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I'm leaving for Pattaya Thursday.


I'm leaving with 50,000 baht for a week's stay. I will be paying for a hotel with this (1000 baht/night), which leaves me with 43,000 baht to spend on food, drinks, girls, and transportation.


I will be barfining a girl every night.


Can I get by with this (a little over 6,000/day)?






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I'd suggest going to the Trip Reports section and reading Bazzap's trip reports. He always reports his daily spending. This is not to say that you have to do as much as he does and thus spend as much as he does, but it gives you an idea of what things cost.

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You can easily get by in Pattaya for 6,000 THB a day including your room. Depends on many things.

If you are "jai dee mak mak" which is Thai for "there is a sucker born every minute,"



Oh, BTW, "jai dee mak mak" means you have a good or big heart.

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6,000 baht per day is more than enough for you to have a good time unless you plan on taking top girls from go-gos every night and ringing the bell a few times.



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You can make do on half that in a pinch, but 6k would be a nice safe and comfortable number. Just stay clear of the gold shops and don't ring any bells.


Drinking in the bars is actually not particularly cheap in Thailand. If you are a big drinker you will have to watch your bin carefully. You can find a beer or thai whiskey/coke for 40-50 baht in the beer bars. Or you can spend three times that in locations with a lot of neon. Drinking for you, your buddies and guests can get out of hand if you hit the bars hard.


Remember to save some money for that trip back to the airport and save a purple (500 baht note) for the airport exit tax.


Pace yourself with just a small measure of care and you'll have a great time! :beer





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If this is your first trip,i would say thats a good budget to have.Once you hit the bars and Go Gos on your first trip,its easy to let your budget blow out.


You will quickly forget how much youre spending,because the one and only thing on your mind is having a ball.


If you read as much as you can from this forum,that will go along way to controlling your spending,however once those Maidens work out your a Newbie,all your logic will go out the window.


Anyway, your better taking too much money and blowing it,than running out of money with a few days left,a total disaster in my mind.

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My first trip was the most ecconomical it was in 1996 and I think i spent around 10,000 Bath for 2 days and over the years it had only gone up because as you get familiarize with pattaya your indulgance rate also will go up ......my last trip in 2004 nov was the highest spending. 70,000 in 3 days :lol: :bj1 .


Thailand in my experience is a place where you can have a VERY

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD time for very little money.


have a good time.


and hey i am coming on 30th of this month to celebrate the new year in pattaya.



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Hi I am an older guy and I only bar fine 3/4 times a week (but I stay for at least 2 months)and get by on much less than 3000 baht a day I drink only Diet coke in the bars with the occasional beer (2/3 A month) so for me its much cheaper than your 6000 baht budget I love the place so much this coming year I have planned for 4+months and will take a cond to further drive the price down.The cost of any holiday is controlled by you and how much available cash you have the budget you have is more than enough to have a great holiday just dont run out of cash that would ruin it .

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One trip I just did whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and didn't worry at all about money. At the end of the trip I added it all up and it came to about 6000 baht a day. You'd really have to try hard to spend more than that.



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One trip I just did whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and didn't worry at all about money. At the end of the trip I added it all up and it came to about 6000 baht a day. You'd really have to try hard to spend more than that.



Guess I must try harder than I think then. :clueless

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:clueless :D :moon :moon more than enough just think about what you are going to do to spend that amount of money.


bar fine 200 bhat


girl 1.000 baht


drink 15 bottles less tan a pound a bottle unless you go to go go bars a little more




food you can have a good breakfast. lunch. and mabey a snack later depends how much you eat but i think you can have 3 good meals for about 1.000 bhat.


if you are keeping a girl for more than 1 day a little more but dont pay her a 1.000 every day give her about 6 or 700 and her bar fine.


all together i think you will spend about £60.00 a day thats with a massage a few drinks for the girls but dont get suckered in to buying all her palls and ringing bells when youre pissed. trips to the island not to expencive with a £100 a day you will have a great time.enjoy joss. :D :clueless

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6,000 a day should be plenty for your first trip but I would advise you to take along at least 2 credit cards & maybe £300 / $500 in travellers cheques just in case of emergencies eg if you end up in hospital or your cash is stolen .


You should also split up your cash into envelopes with 5,000 baht in each . Then each day you can take out an envelope & use that cash along with what's leftover from the previous day . That way you don't exceed your daily budget and you have an extra 5,000 for emergencies .

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My first trip was the most ecconomical it was in 1996 and I think i spent around 10,000 Bath for 2 days and over the years it had only gone up because as you get familiarize with pattaya your indulgance rate also will go up ......my last trip in 2004 nov was the highest spending. 70,000 in 3 days :P 1luv .


Thailand in my experience is a place where you can have a VERY

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD time for very little money.


have a good time.


and hey i am coming on 30th of this month to celebrate the new year in pattaya.



70,000 baht in 3 days?


Christ almighty, my expenditure this month is going to be a tad over 80,000 baht, including rent, electricity, water etc and a girl just about every other day so I've hardly missed out on anything. Granted I haven't had to pay a bar fine on 3 or 4 of the days but that wouldn't have added that much to my total expenditure.



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Plenty IMO. I live on a lot less and usually eat in a nice restaurant at night. :D I rarely go with GG girls so that is a saving as nice BB girls are nicer and cheaper IMO. I think the more you get to know the place the less expenditure you will entail. I have never rang a bell in Pattaya or any where else for that matter. Sinbinjack seems the type of guy who has control of his money, and he is planning on a long stay this year, might be a good guy to contact for money saving tips. :D

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My budget is 2300 bht/day inc. room. (a £ grand a month) 3000 would be more comfortable. My outgoings at home whilst i'm not here are also close on a grand a month. (Thats about $1,700 for you non sterling guys)

I always have a room with a view. I drink, sensibly (certainly not 15 bottles a night as i'd quite like my liver to last as long as I do) Buy lady drinks. Maybe 3 LT girls a week. Occasional Go Go stunners.

Food varies day by day from 50 bht at Maccy D's upto 300 bht eat all you can buffet. Occasional full English breakfast.

Bar tips, girl tips, etc.

Not stingy, just careful.

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