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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Jon77

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  1. Been using Kim Pattaya Taxi via LINE app for last several trips from BKK to Pattaya. 1000 for sedan (2 people), probably a little more for bigger car for more people. 1300 from pattaya to DMK. they will send you a pic the day before of where to meet and have your name on sign. different driver every time but never had a problem.
  2. Has anyone ever experienced getting out of a traffic ticket or other predicament because you are a foreigner? Right before last New Year’s I rented a car and traveling in North East Thailand, in Yasothon. I try to obey the speed limits especially being in a foreign country but kind of got stuck in the middle of 8-9 cars driving around 120kph, I believe the speed limit was 90kph. All of a sudden there was a speed trap and the first three cars got pulled over and when I stopped in front of the police officer, he looked at his piece of paper then my license plate and he started to gesture to
  3. Had a friend that swears his room safe was broken into several times but thieves didn’t steal all of his money at once. He had a stack of money around 80K and thinks thieves were only taking 2-3K at a time but he never counted his money so not to creditable. But I have heard of safe skimming in Thailand so best to use ATM’s to get cash and not keep loads of cash in your room safe.
  4. Great info! AIS sim for my phone worked great for me on a 3 week holiday. Can’t remember how much I paid but purchased the most expensive 30 day package and no problems even hot spot to iPad watching Netflix and YouTube
  5. Funny! Kermit and Ms piggy! Takes me back to my childhood
  6. Growing up in the states, my British comedy exposure was limited but loved Benny Hill and Monty Python. wasn’t a comedy but loved Dr Who also
  7. Hilarious but I thing the handles need to be a little bigger.
  8. The finished project looks great and great to have a bigger sandy beach area for everyone to enjoy.
  9. During last new year took a road trip to the Yasothon area and air quality was great. Driving back towards Bangkok I commented to a my Thai friend that it looks like it’s cloudy and raining in Bangkok. She replied, those are not rain clouds, it’s smog from air pollution.
  10. Unbelievable how the Japanese yen has fallen since this pic was taken. Was hovering around .24 last month.
  11. Wow! Technology has come a long way! I actually was there last month and went to the massage shop next to blow several times. Wanted to give them some business seeing how that road construction probably hurt business for a while.
  12. Great funny article! in my personal opinion I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the names Cleveland Indians or Kansas City Chiefs as long as it’s not derogatory towards the Native Americans. but then again I am not a Native American so I could be completely wrong Our military has ranks such as senior chief master sergeant or chief petty officer and I don’t see anything wrong with that. redskins was used as a derogatory word towards Native Americans so I do agree with changing the name. I believe comedian Chris rock one said it’s the same as having a sports team n
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