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Everything posted by papillon

  1. The towels draped over the balcony are a classy touch. I'll bet your neighbours love that.
  2. Is Sophon the only cable tv provider in Pattaya?
  3. It would be nice to see a good thread on internet provision. I see that Skygod uses a GPRS sim card and cellphone. Gary uses Ipstar satelite. Torenova had ADSL. Can you get internet on cable or not? If so what speed? How much? Name of provider?
  4. Very interesting thread but still nothing conclusive. If the Thai 51% decide to sell the land to a developer who wants to tear down the condo block and build a mall, what can the Falang 49% do about that? There's no lease agreement so there's no protection there. Are there any safeguards against this? It seems to me after reading this thread (I haven't read any of the links) that getting a 30 year lease on a plot of land is a more secure option than owning a condo. You are guaranteed 30 years relative security, not considering a compulsory purchase by the Government.
  5. Could she not get a work permit and you employ her as something or other? Sorry, just guessing.
  6. You can get sport content from the Newsgroups but obviously it won't be live. For example, somebody in England might record the FA Cup Final on his DVD Recorder, whack the DVD in his PC and upload it to a Newsgroup. Some of these guys are so good at what they do, you could be downloading it within hours of the 'live' event. 'TV out' could mean a few different things. Some computers have TV built in already or as an add on. TV out would be the physical connection on the PC to which you would attach a suitable lead or wireless video sender, etc so that you can connect to your TV.
  7. I don't know why you dont just change the name of your bar. If there's no connection between TQ and TQ2 you're always going to get confusion.
  8. 230 Baht for a Vodka Cocktail. I don't think I'd make it my regular drinking spot. Looks nice enough for the occasional visit.
  9. Really? Let me state for the record that I NEVER MADE ANY UNTOWARD REMARKS ABOUT THE GUY THAT DIED OR THE GUY WHO HAD A HEART ATTACK. I made no other posts in that thread apart from the one that is still there. None of my posts were deleted. I have sent a PM to PattayaPete to see if he can shed some light on this. He no doubt has better things to do so I'll wait and see if he replys.
  10. Is your name Cerberus? I think I'll wait for the Ventriloquist to reply. We can have a civil conversation once you've apologised or substantiated your earlier slanders.
  11. Cerebral, What's wrong with what I've written? The OP is talking about using drugs whilst in the company of your Prostitutes. I replied that the Prostitutes were probably also on drugs. If you'd care to show me how I broke the Forum Rules, I'd be more than happy to remove my post. 'Hiding behind a keyboard.' Me? I'm not sure what you mean. Would you care to elaborate? Is there a new Webcam feature on the Forum that I am unaware of? Regards papillon
  12. I'm still waiting for you to apologise for making unfounded allegations. http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/index.ph...st&p=447641
  13. The Eastern Europeans need somewhere to Launder their money. They couldn't give a fuck if nobody ever went inside. It still looks Rosey on paper.
  14. OK, so at what price would the HC experience become too expensive for you? You talk as if the money is no issue for you. That's probably because you already know the price and are comfortable with it. If the cost was 10,000 Baht would you still want to try it knowing that you could get better elsewhere and cheaper?
  15. I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you. The girls are probably on drugs as well. How else could they take a hammering every day for 10 hours at a time and maybe go to the customers hotel overnight as well?
  16. Couple of Cuteys there. Thanks for the pics, maybe time for a new camera though.
  17. Looks like a lot of fun was had. I'll bet Wan was pleased
  18. I'm not sure how technically minded you are so not too sure how to answer you. My modems can work on a DOCSIS or EURODOCSIS network. My ISP is Virgin Media. At the moment they only offer 10 Mbps (to non business customers) but on the first of May this year they will be doubling it to 20 This is probably still slow by USA standards, not sure but more than adequate for my present needs To try and answer your question...... I don't 'Uncap' the modem. The modem is capable of (I think) 30 Mbps as standard. It's not restricted in anyway. The method used to obtain 'FREE'
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