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Everything posted by sabaidii2

  1. You might have a future in advertising. Don't laugh (too much) as there's big money in it.
  2. Google: "Distance + Ammata City Industrial Estate to pattaya " ==> https://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF-8&q=Ammata+City+Industrial+Estate&fb=1&gl=us&hq=amata+city&cid=3193461514999766960&ei=jgdsU8L_L8fK8wGlnYDwAg&ved=0CJQBEPwSMBE
  3. BigDUSA says many things. While some are true, many of his remarks come from his imagination. The 10% commission is unlikely
  4. Questions: 1) Was the shower floor shaped so as to contain all the water, or was the entire bathroom floor wet after showering? 2) Where was the toilet paper holder. Didn't see any in the pictures. 3) Since your laptop was too large for the room safe, how did you safeguard it? Or did you simply hope it wouldn't disappear? 4) How safe did you feel walking around at night?
  5. 2k - 3k / month rooms are what beer bar girls stay in (admittedly, shared by several girls all sleeping in a shared bed). These type of "luxury" accommodations that I've seen also shared a single bathroom with other rooms (i.e., not ensuite). Said bathroom also featured a squat toilet. I'm guessing you're not familiar with that kind of toilet. I'm not being a smartass, but you need to carefully re-examine your budget because it doesn't sound as though you can afford Thailand. What is the total amount you can spend? How long do you plan on being in Thailand? Also, keep in mind that y
  6. Bicycles and traffic don't mix well in the US. In Thailand, it's far worse, as in suicidal. Will you be anywhere a baht bus? If so, that's a safer and more convenient option.
  7. As Dr. Sheldon Cooper (of The Big Bang Theory) would say: "Bazinga!"
  8. Please keep your political/economic diatribe confined to the BUST thread. That way, your endless rants won't intrude into areas where they are of no interest.
  9. Now this is the kind of topic most appropriate to the board's spirit. Much better than sniping at one another over drivel.
  10. Google is your friend. Try googling "sq wah". Who knows what else you mght learn with a bit of effort?
  11. I know nothing about hidden cameras. Can you provide a link to this story? If not, you run the risk of perpetuating an urban myth. Okay, I found a "reference" to what you're talking about: http://www.worldsexguide.com/forum/showthread.php?28053-EdenClubHiddenCam It's total BS. Suggestion: next time try googling your topic first. It took me all of one try with "eden club hidden cameras" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And according to http://devilsdenpattaya.com/faq.php: Are you associated with The Eden Club in Bangkok? No. Many years ago, Hell Club Pattaya evolved from t
  12. May I suggest Devils Den (incall or outcall)? http://devilsdenpattaya.com/ Specifically, look at http://devilsdenpattaya.com/faq.php "Are couples welcome? Very much so. The original parent club of the Devil's Den was started as a safe place for couples to fulfill their fantasies involving additional partners. Couples, Swingers and single woman still represent a significant and valued part of our clientele."
  13. A fictional account of Abscam, as stated in the opening title of the movie, "Some of this actually happened"
  14. I saw the film last night. Verdict: Highly recommended. As one critic says, "David O. Russell out-Scorseses Martin Scorsese with American Hustle" (http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/american-hustle-2013)
  15. The easiest way to do this is to start in a hotel room and then look around for the next 3-4 days. Maybe it would be best to plan on changing condos every week or two so you could get a feel for different locations (Naklua, Soi Bukhao, Jomtien, etc)
  16. From http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/12/03/21728501-thai-police-end-resistance-to-protesters-allow-them-to-advance-on-government-buildings?lite: "Tourism and Sports Minister Somsak Pureesrisak told reporters a target of 26.5 million tourists for the year may not be met. Tourism contributes 10 percent to Thailand's $620 billion economy." The article makes no mention of the mongering contribution. Just as well since any number would be little more than a WAG (Wild-Ass-Guess), but that minor detail should prove to be no obstacle to the board's gurus.
  17. Is there a certain number of days before the 90-day period that you can check in? It seems reasonable to have a range of time to check in rather than expect people to appear precisely at the 90th day date.
  18. Political Correctness has its place - and its limitations. Think Nigerians. In the Internet scam realm, they're front runners. In Thailand, think pimping out their own nationals.
  19. A favorite joke of mine is going to a car dealership looking at cars on display. A salesman approaches. We talk. Eventually I ask if the model also comes with an AutoSuck. The salesman is usually silenced since he: 1) Doesn't understand the question, or 2) Does understand, but can't decide what to say I selfishly do NOT want this device to become reality because it will ruin my fun. I know, I'm a bad person.
  20. OK, you're obviously not a native English speaker. 1) Have you ever been to Thailand? 2) As stated previously in Post #3, you need to either speak Thai, or at least better English (I barely understand your English). 3) Why do you care about pro vs. non-pro girls? Are you looking for a wife? 4) Are you "sanuk" (fun to be with)? I doubt it as you seem to have little knowledge about Thailand (or girls)
  21. As so aptly demonstrated by TheHunter (Is he actually a native English speaker? Seems doubtful.)
  22. Short, The "Zimmern in Thailand" video was outstanding. A quote from the video ====================== At the Udon Thani Country Fair Annual Event (35:50 into the video): "Smells like the bottom of the fish bucket after a long day on the lake. It's sour. It's putrid. It's got that cadavar flavor." (Comment: And just how does he know what cadavars taste like?)
  23. Look at this thread's title: "First Pantomime Joke - Oh Yes It Is!"
  24. Noise is not a problem so long as you are above the 2nd floor (2nd floor is the one just above the Kittens/Obsessions gogo bar) Soi 6 is too far to walk to Walking Street. But no problem: just use the baht buses. Only 10 baht, they are a very convenient way to get around town. Everyone uses them.
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