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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by jamie392305

  1. Went to see this at the cinema......and it was SHITE James Spader
  2. Thanks for posting these Chris, I always like to see these type of photo's, cheers
  3. I'm ashamed to have this in my collection, on video mind, not DVD Escape To Grizzly Mountain and it's crap, no wonder he turned to drugs -jump -jump
  4. It was called ''ONE BAR NOI 3'' but you was close mate it was run by a good friend of mine, NOK. She is currently looking after her sisters bar next to Yuth Bar at the top of Soi 3 and informed me that her new bar will be in exactly the same place as before and hoping to be up and running for mid November.
  5. I stayed at The Lodge between 13th Sept to 2nd Oct and the noise was very minimal, never really bothered me at all.
  6. I'll definately pop in for the game on the 24th, England v Romania, Tony , I'm ''up country'' in Chiang Mai for the earlier game, See you next week for a few bevvies mate. J
  7. Terrible news, football is NOT the beautiful game when things like this happen, my sincere condolences to this poor lads family. A Welsh player in the match, also posted a condolence message on Twitter. Footballer Joe Ledley tweeted: "I can't believe a Welsh fan has (died) tonight shocking. My thoughts go out to his family." I'm sorry but does it really make any difference what nationality the fan is who dies???? whether he be English or Welsh, very shocking statement coming from such a high profile player :banghead
  8. He's on his way up to do it a third time, but because of all them damn stairs and the limp he now has you gotta give the guy a little time -jump
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFsDGybyIEI Last night whilst on the FLB Chat, myself, MM and a few others were discussing this Gents unfortunate demise. Someone mentioned (not sure who, my memory is shite) that falling or jumping for that matter, would not kill you from 4 stories up. Well it got me thinking whilst at work, (easy shift for once, plenty of time to fuck around ) And these are the figures to totally fuckin yourself up and giving you a pine overcoat A 30ft drop or 3 stories high onto a hard surface will do the job, falls from above that height a
  10. Good post and even better answer, She looks an absolute smasher mate, Hope to see you at the FLB Bar party on 25th September :party
  11. H2H now closed but Open league still needs more teams, c'mon, even you Yanks can take part!!!! :chogdee
  12. http://fantasy.premierleague.com/ PATTAYA OPEN LEAGUE 286404-129852 PATTAYA OPEN H2H 286404-129926 Entries for OPEN LEAGUE will close at 6pm the night before new coming season kicks off. Entries for H2H are limiteed to 20 teams, so get in fast. Best of luck to all, especially me :thumbup :thumbup
  13. I'm in Also, have started another league as well will post details
  14. THIS HAS ALL GONE TO SHIT........ POST 48....ANSWER WAS.......UNTHINKABLE grayray44 answers to earlier post, WTF making your own rules as you go along should be the name of this quiz OK, I will play along Audrey Tautou Its got FUCK ALL to do with above post but so FUCKIN what, every fucker seems to be playin this way :thumbup And I will continue to give random wrong answers until rectified -jump :party : : :bhappy
  15. One of Robin Williams best films, OK, I'm gonna go with Monica Potter
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