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Everything posted by papillon

  1. He does it to me all the time. Stalks me on the forum He's like a Jack Russel humping away at my leg. Difficult to shake off
  2. How many people have you had go look at the condo?
  3. I've got nothing against Rightsaid, I've never met him and he seems a good guy and a popular guy. I was just commenting on the standard of girls. I've never seen one good looker in all the years I've been reading the board. For this reason, I have never set foot inside TQ2. There must be a reason why the bar is still in business when so many others fail. Perhaps it's a good party atmosphere there that attracts Punters? I am forever reading on the forum that it is next to impossible to make a profit running a bar in Patts. How can that be so when a beer costs 140 Baht more than £2 ?
  4. They say that you can't make any money running a bar in Pattaya. Either it's all lies or this Alf geezer is a genius. Alf are you a self made man or did you get lucky with an inheritance or a win on the lottery? I don't want to be rude but your stable of girls is atrocious! Ever since I can remember, you have posted pics of Fuglies. Do you know no shame? As a bystander I can only sumise that you are a decent and friendly bloke and have a wide circle of friends that patronise your bar and keep it afloat? One thing is for sure, your girls will not get you any new customers ba
  5. I can't be arsed to nit pick every point of your post (I will if necessary) but you make the fundamental mistake of comparing the Bangkok Beer Garden with the Pattaya Beer Garden. They are NOT same same. Only same same (but different) in name! Location is key here...... You are only a Pup..... @ twenty five years old.......... still a fucking stupid twat even though you can't be expected to understand that yet. Believe me when I say that on site ST rooms at PBG would make a major difference. Not to the success of the bar but to the attraction of freelancers and potential ne
  6. Got a problem with the Irish? There's @ 3000 British bars in Patts FFS
  7. Never a better example Major disappointment when you get it off her and they have vanished into thin air
  8. Let's be realistic here. There is no way the freelancers will leave the coconut grove and make PBG their new base camp. There is continual foot traffic along beach road. Compare that to the half dozen or so customers at the PBG. Absolutely no way they are going to plot up at the end of a pier and watch the World walk by If there were a few short time rooms ON SITE then undoubtedly that would make a big difference. I don't know the practicalities of building a few ST rooms there because I haven't been on site yet. It certainly looks big enough to accomodate a few. Anothe
  9. Bit of a touchy subject this.................. http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/index.ph...st&p=551061 Let's see if you manage to get a simple answer to a simple question!
  10. Is it still for sale and if so, how much have you dropped the price to? It's not fitted out to a very high standard. Ok for rental market but if I bought it and wanted to live in it, I'd have to rip it all out and start again. The ceramic tiles on the floor..........laid out diagonally All these things should be reflected in the price. If you haven't sold it yet it's too expensive.
  11. "Oil riggers rampage party sunday night!!!!" Sounds a bit gay to me. Think I'd give this one a miss
  12. Keep the Nanny and get rid of Tilak
  13. No reply by Mulphy for @ month. Is Rock House still in business? Hope so, it looks very good value
  14. However, I do read one board regularly and might start reading and posting on http://www.philippinesecrets.com
  15. Look for the ignore button. I very seldom post on any Philippine Board.
  16. That is without doubt the funniest comedy sketch I have ever seen. I actually pissed my pants. Saturday Night Live is so great
  17. I agree. I never do it and it angers me to see it. Makes it seem like a cattle market. I mostly see Koreans doing this in AC. So why do the bars allow it? Perhaps they dont pay enough salary so the girl will quit if she is stopped going barfine.
  18. Did SMA exist when you were a baby? I think the baby will be just fine without SMA. Whatever that is Sorry I couldn't be more helpful
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