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Web sites for meeting nice girls in Pattaya

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Has anyone had any positve experiences meeting nice girls in Pattaya through the Internet Dating Sites?


I have met a few nice girls online through these sites...






The first site is just for Thailand, the other 2 sites has girls from every country.


I find that it's easier to cut through the BS when you meet a girl online.


Any information or stories about your experiences would be helpful.




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Guest Fatboyfat


If you knew the "nightmare" of being involved with a "good girl", and the incredible jealousy involved; you wouldn't even be going down that road ! [smiley=flamethrower.gif]

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Both the nice girls in Pattaya went home for the holidays.
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You are only half right. I just came back from a holiday in Pattaya and I went out with both of the nice girls at the same time.

Oy went back to see her sick brother in Khon Kaen with the money I gave her when I left. She will only come back to Pattaya when I go back there  for my next holiday in June.

Mai, my other girlfriend, rang me on the cell phone this morning. She said she is waiting for me to come back and she will not go with other customer until my return. She wants me to send  a little money to pay for her room.

I think I am a very lucky man to have met those two lovely darlings. True romance and love in Pattaya is possible.


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Gonzo - please don't send the money :o


Pattaya and nice girls - hmm, I only want bad girls in Pattaya (in the Mae West tradition).


Having said that, I've dated the hotel receptionist and a girl I picked up working at the mall.  You always have to convince them that you're not there for mongering.  And still, they don't believe you but it is possible.  So I always would take them out to a resturant and be sure to bring them home by 1PM (often they live at home and have a curfew anyway) and then run over to Walkabout street or elsewhere for the naughty.


Just don't take them to the Marine disco and during the day head for Jomteim (sp?) since "you don't like the crazyness of Pattaya"


But really Pattaya a place for Mongering - I could never bring my BKK girlfriends there nor can I see why you'd like a long term girlfriend there.


I would just go on dates just to break up my darkside tendencies.

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Gonzo- your cheek should be aching from your tounge in it ! Either that or you still have the Tooth Fairy & Santa visit you.

Do you know which Oy it is ? I shouted that name out and all the girls in the bar turned around.


Mr Lorpez, if you convinced those girls you are not here for mongering, they must be as nieve as some of the Frarangs that go there, there I go again, Mr Cynical.  :o

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Gonzo - please don't send the money :o


Pattaya and nice girls - hmm, I only want bad girls in Pattaya (in the Mae West tradition).


Having said that, I've dated the hotel receptionist and a girl I picked up working at the mall.  You always have to convince them that you're not there for mongering.  And still, they don't believe you but it is possible.  So I always would take them out to a resturant and be sure to bring them home by 1PM (often they live at home and have a curfew anyway) and then run over to Walkabout street or elsewhere for the naughty.


Just don't take them to the Marine disco and during the day head for Jomteim (sp?) since "you don't like the crazyness of Pattaya"


But really Pattaya a place for Mongering - I could never bring my BKK girlfriends there nor can I see why you'd like a long term girlfriend there.


I would just go on dates just to break up my darkside tendencies.

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I know what a good girl is supposed to be. I don't like them either.

I will not send any money. If I had any money I would be back in Pattaya now. Thanks for the advice anyway.


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Gonzo- your cheek should be aching from your tounge in it ! Either that or you still have the Tooth Fairy & Santa visit you.

Do you know which Oy it is ? I shouted that name out and all the girls in the bar turned around.


Mr Lorpez, if you convinced those girls you are not here for mongering, they must be as nieve as some of the Frarangs that go there, there I go again, Mr Cynical.  :o

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Tongue-in-cheek? Never!

If you would see my Oy when she tells nothing but the truth you would not be so cynical.


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