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Hi Everybody,


I am a 21 year old guy from India.


I am sorry to make this as a first post but i wanted to knw if there is any bias against slightly dark-skinned guys in Patayya.Would i be prevented frm entering go go bars .I read in somewhere else that most go -go bars shun away indians saying that they are members only area.

I wanted to knw this because if it does exist in pattaya ,then i might be better off in phuket or Bangkok.I just want to have a good time like everybody else and having read the other posts i think i will like pattaya more than other places.


Any advice will be much appreciated.




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I'm not aware of any bias against Indians in Pattaya, at least I've never seen any evidence of it. Admittedly, I also haven't seen a lot of Indians in Pattaya to begin with, except for those working at the tailors or jewelry stores; not a lot of Indian tourists, however. Some of the gogo bars, it seems, do strongly prefer not to have people from Arab countries in their clubs, and I know of at least one with a sign to that effect.

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My opinion too, no special racism against indians in Thailand. Actually there's a Little India in Pratunam (Bangkok) and you see more indians there than thais. I've friends from Bangladesh who often go to LOS and they never mentioned any problem.

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I don't think there is any bias towards Indian, per sey. But I have heard it mentioned often there is a "preference" for light skin. This may help to explain why you see so many ladies who, while working in the 100 degree weather, are covered from head-to-toe in heavy clothing (poor things). I venture a guess that 99% of the visitors to Pattaya are caucasion. That being said, I don't think you will have any problem at all getting laid. So many ladies, plenty for all!

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Nana Plaza in Bangkok used to have a sign directed at muslims (arabs) akin to "we respect your culture so please respect ours" referring to, I suspect, the ability to drink alcohol and fornicate with loose women.


Some girls do not like the arabs who come to Pattaya and some establishments do try and enforce non admittance. From talking to girls over the years, it seems this stems from some being cheap, wanting to have anal sex etc. and the girls have somewhat tarred most people with certain skin colours with the same brush.


The same thing happens in reverse with the Japanese. Some places will allow only Japanese entrance. Why ? because they can charge rip off prices that the non Japanese would not pay and complain about. The girls like the Japanese because they finish quickly and tip well.


I've met good and bad from all areas of the world but you shouldn't see any difference just as any other newbie would experience. Play the game fair and the girls will take a shine to you.

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on my last trip to Thailand i hooked up with a guy from Mumbai (former bombay), and we went out to see some gogos on walking street and he had no problem getting in..

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Tricky one this..............let me think.........................all depends......................................HOW MUCH MONEY HAVE YOU GOT ??

The more the merrier,do you think Sachin Tendulkar would have any trouble getting in.........same same.

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  soi unwise said:

Tricky one this..............let me think.........................all depends......................................HOW MUCH MONEY HAVE YOU GOT ??

The more the merrier,do you think Sachin Tendulkar would have any trouble getting in.........same same.

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Getting him out seems to be a major problem. :sorry

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Thank you guys for the quick response .

It was also a positive one for me as now i can plan the holiday to Pattaya and i bet i will have a great time .

As my skin colour is akin to bangladeshi's i dont think i will have a problem either..


As far as sachin tendulkar getting in ;

Mybe sachin tendulakar can get in ,but these days he gets out equally quickly.

Rt now ponting and pietersen wont get out easily!


Thanks guys again,




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I don't think there's any bias toward Indians.



However, my first trip I stayed in the Marriot. Every night, as I'd try and make my way down to Walking Street, there was always the same Indian Tailor that would stick his hand out, try to obstruct my path, and other things to get me to spend my money in his shop. While I appreciate the fact that he's trying to make a living, I work in Iraq and have no need for nice tailored clothes. I tried to explain, but don't know what it was about me. So I took to walking across Beach Road, passing by his shopping and crossing again. A few days of this and I said to myself, "What the hell, this is my vacation". So that night I made a point of walking, slowly, past his stall. As he attempted to stop me, I let him give his spiel, and said, "Yes, your stuff does look nice". I than asked if his clothes were stuff he made to which he replied "Yes". Bingo, had him. Asked him to turn around so I could see the rear. Once his fleshy asscheeks were withing reach, I grabbed a big handful of each and said, "Wow, the quality IS top-notch". Needless to say, no more bother from him!

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"Once his fleshy asscheeks were withing reach, I grabbed a big handful of each and said, "Wow, the quality IS top-notch""


Remind me not to turn my back on you Dave........ :banana :cry1




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Although no prejudice exist for Indians, they may give you the cold treatment if they think you are arab. Thias can't really tell india and arabs apart (and sure some of us cant either). Arabs (muslims) are not on their nice list as the on going civil unrest exist between buddist and muslims in South Thailand.

So make sure you tell them you are NOT a muslim.

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  Sa-teef said:
"Once his fleshy asscheeks were withing reach, I grabbed a big handful of each and said, "Wow, the quality IS top-notch""


Remind me not to turn my back on you Dave........ <huh :clap1




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Sa-teef, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. As I told an old hag that strolled beach road on my last trip and thought I was going to take her, "Mai Ow. Khun Gaa Mak-Mak."

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Thanks to phantom tiger and monkeyman for thier guidance.


I will keep that in mind when i am in pattaya.I Will tell them that i am not a muslim if such a situation arises.




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Hi Batistuta,


Have been to pattaya in August 2005 and intend to have a repeat performance in

August 2006.


I am an Indian employed in the Arab World. I must stress that I had never encountered even a signle negative response when i intended to patronise gogo's

in pattaya.


Enjoy your trip




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i am happy to knw that. i do intend to go los during august.So maybe once my plans are finalised i will send you a message and lets see if we can meet . :clap2




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  batistuta said:
Thank you guys for the quick response .

It was also a positive one for me as now i can plan the holiday to Pattaya and i bet i will have a great time .

As my skin colour is akin to bangladeshi's i dont think i will have a problem either..


As far as sachin tendulkar getting in ;

Mybe sachin tendulakar can get in ,but these days he gets out equally quickly.

Rt now ponting and pietersen wont get out easily!


Thanks guys again,




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If there is any prejudice against a particular group, it will not be because of the colour of their skin as o.p. keeps saying it will because of the previous experience of that groups behaviour, as per Arabs above, i.e. it will not be racial prejudice.


Otherwise it is just down to baht.

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I have a mate who was born and bred in Walthamstow London. His parents are Indian. I have met up with him in Pattaya twice and had a few nights on the town together, he comes to Pattaya twice a year.


He never complains or has mentioned to me anything about prejudice and I certainly never saw any indicated towards him.


I must admit though, he likes to ring the bell in bars he goes to, he did it three times in one night when I was with him and he told me he spent about 20000bhat in one night including barfining two from a go go that he took home and their tips as well.

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This question come up every now and then, here and on other boards.

In another thread the topic was how much the girls like to gossip, Yak, Yak , Yak, and many times I've heard them talking about who they like and dislike, by nationality, based on the general hygiene habits of each group.

One has to understand that the Thai are particularly sensitive to body odors.

They don't consider individuals, but talk in general terms and you would not like to hear what they have to say about East Indians. We all know this is a racist and unfair generality, but you will have to fight that preconceived stereotype. Once they get to know you their opinion will change.

Good Hunting.


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If Big Chief remember correctly, many moons ago, some "Khag" people can not come to Thailand. Big Chief remember it was because "Khag" treat lady very badly and Thailand have many problem with man that wear loin cloth on head.


Big Chief make Thai language with many squaw in Thailand. Thailand squaw say many many time to Big Chief they no like "Khag". Skin too dark, smell like dog, and "key neo" mak mak. Big Chief have many friend "Khag". Good friend for Big Chief. But difficult for Big Chief to find them squaw for horozontal mombo dance. Squaw always want more face paper from "Khag".

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