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Everything posted by toss3r

  1. The inquiry into Savile is "Snowballing" http://uk.news.yahoo.com/jimmy-savile/?fr=fp-tts-702&fr2=ps
  2. Watch this clip from sky news of jimmy sovile http://uk.news.yahoo...-130300697.html http://www.itv.com/n...y-abuse-claims/ t-shirts were onsale on ebay but have been removed
  3. BBC News: 15 dyslexic parents have been arrested for kcking the shit out of Jimmy somerville The BBC News channel has just displayed images of the three women who claimed that Jimmy Saville interfered with them sexually. They showed a current picture of each of the women and a picture taken of each of them from the 1970s. The caption read: Now, then. Now, then. Now, then. The jimmy saville scandal is of no surprise to many at the bbc, during the 70s it was rife , even rod hull had been fisting a bird for years
  4. England, 1944 A squadron leader, just off on a mission, runs past, and dashes into a Nissen hut The squadron leader enters an RAF officers' mess and takes off his helmet Bovril: Morning, squadron leader. Squadron Leader: What-ho, Squiffy. Bovril: How was it? Squadron Leader: Top hole. Bally Jerry pranged his kite right in the how's your father. Hairy blighter, dicky-birdied, feathered back on his Sammy, took a waspy, flipped over on his Betty Harper's and caught his can in the Bertie. Bovril: Er, I'm afraid I don't quite follow you, squadron leader. Squadron Leader
  5. Dear people of the United Kingdom, Due to the current financial situation caused by the slowdown of the economy, your government has decided to implement a scheme to put workers 50 years of age & older on early retirement. This scheme will be known as RAPE (Retire Aged People Early) Persons selected to be RAPED can apply to the government to be eligible for the SHAFT scheme (Special Help After Forced Termination) Persons who have been RAPED & SHAFTED will be reviewed under the SCREW program (Scheme Covering Retired Early Workers) A person may be RAPED once, SHAFTED twice an
  6. My 1st trip was last year & i stayed on soi 6, never had any bother from the LB's on Soi 6/1 when coming back to the hotel in the early hours
  7. An 18-year-old High School leaver from Birmingham, Alabama was rushed into the ER after he been severely electrocuted. After much hesitance, he later explained that he had been sat at his computer, visiting some "adult" websites. After his "right hand had said hello to his One Eyed Snake", he came, spraying his bodily fluids all over the pc tower, causing the current to pass through his body A 20 year old man came into the ER with a stony mass in his rectum. He said that he and his boyfriend were fooling around with concrete mix, then his boyfriend had the idea of pouring the mix
  8. Would love to see nigella make this http://xhamster.com/...m_omelette.html
  9. Q. What do Man Utd and Gadaffi have in common ? A. Both were murdered by the locals
  10. just found this on bloomberg.com Oct. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Thailand will propose cutting import taxes on bottled water and food such as eggs, milk formula and pork after flooding led to shortages, said Vachari Vimooktayon, director-general of the Internal Trade Department. “Flooding has hindered logistics and many distribution centers are swamped,” Vachari said after meeting representatives of retailers such as Tesco Lotus and Big C. “We plan to allow those retailers to import those scarce products from Malaysia and Singapore.” Deputy Prime Minister Kittiratt Na-Ran
  11. Floods to last 4 to 6 weeks http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-15413818
  12. Read this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15097537
  13. I booked my flights last month with Cathay pacific, LHR - HKG - BKK Only a 2 hour stop in HKG b4 my BKK flight Should be in Pattaya by 1:30pm Price £630
  14. Last time i was in T3 Heathrow (june this year) i was looking to buy 2 cartons of Marlboro Lights, If i remember correctly the price was £80, ended up buying them on my flight to Vancouver for 75CAD
  15. I very much doubt this will last long as for PAL = Plane Always Late Enough said
  16. The Lockheed Stratoliner concept is a hydrogen-powered jet that can fly anywhere on Earth without stopping. The bar-tailed Godwit holds the world record for how far a bird can fly without stopping to feed - one of the Australian birds flew to Alaska without stopping to feed, flying for an astonishing 7,256 miles. So designer William Black took the bird's wings as his inspiration for a 'zero-emission' jet - the Lockheed Stratoliner concept - which would use bird-like wings for extended lift on high-altitude flights. His idea was a jet that could fly anywhere on Earth - emitting no p
  17. Cebu Pacific are the worst airline i've ever flown with, their flights are always late. Last time i flew with them was dec 2009, my flight to Cebu was delayed by 3.5 hours, which meant i had missed my connecting flight to Singapore with Silkair, Had to cough up 15,000php for a flight to Singapore with CP & the bastards would'nt even give me discount on the price of the ticket!!
  18. I think i'll try the No1 lounge as i got 12 hours to kill after i arrive in LHR b4 my flight leaves
  19. The Queen Vic has all your requirements http://queenvicpattaya.com
  20. Even tho i have yet to experience Pattaya and all it has to offer (later this year) I thought i would search the World Wide Web for a few pics of pattaya back in the 60's, 70's & 80's Beach road 1980 Walking street 1980 Barbo's...Pattaya's first beer bar Pattaya 1960
  21. I do not have any financial connections to this site
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