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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by VPI78

  1. One Taco Bell franchise would drive all of those pretend Mexican places to ruin ... and yeah TB is not authentic Mexican either.
  2. You can Skype on either a laptop or Ipad without buying any software . Skype will keep trying to sell you an upgrade package but you do not need it for Skype-to-Skype calls. Like you I resisted buying a tablet for a long time. My laptop was like a Swiss army knife. But one day while knocking around bruising my knuckles trying to change out the alternator in my truck with a crescent wrench (spanner); I realized my life would be easier with a few more wrenches better suited for specific tasks. The Ipad has been like that; unlike the laptop no more waiting for the damn thing to boot. With the
  3. My wife is Buddhist but she donates regularly to Father Ray in Pattaya. Her sister used to work in a hotel in Pattaya and attended one of the Father!s functions several years ago. Since that time over 15 years ago most of the family chooses Father Ray as their charity of choice. So my experience is the Thais do not limit charity exclusively to Buddhist causes.
  4. For me it is a matter of a better tool for some jobs. I have a small farm in Isaan (yeah I know it is really the wife who owns the land, yada yada yada). I could use the pickup truck to haul farm produce from the fields or I can do it with the tractor and trailer. The laptop is like the truck; more versatile and the Kubota a more specialized tool that excels at certain tasks but would suck at having to do all the truck does like drive from Isaan to Bangkok.
  5. The iPad is ideal for Skypeing. It has both a forward and reverse camera. So you get both a small screen of what the other side is seeing (normally you) and the greater portion of the screen is the other party.
  6. Thanks to you both. The small and sensitive touch screens do take some getting used to so I've taken to expanding the screen before I lob my greenies.
  7. I love my Kindle Fire. Cheap browsing device and sturdier than the iPad. Amazon supposedly makes no money on it and rather sells it at a loss to get folks into the Amazon.com store.
  8. I know the four units I bought in Bangkok as "shells" were nothing like that mess this guy is flogging. He should be fired for doing such a poor job of marketing. Show some better outside view, common areas, and at least give the place a clean to wipe away that grime, rust or blood stains. From the pictures they could be filming the next installment of the Hostel horror series in that filthy mess. Hostel 3 - Monrerers in Jomtien. Should do well at the box office. Better than that "Condo."
  9. Good luck but TIT so if you are remotely successful there will be a dozen Thai imitators surrounding you within a year.
  10. Sam, you could use developing a thicker skin M8. Keep in mind on the Internet you can be anyone you want and many of the cynics have never even been to Pattaya but are just keyboard warriors. Many others probably do not have a pot to piss in and are just jealous. On the death bed you will regret more of what you did not do in life than any mistakes you may have made doing. Have a punt, this life is not a trial run ... Even if you are Buddhist.
  11. Let's wager on how long it will take for Fluff to be banned.
  12. I wish you could short it with odds on how many months before it is bankrupt\closes.
  13. Gary has a good rate. Mine (albeit in Bangkok) is now 25 Baht per metre per month and it started 6 years ago at 20. You will probably also pay into an initial Sinking Fund of about 10% of the Condo price.
  14. Oldie and not that much of a goodie. Please try and get better at google before posting again.
  15. As with financial advice seek guidance from professionals, e.g., a lawyer like Justtony, but if you are legally married then you are entitled to 50% of the proceeds from the marital estate/community property such as investments, housing, cars, etc., in a divorce. Land itself is a different gorilla in Thailand. Personally I would get the Condo in at least 50% your name (you can get dual ownership on the 49% Farang consignment of Condos) to hedge your bets. But like all divorces if it is not amicable at the end ... it can be a bitch dealing with the bitch.
  16. Maybe they are all sold that way in that rat trap, but those I have bought in Thailand were cleaned and to where you could inspect for obvious construction defects and/or damage such as water leaks. Looks like some one was murdered in that hell hole. But good luck with the sale. Some Sucker ... I mean Russian will wander around one day.
  17. LOL, wonder how good those stains look in that pristine room now.
  18. Jeez what a shithole,and for about 40,000 quid when you don't even own the shithole in your own name.
  19. OP, there is both some good information and some very bad/wrong information being bandied about loosely on this thread. My advice is to simply research it on a more suitable website for visas/permissions to stay, e.g., ThaiVisa.
  20. If the choice this year is between Obozo and Gingrich; I'm writing in Reagan.
  21. In the middle of winter I avoid Gatwick and its one runway. Otherwise, I find it just as convenient from London as Heathrow if you are able to take the Gatwick Express rail.
  22. Yeah, that re-fill thing is fairly common in Bangkok. I made the same mistake for breakfast at the Bus Stop. 4 crappy instant "coffees" later, the 115 baht brakfast became a 250 baht event. Doesn't break the bank but it is one of those things it takes some getting used to and just leaves you with a bad taste about the place ... and most of the Bus Stop meals and deals are pretty good for Bangkok.
  23. ... and if you want to avoid him; bypass the Sportsman on Fridays.
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