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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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The gogo has more girls to choose from. The girls are less clothed. There is more of an intimate experience in the gogo which is nice. I have noticed that the gogo's I have visited are not as big as they appeared on the internet. That was more of a mental let down.

The beer bar has friendlier girls with an open relaxed atmosphere. The beer bar complexes are nice because they offer a variety of music. The music is loud, but the ones I have visited it hasn't been impossible to listen to another. I learned much from talking to a farang/thai (married) couple at a beer bar.

I would have to say that they are each nice. They seem to cater to different crowds. I have seen many farang/farang and farang/thai couples at the beer bars. I prefer the beer bar. It is casual, play bar games with the girls and the beers are more MY budget. I have spent hours drinking at both gogo and beer bar and have spent half the money at the beer bar. I have also spent the same amount at the beer bar. I think if you are a newbie you have to explore for 2 or 3 days and take the good with the bad until you find what suits you.

All opinions vary and this is mine.  There is a ton of people here. I have learned that many of the mid-range hotels are booked through mid january. Most of my time has been spent from Central Pattaya Road and south.



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Its a learning thing visiting Pattaya - no matter how many times you go! I think most guys have a preference on either agogo's or beer bar's. With me it often depends on how hot I am, if I need a cool down its staight in the gogo bars  ;) but I do like the more relaxed atmosphere of beer bars.

Hope your having a great time there - I just know you will be! ;)

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Speaking of hot... its always interesting when they say something in Thai I don't understand... then I get the cold handy-wipe on my forehead.. Yo babe, rub my beanie and I'll follow you anywhere..

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Mmmmmmmmm the cold handy wipes!!!!!

oh how I miss that! Been back for what seems like years, but is only 2 months, and its those little things you see others write about that means so much  :) 7more weeks and I'll be back!

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:)I think, if you want to get know a little bit more about the city and the country you must go to a beer bar, when the loudness of the music is not so high. So can do a good discussion with a bar girl or with the manager about everything.

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Isn't it great to have a choice?


God knows, I love 'em both!


Lot's of excitment and lovelies in both beer bars & go-go's. I sure am glad that there is just not one type of venue. I have found some stunners in beer bars as well as go-go's. You just can't tell what is around the corner until you go and have a look see.


"Up to YOU!"


Long Live LOS!


Rockin' Jerry

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On my first and all-too-brief visit to Pattaya last winter, I liked to wander around and check out various beer bars (and the quality of their staff ;))from early afternoon until early evening, take a break for a while, and then head out to the go-gos in the late evening on the hunt for a decent L/T. You're right, it is nice to have such choice.


I love the informality of the beer bars; it seems in Thailand that anywhere you have enough room for a counter, a fridge, and a few stools, you have a bar! Who needs walls? This is so refreshing when compared with the myriad of laws the average bar proprietor faces in our supposedly more civilized western world.




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To be honest my previous trip to Pattaya was my first there and I never really got to sample any of the bar girls.


I did find the overall atmosphere there very different from the go-go's and that was neither good nor bad. I can see instances where the bar-girls would be the desire du jour and the same for go-go's.


Being somewhat mercurial in my moods, I am grateful that  both exist. Variety ,they say, is the spice of life and I loves my spice.


Looking forward to my next trip to the place where men can be men and what the hell else is there to say?



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I like alternating between the 2. Bar Beers are certainly more relaxing to just sit around in. But the girls in the Agogos generaly are much better in bed than Beer bar gals. Lot's of BB girls are just in from the country and are pretty shy.


Buffalo Bar and FLB seem to be in a middle ground. Not quite Agogos but not beer bars either. Guess that's why I am usually at one or the other.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im just back from my third trip and have booked for easter and the summer in my opinion both have their uses, the go gos for the short time and the beer bars for the long time girls, theres alot to be said for the bj bars as well.

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 I agree with Doc, it is nice to alternate between the two. Of course as stated above an occasional trip to the bj bar is always nice. Best way is the same for bg or ggg, make sure you seem to click before you bf. Helps takeaway the attitude factor and increases the performance for the matress decathalon. Just a baht and a halfs worth. Cheers, B-Man!

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...like many others also experienced both... :D, IMHO it just depends on every single night for what u are up too..., but why not haveing both at one night... ;),...take a cutie from the beer bar, ask her if she likes Gogos  8),...most of them love it to go to Gogos to check out the girls there  ;),...specially when it´s there first time to a Gogo.., u can have great sanuk doing so... :D :D :D




the edge

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Probably less chance of picking up an STD from a Go-Go. But how much less is anybody's guess.


And of course, less chance still from FLB (mine's a Carlsberg. Ta.)


be seeing you


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Although I don't have any data, I disagree with your assumption about the STD risk being greater with a beer bar girl as opposed to a go-go girl.  I would think it would be dependent upon the amount of customers and whether any protection was being used.  Some of the very popular girls may have 30+ customers in a month while others maybe 5.  While some of the places require the girls to get a regular check-up, we've all heard how thorough these are and even if they were thorough the only way you could be sure your safe, is if your were the 1st person after the check up.



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Probably less chance of picking up an STD from a Go-Go. But how much less is anybody's guess.


And of course, less chance still from FLB (mine's a Carlsberg. Ta.)


Hey Monkeyman,


Is there something you or Carlsberg want to tell us ??? ;) ;)

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