasting her post to this board. Glitter girl opened new accounts under different names, and posted them herself. She even cloned my name, and used it.

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Its easy just scroll past them.....he is not the first Loonie to try to make himself famous, isnt it enough him dressing like a Queer and ponsing round town..............

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Anyone who states ignore him and he will go away is 100 percent correct. I have just these few words to say to glitterman take heed of Mr T from the A team and



SHUT UP FOOL :rolleyes:

Edited by darkmancomes
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