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3 things FIFA should change for the next World Cup

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A good thing I heard was make it illegal to pass the ball back over the centre line to your own zone. It slows everything down. It would put more emphasis on attacking rather then fucking around with pretty shit.

Its the World Cup, country vs. country. Guys play for their COUNTRY. No way to assembling a team from anywhere and hoisting your flag. MBL, a total non-starter anyway.

Edited by JohnnyK
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  LTGTR said:
apparently scoring 7 hole in ones the 1st time he played.
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Well, I was much younger than now, but I scored eight my first time.


Oh, wait, you mean golf, right? sorry.



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  Al_Davis said:
For most of us Americans, this is the only time when soccer is big news and from the viewpoint of an average American soccer fan dives are a MAJOR reason the sport hasn't had the same success as it has world wide. There's no honor in cheating your way into a win. Its just plan sorry and what the player is really saying is he's not good enough to win on his own but with help from the referee he can get something for nothing. Why the hell hasnt anyone drafted a rule stating that if a call is in question and a player is found to have made an unjust "DIVE" he will be suspend for atlest one game? With Players getting bumped in the chest and falling on the ground holding their noses or getting tapped on the left leg but falling to the ground holding their right, REALLY??? Of couse the sport doesnt need our country's support but I would think more people like paul230 and others are out there, who have real passion for the game, would love to see change. But hey, remember, its FIFA we're really talking about. A body more corrupt that a gambling addicted politican. Payoffs and bribes would be very hard to mantain with instant replay or overnight reviews. NOthing will change.
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Good post :nod

Couldn't agree more.

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The trouble with the referees is that they are chosen as the best officials to referee at the tournament, however FIFA always say before a tournament begins clampdown on this clampdown on that, this is where the referees dither into two minds, they don't want to get sent home early so are prone to get decisions wrong either way, IMO for WC 2014, referees should be allowed to referee as they do week in week out , referee to their strengths if you will.


Now having said that, there have been some excellent and proper shite referees so far.


Viktor Kassai, for me put in another calm, collected and competent performance last night game Uruguay v Mexico.


Maybe they have another top young ref in the making. I thought he was excellent in the Portugal v North Korea game and I think this was a really good appointment was given to him by FIFA, both as a reward for his opening performance and as a means of testing his mettle to see what he was made of.


I have a prediction. I think this guy could be THE dark horse of the tournament. I'm not saying he will go all the way but I think, if he continues to referee well and avoids any huge mistakes, he could be an outsider for a quarter final/semi final.


Given that he is the only Eastern European referee to have made it to South Africa, I think he's done a great job so far.

Edited by pattayaminime
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My concern with all group qualifying,is that the points system doesnt encourage some of the lesser ranked teams to play football with the intent of trying to score goals.


ie a goaless draw gets 1 point,this leads to very negative football(overly defensive).


Therefore i think if a team doesnt score a goal there should be no points awarded,goaless draw NO POINTS.

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  pattysteve said:
My concern with all group qualifying,is that the points system doesnt encourage some of the lesser ranked teams to play football with the intent of trying to score goals.


ie a goaless draw gets 1 point,this leads to very negative football(overly defensive).


Therefore i think if a team doesnt score a goal there should be no points awarded,goaless draw NO POINTS.

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I was working when the USA V ALGERIA match was on. However, I was told the game went as you described. Algeria was out of it so rather go for any scores, they simply stayed back and played for a draw. I dont know if this is the case or not. As I said, I didnt see any of the game. In that very same game, another goal by the USA was disallowed. This is the second time a goal as be taken and thoughts here in the states are started to move away from not of the notion of "Bad calls" but to "intentional calls". Sport and politics....

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  Al_Davis said:
I was working when the USA V ALGERIA match was on. However, I was told the game went as you described. Algeria was out of it so rather go for any scores, they simply stayed back and played for a draw. I dont know if this is the case or not. As I said, I didnt see any of the game. In that very same game, another goal by the USA was disallowed. This is the second time a goal as be taken and thoughts here in the states are started to move away from not of the notion of "Bad calls" but to "intentional calls". Sport and politics....
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I just finished watching the reply of the match between USA and Algeria. After seeing the play of Algeria, I can say they played with honor and did push the ball throughout the game. They really wanted to win and played very hard. Cheers to them. And the offsides call was another blowns call but had the USA lost that game, they need only to blame themselves. So many chances and not one finish, that is, until stopage time. Glad England made it through as well. They had the USA beat in that first match until the gift and Slovenia should've lost to USA. Good luck to both teams this weekend.

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Some good points on diving. I would go a bit further. Any player that dives and forces a player off or a penalty as a result is disqualified for the tournament. And the team plays with 10 men for the rest of the tournament. If a second player does it the team is disqualified. Sent home. If it happens in a final the player is banned from International football for 5 years. Second offence life. It can't be hard to have a second referee in the stands watching a video. Before the "offending" player is sent off he tells the ref to hang on and review. Send the cheating scum off and rescind the red card for the other bloke. It will happen once in the next world cup, Because no one will want to be the second one.

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  ronrat said:
Some good points on diving. I would go a bit further. Any player that dives and forces a player off or a penalty as a result is disqualified for the tournament. And the team plays with 10 men for the rest of the tournament. If a second player does it the team is disqualified. Sent home. If it happens in a final the player is banned from International football for 5 years. Second offence life. It can't be hard to have a second referee in the stands watching a video. Before the "offending" player is sent off he tells the ref to hang on and review. Send the cheating scum off and rescind the red card for the other bloke. It will happen once in the next world cup, Because no one will want to be the second one.
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You can't do that , we want to watch football with 11 men on each team . ! or 2 match ban is enough punishment . 5 years & life fook me he ain't committed murder . In troducing new rule after new rule is no good for the game . The rules have managed very well for over a century . However the game seems faster now . We have the technoledgy to police the game to a high standard so it should just be introduced .

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  lespaul5000 said:
make the field half the size, and take out the offside rule,and double the size of the net, then maybe North Americans will take to the game rolleyes
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Also extend the goal posts upward, with extra points if you kick the ball through the upper portion, above where the goalie stands. Also, ban the goalie. Allow players to carry the ball. Probably a couple more refinements, that that would go a long way, agreed.


Oh, forgot: bodychecking, it's a man's thing.



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  joekicker said:
I go by the American officiating standard: A good ref is the one you don't ever notice.



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I agree but it doesnt happen does it.

Players in all sports make mistakes then the refs/umpires have to make a decision.

In Football/Soccer, if nobody ever pushed, tripped, put their arms up, tackled badly, ran offside etc etc the ref wouldnt HAVE to make a decision.

The game would flow beautifully.


When I was playing Footy in Australia I complained to the umpire about what I thought was a crap interpretation.

He looked at me and said 'Well if you dont fuck-up, I wont have to make a decision'.

"Fair enough' I said as I skulked off.

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  ozijeff said:
I agree but it doesnt happen does it.

Players in all sports make mistakes then the refs/umpires have to make a decision.

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Yeah it does happen, all the time. When the officials make the RIGHT decisions, everyone knows it. People go to watch the sports because they know about the sports. The time you notice the official is when he makes the WRONG CALL. When he makes the right one, everyone's fine with it -- people know the player effed up and deserved the whistle and what came next. You don't notice that official at all, because he got it right. Most events in most sports including footy proceed that way (as your anecdote actually illustrates).


It seems to me that soccer is unique in how many times it does NOT happen. Soccer is sure where I notice the missed calls and the wrong calls. That could be me, but by the amount of controversy, I don't think it is.



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This is 2010. There are cameras everywhere. What is wrong with having cameras on the soccer field? Officials make mistakes whether on purpose or not. Cameras would also catch some of the excellent acting jobs as well as poor calls.

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As I said earlier, fifa not allowing in technology leaves matches open to bribery, payoffs and not to metion God awful calls or missed calls from the referees. Its a shame to wait for years only to get screwed and then have to wait another four. Damn near a decade will have passed for a team to redeem itself, how F'king frustrating is that?

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I can't understand how having s chip in the ball to register it crossing the line works.


A football is almost 12in in diameter. The entire ball has to be over the line to score. If the chip is in the leading part of the ball, it will register a goal, even if the rest of the ball hasn't crossed the line- won't it ? The incident in the England Germany game, didn't need a chip, it just needed an instant replay for someone in radio contact with the Ref' to tell him it was a goal. It would slow down the game for less time than it takes to make a throw in, or corner.


While the game is run by old men in suits, who I wouldn't trust to take my dog for a walk, it will remain in the realms of rocket science.


They should take note of the Nike slogan- Just do it ! :rolleyes:



Edited to Add.


There are huge TV screens at each game. Everyone in the crowd saw the replay of goal incident, at the same time we at home did. That's why " The referee's a wanker !" rang out from the England fans with such conviction. They all saw it- Why the fuck didn't the bloke making the decision ????

Edited by nidnoyham
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  nidnoyham said:
There are huge TV screens at each game. Everyone in the crowd saw the replay of goal incident, at the same time we at home did. That's why " The referee's a wanker !" rang out from the England fans with such conviction. They all saw it- Why the fuck didn't the bloke making the decision ????
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This is why I always get such a kick out of people criticising Thais and Asians over losing face. Blather and his feet-kissers are AFRAID of losing face when a call is reversed. Crazy!



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I like it when someone in the crowd realizes they are on screen. They poke their mates- point and start waving like crazy- great stuff ! :unsure:

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  nidnoyham said:
I like it when someone in the crowd realizes they are on screen. They poke their mates- point and start waving like crazy- great stuff ! :unsure:
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Yes, but as the goalkeeper they should be concentrating on the game. :unsure:

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Apart from the obvious need for technology in the form of goal line/touch line cameras/lasers or whatever I think FIFA should ban the England side from being allowed to play in it again. They are a waste of ours and everybody else's time.

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  Siam Sam said:
Apart from the obvious need for technology in the form of goal line/touch line cameras/lasers or whatever I think FIFA should ban the England side from being allowed to play in it again. They are a waste of ours and everybody else's time.
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I think Scotland should be given a bye. Our team may be crap but a couple of weeks in Brazil for the supporters sounds OK.

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  joekicker said:
This is why I always get such a kick out of people criticising Thais and Asians over losing face. Blather and his feet-kissers are AFRAID of losing face when a call is reversed. Crazy!



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In cricket they seem to have overcome that by simply asking for the other official to make the big calls or resolve uncertain situations.

Not doing anything, or worse still allowing something to be done wrong to 'save face' is ridiculous.

Err Captain...should we be engaging reverse thrust up here........?

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