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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

are there manny afroamerican that go to pattaya?

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I would like to known becuse I am planing on leaving in janurary do you guy's think. will everything be alright I just want to have some fun :clueless can somebody give be some feedback Iam not woirred or anything like that becuse I get along with everybody it's just like all the pic's I seen no black people it make me think we don't go there but I will be there & I look forward to meeting some of you guy's@ the bars

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There were more blacks from USA and Africa coming to Pattaya some years ago than now, but I don't think that's related to racism.


OK, BGs tell us (me=fat, old white) that they don't like chocolate men, not like arabs, not like muslims, not like young men and so on, but they're just saying what they think we want to hear. You go with a BG one night and she tells you that she don't like muslims and young men because you're white and old, next night her boyfriend who is a young arab returns to Pattaya. :cry2


Thais in general are racists, they regard themselves as superior to people from other countries. BGs are less racist as they have more contacts with foreigners but the most important thing is that they want money.


So IMO you will not have any problems.

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No worries, dude, you will have a great time like everyone else.


I met BMs of almost every ethnic group (didn't see an Innuit/Eskimo) and we were all having just as much fun. The key is to meet up with some BMs when you hit town for indoctrination as "Newbieism" is much more pronounced than racism. :D



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If you were a BG, and a good looking black guy and a old fat, white guy were in the bar, which would they gravitate to?


Easy, the biggest wallet...


Come here and have a good time, we are all minorities here...

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When I first moved to Pattaya ( I am WASP) it was two black friends that showed me the ropes so you will definately have no problem in most places.. The issue here is "most places". This is purely because (as has already been said) some girls do have some preferences and this could either be lucky or unlucky for you.As an added point one of my friends is Singaporean Indian. Most bars will NOT let him in alone but it's OK if he is with me.Life is shit sometimes isn't it

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I`ve also seen a few,one evening in lucifers disco in particular quite a few.

IMO You will have a good time your comment that you get on with everyone is a winning attitude in pattaya.

A good smile,fun attitude and I think you will be spoilt for choice :allright

Also agree with posts so far.


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Hi mickeylo. You will not have problem. Pattaya attracts people from around the world. You will see black faces amongst the crowd but whether they are american ??? I was having a chat to a black guy last month who had the broadest pommie accent. He told me his parents had migrated to England fom Nigeria or someplace like that.

If you want some personal feedback send a PM to FatherMojo, he is a nice guy and tell him Shit Happens (Colin) says hello.

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I've seen many men of color enjoyiing themselves in Pattaya. Do the Thai's discriminate based upon the color of skin? Of course... and they are hardest upon their own with darker skin. But in the end, as long as you are a nice guy, you will have a great time.


Have a great trip.

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ahhh this thread got me thinking of robj's sarina..what a hottie! :)


also got me thinking of a trip a few friends and I took to a smaller town in China. We had a buddy with us that was black.


There were pretty much no white guys in the town as far as we saw and he was the only black guy.


People were staring (they apparently never seen a black guy before) and in a few restaurants waitresses would reach out and touch him.


Similar experience with other ;) locals. Some didn't like, many did (trying to rephrase what I removed below). He actually enjoyed it as he felt like a rockstar. all eyes on him whenever we went out. He is also a good tipper so once word got out (and he's easy to spot) service everywhere was pretty much exceptional for him.


(removed detailed part about bgs in china... )


All I can say is even in China, he had a fantastic time.


If you have the money & the attitude most of the time things will work out great.

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Don't be too worried as for the most part the ladies seem not to care. However, there are a certain percentage of ladies who will decline because of skin color. No need to get upset about it, just move on and never buy her a lady drink again. Simple and Easy.


On the other hand, like an earlier poster mentioned, some of the ladies will give you that "I like Chocolate man" gag. I tend to leave those ladies alone as they are really just trying some marketing gimmick. Lot's of chunky girls have used this line on me... :D


Anyway, just get your arse on the plane and go to Pattaya.




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Last time I went, there was a hip hop band in Lucifers that was made up of about 6 or 7 black guys, and they had no problems and all the thais were having a great time with them.


Thais are racist, but its because they believe very much in stereotypes, but its not nasty. A bar girl friend of my tg told me that "me not like black man, black man think he special", so all to do with their work and what they have to deal with. I didnt stop her going home with one of the band tho, as with all cases, she needed the money.


Dont worry about it

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No problem. Just be nice, smile laugh, show a good personality, spend your money and have the time of your life.


Look up Rob's trip reports if you want to see the fun and the beautiful women one Black American has! He is a cool dude and the ladies love him!


I know a group of Black American's that come to Pattaya together 3 or 4 times a year and they have no problems.


But, as with everything else, it is the lady who decides who she wants to be with. Just be a gentleman and you will have no problem.



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Trust me on this....you will have a great time period!!! Most whites drop the pretences of race while hanging out in Pattaya. Everyone is having so much fun and don't have time to think about race. You'll be amazed at how well you will be treated by everyone...as long as you are decent, respectful, pleasant, and of course pay your money. Some girls might not want to go with you for fear that your cock might be too big, but that is not a problem if you promise to be gentle. Keep your word because gut-fucking them could ruin it for the next guy. :D


Some girls told me that they are afraid of arabs, africans, and jamaicans because these men tend to be very physically abusive and sometimes don't pay. Girls at the soaplands told me that these guys occasionally beat girls and never tip. One common story is that a well dressed and well spoken arab guy barfined a girl from a go go club. When she got to his hotel room, 7 other arab guys was waiting, where they gang-raped and beat her, and did even pay. Of course that spooked all the girls. I was told that that was not an isolated case. Consequently many clubs claim to be member-only clubs, to keep those type guys out.


No problem for African-American guys. So have fun!!!

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