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Everything posted by papillon

  1. I agree. It's destined to fail in it's current location. Probably why it's for sale.
  2. BigD I tried quoting you but it doesn't work. IE11 is not the problem. The problem is the forum software not being able to handle IE11.
  3. People use Chrome sunshine Wow, I feel really left out. I must stop everything I'm doing and find out about this. Damn, I wish I could turn back time.
  4. Yes people use I.E. You must be a right thick cunt if you didn't know that. Let me guess, you're a Mac User.
  5. Just tried to attach a photo. Not happening. Board is fucked after recent upgrade. Shoot the Mods.
  6. Can't even quote other posts now when I reply. I'm fed up with this shit, I demand my money back plus compensation
  7. ...... since I've recently upgraded to I.E.11 and I read that MM recently did a Forum software update.
  8. Good result from my POV at the Emirates.
  9. Plenty bars sell booze on the no booze days. Bin is kept out of sight and beer served in tea mugs.
  10. Great performance. Can't imagine it's easy to play violin and sing simultaneously. John Legend with a violin?
  11. I think Harris Black is the orchestrator of these zero dollar tours.
  12. Depends on what else I'm eating and also where and with whom. Sometimes just Roti and Curry eaten with fingers. Other times Curry and Rice with a Naan. Very rarely only Curry and Rice. Best to share, less waste.
  13. Looks like overpriced crap to me. Nan looks ok though.
  14. You'd need multiple cameras at every match.
  15. I'd like one of those water canons for Songkran. First stop would be the Corner bar at the end of Soi 6. I owe them a good drenching.
  16. Sturridge out of action for 4 to 6 weeks. Should see Liverpool slowly fade away now.
  17. Stoke had a new arse ripped yesterday
  18. Some good looking Ladyboys too. Getting hard to tell the difference.
  19. I bought Viagra on prescription from a UK pharmacy. When the supply had finished I bought Kamagra pills in LOS and both were as good as each other. I moved onto Kamagra Jells and have stuck with those.
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