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There is good and bad everywhere


To describe one nation based on some dickheads behaviour is bullshit.


I saw a bunch of young American sailors at the Rolling Stone bar the other day act like real dicks and almost got their asses kicked but do I say they are all like that? NO

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Just go on youtube and put a searchword in for colleague football brawls/basket ball riots/American football riots,then tell me yanks are disciplined



You missed the point. Americans are more disiplined in LOS, not in America



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Hello again forum friends. :D



It's about time we discussed how different nationalities act whilst visiting the kingdom and it has to be said that 'generally speaking', Americans are far better for Thai tourism than the shower of shit that is Europe.


Now I'm an English cunt with a wee bit of Scottish blood coursing through my veins, I used to feel staunchly patriotic but often realised that my own fellow English men act like complete twats once they had a few beers. It's totally embarrassing, I'd often feel offended when Americans pointed out where there's English, there's trouble, but in truth they are right most of the time.


Londoners seem to be the most arrogant of all, many Thai women have asked me why I don't say the 'fuck' word every five seconds and why I don't act like a bad man, I'd asked them where in England the guys acting like this were from, 'London' was always a common answer, sorry cockneys but I'm not lying here. So how the hell can I be so nice and respectful to the Thai people when my fellow countymen act like such wankers abroad? Maybe I was raised in Texas and shipped here at a later date? :grin-jump


You really do not see many incidents of violence involving the Americans, the last one I heard of was the death of that Marine at the hands of an English kickboxer bloke, I'm willing to bet the English guy started the conflict back in that bar, what he did later to that Marine was disgraceful. Americans can be quite vocal while partying but in a friendly way, you don't see them instigating conflict, testament to this is how utterly well behaved those guys on Cobra Gold exercises are, I've no doubt my own armed forces would probably tear Pattaya town in two on the first night. :hairout


Just how hard is it to be a positive person in this life, with a pleasant attitude and be respectful to others? This is what I notice about American people in general, you have to look very hard to find the cynical and sarcastic, negative mindset I find here in England, Americans really don't like to talk down about people either, what they call 'ball busting', we call 'piss taking' and Americans seem to frown upon this. Kudos to them for that. I realise I'm a cynical cunt at times, I'm sure some of you here may have noticed, :rolleyes: but am I a product of my surroundings? That's quite possible.


In my other fantastic and awesome thread I talked about how I would want to cater to the Americans should I ever run a business in Thailand, I wasn't joking about that.


Here's why.


1) Americans are well behaved while in Thailand 'generally speaking and certainly more so than other nationalities'.

2) Americans know how to party in style, moaning about price every 5 secs certainly isn't on the agenda.

3) They treat the girls with respect, many Thai ladies have told me Americans are less likely to bullshit them regards..sponsorship, marriage, they come good for them more often than lying sleazeball Europeans who only care about their own sexual needs, hardly ever about the 'rag doll' they spunked into the night before. If I owned a bar, I would want 'my girls' to be treated with the kind of respect that seems to come as standard from American men, French and Italian are probably high in the slimeball stakes, always cheating and lying, my fellow English men bullshit them a lot too, according to many conversations I've had anyway.

4) Americans are a positive bunch, must be their schooling that teaches that, the world is about to end here in England, sunshine in the states, doom and gloom over here, I reckon if I was surrounded by such positive people then it;s bound to rub off. Nuff said.


So that's it, Americans are good for Thailand, the rest of us are not it would seem.


Anyone agree or disagree? :unsure:

Well said!! :chogdee

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First - I agree that every country has their share of assholes and people who will just stir up trouble (particularly when drinking). And you regularly hear that Thailand tends to get a good portion of the low-lifes of the world. I think that these people in America for the most part stay in the US, while other portions of the world -Brits/European, and recently Indian/Arabian, see Thaland as a real alternative to living in their home countries. I think a greater portion of the Americans that fall into this class (we call them hicks, trailer trash etc..) just stay here in the US.


So when you go to Thailand, the Americans you see are the more worldy travelers/expats, along with the military. All of these folks are for the most part very well behaved. The really bad Americans are still staying home.


There are exceptions of course.




I could not agree more, another thing to consider is that the americans that fall into the category of what you would call trailer trash etc are in low paid jobs with very little vacation time and with flights being more expensive to LOS from US than say UK and with the UK workers getting the very minimum of 20 days vacation, plus public holidays. We can see why the wrong type of Americans would stay at home.


However you are absolutly spot on that every country has its fair share of trouble makers and I saw my fair share of American trouble makers when I was in the US, not to mention a group of loud mouthed ones in a London pub who had just graduated from high school and their parents sent them on a european trip.


But in places such as Pattaya most of the Americans that I have met have been pretty well educated or they have come from a military background where they are taught to be respectfull.

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Hello again forum friends. :D



It's about time we discussed how different nationalities act whilst visiting the kingdom and it has to be said that 'generally speaking', Americans are far better for Thai tourism than the shower of shit that is Europe.


Now I'm an English cunt with a wee bit of Scottish blood coursing through my veins, I used to feel staunchly patriotic but often realised that my own fellow English men act like complete twats once they had a few beers. It's totally embarrassing, I'd often feel offended when Americans pointed out where there's English, there's trouble, but in truth they are right most of the time.


Londoners seem to be the most arrogant of all, many Thai women have asked me why I don't say the 'fuck' word every five seconds and why I don't act like a bad man, I'd asked them where in England the guys acting like this were from, 'London' was always a common answer, sorry cockneys but I'm not lying here. So how the hell can I be so nice and respectful to the Thai people when my fellow countymen act like such wankers abroad? Maybe I was raised in Texas and shipped here at a later date? :grin-jump


You really do not see many incidents of violence involving the Americans, the last one I heard of was the death of that Marine at the hands of an English kickboxer bloke, I'm willing to bet the English guy started the conflict back in that bar, what he did later to that Marine was disgraceful. Americans can be quite vocal while partying but in a friendly way, you don't see them instigating conflict, testament to this is how utterly well behaved those guys on Cobra Gold exercises are, I've no doubt my own armed forces would probably tear Pattaya town in two on the first night. :hairout


Just how hard is it to be a positive person in this life, with a pleasant attitude and be respectful to others? This is what I notice about American people in general, you have to look very hard to find the cynical and sarcastic, negative mindset I find here in England, Americans really don't like to talk down about people either, what they call 'ball busting', we call 'piss taking' and Americans seem to frown upon this. Kudos to them for that. I realise I'm a cynical cunt at times, I'm sure some of you here may have noticed, :rolleyes: but am I a product of my surroundings? That's quite possible.


In my other fantastic and awesome thread I talked about how I would want to cater to the Americans should I ever run a business in Thailand, I wasn't joking about that.


Here's why.


1) Americans are well behaved while in Thailand 'generally speaking and certainly more so than other nationalities'.

2) Americans know how to party in style, moaning about price every 5 secs certainly isn't on the agenda.

3) They treat the girls with respect, many Thai ladies have told me Americans are less likely to bullshit them regards..sponsorship, marriage, they come good for them more often than lying sleazeball Europeans who only care about their own sexual needs, hardly ever about the 'rag doll' they spunked into the night before. If I owned a bar, I would want 'my girls' to be treated with the kind of respect that seems to come as standard from American men, French and Italian are probably high in the slimeball stakes, always cheating and lying, my fellow English men bullshit them a lot too, according to many conversations I've had anyway.

4) Americans are a positive bunch, must be their schooling that teaches that, the world is about to end here in England, sunshine in the states, doom and gloom over here, I reckon if I was surrounded by such positive people then it;s bound to rub off. Nuff said.


So that's it, Americans are good for Thailand, the rest of us are not it would seem.


Anyone agree or disagree? :unsure:



And Canadians are even more respectful of other cultures. Why, they even tolerate Americans... :chogdee

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There is good and bad everywhere


To describe one nation based on some dickheads behaviour is bullshit.


I saw a bunch of young American sailors at the Rolling Stone bar the other day act like real dicks and almost got their asses kicked but do I say they are all like that? NO


Almost, nearly, came close, bla bla bla. Good luck with that.




Just go on youtube and put a searchword in for colleague football brawls/basket ball riots/American football riots,then tell me yanks are disciplined




here you go :) http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=2

Edited by evansusmc
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I approve of this thread :thumbsup


Most Americans that come to Thailand are PAID to go there. I.E. Military, contractors, etc etc. So therefore not a lot of frustration built up? not much reason to start trouble... I guess?


Last time I was in Pattaya I noticed that Russian guys were prone to cause trouble.

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Most Americans that come to Thailand are PAID to go there. I.E. Military, contractors, etc etc. So therefore not a lot of frustration built up? not much reason to start trouble... I guess?


Somehow I doubt that most of the 310,454 American who came to Thailand in the first half of 2010 were troopies and contractors, yet that's how many arrived -- according to the ministry of sports and tourism, anyhow. In 2009 total, there were 627,000 Americans.



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Somehow I doubt that most of the 310,454 American who came to Thailand in the first half of 2010 were troopies and contractors, yet that's how many arrived -- according to the ministry of sports and tourism, anyhow. In 2009 total, there were 627,000 Americans.





Yeah I guess the word "Most" was not the correct word to use but I am sure you all catch my drift.


And on a side note, 627,000 is pretty small number compared to smaller western countries that have less white guys but STILL have more that visit Thailand every year. I remember talking to a Sweedish guy that said about 2,000,000 Swedish guys come to Thailand every year. Thats pretty hefty considering there are only 9 million people in Sweden.

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I remember talking to a Sweedish guy that said about 2,000,000 Sweedish guys come to Thailand every year. Thats pretty hefty considering there are only 9 million people in Sweeden.


That Swedish guy was mistaken - nowhere near two million visitors per year from Sweden. I can't be bothered to look it up right now, but closer to 200,000 than 2,000,000.




Edited by Evil Penevil
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But in places such as Pattaya most of the Americans that I have met have been pretty well educated or they have come from a military background where they are taught to be respectfull.


My parents taught me to be respectful. As parents we taught our daughter to be respectful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I think maybe that there is a smaller number of us visitors compared to other countries. The USA visitor to LOS is more of a seasoned traveler The ones that would cause problems will not travel 24 hours. I know guys who would love it here but I would not dare bring them because I am afraid they would end up in the monkey house or get the shit kicked out of them. Also if you spend anytime in a go go bar or strip club in the USA you will not get out of line very often as there are a few 300 lb bouncers ready to throw you out the door.

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Well I think maybe that there is a smaller number of us visitors compared to other countries. The USA visitor to LOS is more of a seasoned traveler The ones that would cause problems will not travel 24 hours.


Well, in very rough numbers over the past couple, three years, about 60,000-65,000 Americans per month. Now there are countries that send one heck of a lot more than that, but there are a lot of unseasoned travellers in there.


I think where your logic fails is that not nearly all the Americans do Pattaya, and of those that do Pattaya, not all partake of... let's say, "all that Pattaya offers". How many Americans "do" Pattaya in all its glory, who knows? My impression is quite a lot but probably in third place or so behind Brits and Russians and probably Germans. Taken as a whole, there are one heck of a lot of Scandihoovians, too.



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I'm from London and I'm a Cockney. I've spent two of the past eight years in S.E.A. mainly Patts and A.C. I've only seen four incidents of physical violence in that time. I was not involved in any of them and never have been involved in a physical altercation.


If the English are involved in problems over here, it's purely because there's more English here than any other 'Western' Nationality so it boils down to laws of probability.


On a personal level, I've only had 3 problems. Swedish, USA and Northern Irish. Swedish guys were just drunk and didn't know what the fuck they were doing. Northern Irish was just a gobby Cunt who thought he was still in Belfast and the USA guy was just a loud mouthed, arrogant, Dickhead but he was twice the size of me so I just swallowed it.


Had a few stand offs with Thai and Pinoy but never amounted to anything much.


I suppose I'd have to say that the Ozzies seem to be the most easy going if I can class them as 'Westerners.'


I've seen some Cobra Gold participents act in a terrible manner. Real life Jerry Springer rejects, very much like the Scots :chogdee


To be fair, I'm amazed how civilised Pattaya is.


Must be something to do with available pussy and beer. What do you think :rolleyes:

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The British, coming from the rainy Isles, are unused to the sun and so do get in a dither a little too quickly.


American tourists are a little better behaved because they cannot travel with their sidearms, so they tend to be at a loss as to what to do when something goes awry.


We in Australia will continue to set the example in good behaviour for our american and english friends.



Edited by SlipSlopSlap
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And Canadians are even more respectful of other cultures. Why, they even tolerate Americans...


We have to be, they got nukes!


We used to think we were safe by putting all our big cities right along the border, but those days are over.


There might be some four-star general in the Pentagon right now thinking, "Okay, we nuke Toronto, the fallout destroys Detroit and Buffalo...win-win situation?" :whistling: :angry2:

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Cant remember seeing or talking to an arsehole American whilst in LOS, every guy I have ever talked with has been ok, sadly cant say the same about the Brits, many many good guys from that country but sadly far too many of the arsehole troublemaking types seem to come to LOS, maybe the good thing with the bad exchange rate and economic problems in that country we will see fewer of them.


You can almost spot them, usually in groups of 4 or more, every other word is Fuck, shaven head, football tattoos, always loud, during the day no shirt, at night an England shirt with very little respect for anyone or anything.


I’m a Brit too, from London originally but haven’t lived in the UK for years, each time I go back seems a very different place to the country I grew up in, you can almost feel the anger and lack of respect many English people have these days, very sad.

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Part of the reason the Americans seem more educated in Pattaya is because you have to be able to read and write to get a US passport.(lst I read roughly 12% of US citizens had a passport) That weeds out a bunch, then you have the group that doesn't know the difference between Taiwan and Thailand and couldn't tell you what continent they are on. you see a lot of military types because they get more time off, have a better sense of world geography, and don't have to worry about the social stigma of being labeled a pervert for going to Thailand.

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For the typical American guy, a trip to Thailand would be fairly expensive, so that factor alone would exclude many potential visitors. Second, most married guys probably wouldn't be able to get away from home without their wives, so that would exclude another bunch of potential visitors. And finally, 99/100 Americans wouldn't even be able to find Thailand on a map. They don't know anything about it.


Of course, the backpacker set is a little different. They have time and money and are apt to be more educated. I'd say they'd be more likely to visit Thailand.


I've met a few other Americans in Thailand, but not many. There were all well behaved. Some guys from California there for a few weeks. A retired teacher. And of course, all the military guys there on leave or whatever.

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I've met a few other Americans in Thailand, but not many. There were all well behaved. Some guys from California there for a few weeks. A retired teacher. And of course, all the military guys there on leave or whatever.


On an average day, there are almost no US military people on leave or whatever in Thailand. But there ARE around 60,000 or more Americans who come to Thailand every month.


Why do you have to find Thailand on a map in order to travel there? The airline pilots need help during the flight, or what?


American tourists are a little better behaved because they cannot travel with their sidearms, so they tend to be at a loss as to what to do when something goes awry.


Nope, you've got that backwards. "An armed society is a polite society". Look it up.



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Military guys on leave? Maybe last year I just came at the right time. I was in Phuket when the place was filled with Navy guys. A month or so before, Pattaya was crawling with them. They seemed to be having a good time and most were well behaved.


As for finding Thailand on a map? My point was that if you stood on the typical street corner in the USA and asked everyone who walked by if they had any interest in going to Thailand, you might be there a long time before you had even a handful of people.

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Yes you were (un)lucky with the military guys. They do come to both Phuket and Pattaya, once, maybe twice a year and only for a few days. There's a large military exercise every year - generally April but February this year - that dumps a bunch of them in Pattaya. Ships from the Gulf sometimes get to do Phuket. It's not "leave" but "shore leave".


Very few military come to Thailand on leave, apparently, although they're certainly welcome by both the US and Thailand to do it. My son will be one of them if he ever gets out of the xhit he's currently in out in the desert. He and his girl friend are going to do Thailand for a month early next year. His unit is fine with that, absolutely no problem.


As for finding Thailand on a map? My point was that if you stood on the typical street corner in the USA and asked everyone who walked by if they had any interest in going to Thailand, you might be there a long time before you had even a handful of people.


And yet, as I keep posting over and over and over again, there are more than 60,000 of them arriving every month.



Edited by joekicker
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Yes you were (un)lucky with the military guys. They do come to both Phuket and Pattaya, once, maybe twice a year and only for a few days. There's a large military exercise every year - generally April but February this year - that dumps a bunch of them in Pattaya. Ships from the Gulf sometimes get to do Phuket. It's not "leave" but "shore leave".


Very few military come to Thailand on leave, apparently, although they're certainly welcome by both the US and Thailand to do it. My son will be one of them if he ever gets out of the xhit he's currently in out in the desert. He and his girl friend are going to do Thailand for a month early next year. His unit is fine with that, absolutely no problem.




And yet, as I keep posting over and over and over again, there are more than 60,000 of them arriving every month.




60,000 a month? That's 2000 a day. Doesn't that seem like a lot? How many planes from the USA land in Bangkok every day?

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