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Everything posted by papillon

  1. This post is directed at UK Sexpats that divide their time between Thailand and UK.... Do you know that your NCB (No Claims Bonus) is cancelled two years after your last insurance policy expired? In 2009 I rented out my home and sold my car, gave away my furniture and put my remaining posessions in storage. I set off to Thailand and was on tour for @ three years. I have been back in the UK for @ twenty months. I have had no need for a car where I live now, everything I need is on my doorstep. So about four years since I needed to insure a car. Just recently I bought a car because I nee
  2. Time for AVB to piss off imho.
  3. He's Dutch and his English is better than yours you silly cunt.
  4. Give the guy (?) a break. He's juggling four different languages. Good luck to you thaiteacher.
  5. Are you taking the piss? One only has to look at your trip reports to see that you post photos with yourself included in most of them! The last time I said as much, my post was deleted. Mod Power, LOL. Anyway, I hope your books are a success. I think you should give us a free download with a Paypal link to pay if we enjoyed it.
  6. It was a fantastic game to watch from a neutral POV. As a Spurs fan, I'm glad one of the three points went in the bin. I'm still pissed off at the Southampton Goalie. WTF is it with some of these Goalies? Talk about attention whores! Chelski didn't need Lukaku yesterday but I do have to wonder who decided to loan him out. Hope Chelski sacked him, LOL. Come on you Spurs.
  7. Do you eat the actual wing tip or rip it off and throw it away?
  8. Actually the people that are NOT in Pattaya are aware that it is called Amethyst too. One only needs to read Idefix's excellent 'Agogos News' thread to know that. Over the past nine months or so he has chronicled in photos the closure of Mash Agogo and the opening of Amethyst Agogo as follows....... Posted 10 March 2013 - 04:34 AM http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/59317-agogos-news/?p=1012773 Posted 26 April 2013 - 09:10 AM http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/59317-agogos-news/?p=1021313 Posted 15 June 2013 - 07:03 AM http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/topic/59317-agogos
  9. I was right too. It's called Amethyst not Angelwitch or "Angle witch." BM tallguy says "there is a connection with members of ex-Angelwitch management." How does some ex Angelwitch Staff working at/owning Amethyst make it anything but a new Agogo called Amethyst? Sounds like they are trying to imitate Angelwitch to me, that's all. Anybody can do that.
  10. Ah so there's no Angelwitch on Soi LKM yet just a new bar called Amethyst. When's the new Angelwitch opening Jack?
  11. N.E.P...... Walking Street (ish)............. Soi LKM......... Nah, I don't think it's gonna happen.
  12. Wobbly, do you do anything else apart from Spamming this thread?
  13. An almighty fuck up. They create raised pavements with kerb stones and then practically eliminate them by playing crop circles with cement. Waste of money. The bar owners will have to dig deep once again to sort that mess out, lol.
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