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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

British pensioners arrested and detained in Pattaya

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Unbelievable really. They are now considering whether that evil card game known as Bridge should be legal in Thailand.


I honestly doubt whether any of them even understand how to play Bridge :llaugh All they know is that it is played with cards.


What a farce,

I was sat near an MP only yesterday and 2-3 of the girls were playing cards to kill time and I wondered if they would be nervous of a police raid..... ahah, no evidence of providing sexual services, so get them for playing solitaire!

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He won't get a kicking from those arrested - they would probably put a hip out!     KM

I can only say absolutely pathetic. Had the police any character they could have made light of this and had a laugh, as it is, they look ridiculous

I see Thai Visa have posted it, via Pattaya One. Some of the comments are fun. Meanwhile the pick-pockets are working the song-taews freely.   He revealed that ALL of the card players were arre

Next, they stop the evils of draughts!

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I just hope dominos is left alone ,



You are right, common in many a beer bar, played often for a drink or two..... the devil's play-blocks!

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I was "apprehended" about 20 years ago for playing with "the devil's lego" or dominos in a bar. Cost me 500 Baht! First and last time I ever had to pay the "Long Time Rate" to a pig! :bhappy

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Barry Kenyon has posted a half page letter on this in The Pattaya Mail.

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