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We periodically see posts that Pattaya or Thailand is changing for the worse, less fun, less P4P, westernization. There may be some truth to those things but I still think Thailand is distinctly Thai and every appealing. The only thing I'm worried about is the tanking USD, it just keeps falling and falling with no end in sight. It hasn't fallen enough to make me change my plans or the amount I can do during my trip but I wonder when if ever we'll see 40+ Baht to the dollar again. What if it falls another 12% in the coming year? Then I will be hurting and will have to cut back on the fun. I've read a lot of theories as to why it's falling but my guess is primarily the budget deficit. I don't know what it will take to curtail that but I hope it happens soon.

Edited by ginseng
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I've read a lot of theories as to why it's falling but my guess is primarily the budget deficit. I don't know what it will take to curtail that but I hope it happens soon.

My suggestion is to get rid of George Bush and his gang of pirates / thieves, cut the budget deficit, and as a nation become truely great by becoming a real world player instead of selling so called American democracy by being Israels lapdog and bombing the fuck out of the rest of the world. With its ability, weath and power America has the potential to do so much good ....its a pity Bush and his crew do so little and instead line their own pockets and at the personal cost of so many true American patriots who pay with their lives each day.

Edited by som nam na
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The question now is how LOW can it go. It appears to be in danger of dropping below 36 to a dollar. When I first moved over her in 1991 it was 25 to a dollar. Will it get back to that point?

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FWIW...and my 2-satang....


I believe the US has devalued the dollar in order to help reduce debt. Imported goods far ourweigh the amount of exports. Devaluing the dollar makes US goods more attractive to foreign buyers, hopefully helping our out-of-kilter balance of trade.


From various reports, there seems to be a consensus that the Thai's _may_ let the Baht drop as low as

35-Bt to $1-US...but will support the Baht from dropping any lower than that. Even at 36:1 it's surely curtailed some of my fun... :cry2

Edited by LukDod
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My suggestion is to get rid of George Bush and his gang of pirates / thieves, cut the budget deficit, and as a nation become truely great by becoming a real world player instead of selling so called American democracy by being Israels lapdog and bombing the fuck out of the rest of the world. With its ability, weath and power America has the potential to do so much good ....its a pity Bush and his crew do so little and instead line their own pockets and at the personal cost of so many true American patriots who pay with their lives each day.



While I personally agree with you all I can say is I didn't vote for him and won't vote for any of his cronies. The recent elections point to America wising up to his game. I've found it somewhat pointless to debate Democrats and Repubs with people everyone seems to see what they want. I only stand by what I think and that's that he and his ilk are terrible for America, just listening to the changed perceptions of Americans when I travel is reason enough to get rid of him. The President is supposed to put America in a good light, not that of a bully.


The question now is how LOW can it go. It appears to be in danger of dropping below 36 to a dollar. When I first moved over her in 1991 it was 25 to a dollar. Will it get back to that point?


Hope not!


FWIW...and my 2-satang....


I believe the US has devalued the dollar in order to help reduce debt. Imported goods far ourweigh the amount of exports. Devaluing the dollar makes US goods more attractive to foreign buyers, hopefully helping our out-of-kilter balance of trade.


From various reports, there seems to be a consensus that the Thai's _may_ let the Baht drop as low as

35-Bt to $1-US...but will support the Baht from dropping any lower than that. Even at 36:1 it's surely curtailed some of my fun... :cry2



I have heard this too, and I think it's pathetic. They should cut spending and stop having wasteful billion dollar wars.

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Here's an exciting 2 cents worth.


Government has very little impact on the US economy. Booms and declines happen largely of their own accord.


No one knows what currencies will fluctuate in what direction. No one. Repeat, no one. One more time. No one. If you hear an opinion that sounds good and you decide it is right, you have a 33/33/33 chance of being right. It's not 50/50 because there are 3 directions for currencies to fluctuate. Up, down and sideways (unchanged).


If an event occurs that clearly and definitively points at what direction a currency should move, then that currency will move in that direction within minutes of that event being known to today's electronics markets. There is nothing you can do about it. It's a fast move.


When there is a slow move, then there is no clear and definitive reality that points in what direction the currency should move -- because if there was something clear and definitive it would move to a new level faster. Therefore, any slow drift that you see is taking place because the market as a whole has decided for no reason in particular that it should drift that way.


The operative words there are "no reason in particular". This has to be so because if there was a particular reason, the movement would be very fast.


So, don't focus on this, guys. You can't predict it. You might try, and your answer may prove to be correct, but that doesn't mean you knew anything. It just means you guessed correctly.

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I'm guessing with a corrupt, evil US gov't that has sold out to money whenever it could.


America's economy is rapidly becoming a service economy, our manufacturing and tech. bases have rapidly dissappeared under the shrub regime. I think the world economic leaders are very capable of recognising the weakness of US economy and the US in general.


Don't be holding your breath for the Demo's to be able or willing to make a real change. I damn sure won't.

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My suggestion is to get rid of George Bush and his gang of pirates / thieves, cut the budget deficit, and as a nation become truely great by becoming a real world player instead of selling so called American democracy by being Israels lapdog and bombing the fuck out of the rest of the world. With its ability, weath and power America has the potential to do so much good ....its a pity Bush and his crew do so little and instead line their own pockets and at the personal cost of so many true American patriots who pay with their lives each day.

Now theres a real objective analysis - Supported entirely by bias and emotions, IMHO, of course.

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You are a wise man Owen



Here's an exciting 2 cents worth.


Government has very little impact on the US economy. Booms and declines happen largely of their own accord.


No one knows what currencies will fluctuate in what direction. No one. Repeat, no one. One more time. No one. If you hear an opinion that sounds good and you decide it is right, you have a 33/33/33 chance of being right. It's not 50/50 because there are 3 directions for currencies to fluctuate. Up, down and sideways (unchanged).


If an event occurs that clearly and definitively points at what direction a currency should move, then that currency will move in that direction within minutes of that event being known to today's electronics markets. There is nothing you can do about it. It's a fast move.


When there is a slow move, then there is no clear and definitive reality that points in what direction the currency should move -- because if there was something clear and definitive it would move to a new level faster. Therefore, any slow drift that you see is taking place because the market as a whole has decided for no reason in particular that it should drift that way.


The operative words there are "no reason in particular". This has to be so because if there was a particular reason, the movement would be very fast.


So, don't focus on this, guys. You can't predict it. You might try, and your answer may prove to be correct, but that doesn't mean you knew anything. It just means you guessed correctly.

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Don't be holding your breath for the Demo's to be able or willing to make a real change. I damn sure won't.




When you give up on politicians you have taken your first step to enlightenment IMO. :bigsmile:

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Well I just returned from LOS five days ago. I took plenty of cash with me and came back with a small surplus, but after adding up what I spent and comparing it to previous trips, it's clear the exchange rate hurt the wallet a bit. If this continues I may have to adjust the amount of fun I have on future trips ... or at least cut way down on all those lady drinks!


By the way, I lived in LOS for three years in the early 70's and the exchange was 20 BHT to the U.S. Dollar the whole time I was there. Of course a LT was 100 BHT tops in those days. :hijack:

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Hi wacmedia, my enlightenment begin with a little "vacation" in SEA courtesy Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. The politicians were out of control then and have gotten 100 times worse since. At least back in those days there were people of courage that stood up to them, not too many these days.


The continuing weakness of the dollar is a major concern to many ex-pats. I will get a small taste of it in a few weeks when I come for my annual Dec/Jan visit. The dollar vs baht will be a major concern when I move in about 3 years and will be on fixed income.


There is no simple solution or way to predict what the dollar will be doing, but I do believe that the rest of the world sees the loss of manufacturing jobs and abilities along with the losses in the tech fields as a major future problem for the US.


As a side note, shrub(that brave warrior from the Vietnam era) is in SEA for economic meetings, and the brave pilot will finally go to Vietnam. Wow, what a man <grin !

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I have heard this too, and I think it's pathetic. They should cut spending and stop having wasteful billion dollar wars.

I've always been under the impression that 'billion dollar wars' can actually help drive an economy and keep unemployment low. The defence industry in the US is huge and employs a lot of people both directly and indirectly.

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I've always been under the impression that 'billion dollar wars' can actually help drive an economy and keep unemployment low. The defence industry in the US is huge and employs a lot of people both directly and indirectly.



Actually I've heard that too. Damn what the hell do I know I just want the USD to go up!

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There is some merit in what Whitespider sas above. UK tourists (in the last 10 years or so) have thought of the Baht as being roughlt Bt60 to GBP 1. Now for the last few years that mental calculation has moved to Bt70 to the pound and complaints are rolling in.


Now individuals cannot alter the exchange rate but they can do something to reduce their "unnecessary" expenditure, which has the same net effect of increasing their personal exchange rate.


Stop overpaying the girls. Stop paying ridiculous barfines at or around Bt1000. Stop paying the girls Bt2000+ making an argument that "it is cheaper than at home" because so is everything else from hotels to food to beer and you don't go giving the bar Bt200 if he only wants to charge Bt100 do you ?


So total control is largely in your own hands. Overpaying for the services of a girl (say Bt500 too much on the barfine and Bt1000 for the girl herself) by Bt1500 per day is within your control. With that extra cash, you can stay in the hotel you want and drink where you want to abandon.


If you spent USD 200 per day you now get circa Bt7000. If you strip out Bt1500 of overpay, your effective exchange rate goes up from Bt35 to Bt42.5 ((7000+1500)/7000*35) = 42.5


So in this example, someone spending $2000 on a holiday would have the equivalent of an extra $429 (2000*8500/7000) spending power.


It bears thinking about does it not ?

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As a side note, shrub(that brave warrior from the Vietnam era) is in SEA for economic meetings, and the brave pilot will finally go to Vietnam. Wow, what a man




See, now he's been in Vietnam now same, same, you. :D

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I always have to remind myself that the US dollar does not exist in a vacuum. At some point, it'll stop dropping. Of course, that's no excuse for the current crop of idiots in charge of the US economy. The money supply is pretty much off the charts, and they're doing it deliberately. They've stopped publishing the money supply numbers. They must think that that way, no one will notice. With all those dollars floating around though, it's no wonder the trend has been down. Hopefully, things will stabilize if the newly elected democratic congress begins to exercise some sort of fiscal responsibility.



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I just read an article that attributed the drop to the recent housing slump which many feel will become a crash. Because of this consumers will have less to spend and the economy will slow. Seems like we've been fighting off slipping into a recession for many years now.

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Personally, I'd like to see the US real estate market crash big time. It's gone wacko in some areas such as California, DC, and NYC. Too many people buying property as some sort of a speculation, borrowing money they'll never be able to repay. A year or so ago, a co-worker of mine sold her house for $125,000 over the listing price, in some sort of a bidding war. She laughed all the way to the bank.


Of course, I'll be affected, to a degree, by any crash, since I have some property, although not in a bubble area. Still, they need to put a stop to the nonsense.


Hasn't the market already crashed in Australia and England?


Prices seem kind of nuts here in Pattaya. I was going to buy something, but not at the prices I see.



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There might be some job vacancies in Vietnam for some American boardies if relations keep going in positive direction.



I would be the 1st on the plane. not because I really want to live there, but because it is a day trip to thailand

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