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Updated cost of living in Pattaya ????

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One additional item. Your SS amount. Most of the estimators ss.gov provides quote what you can expect to receive at age 62. If you delay to age 65, it will be more.


It is what it is. I'm just making sure you haven't forgotten something to the upside.


As for not changing to Medicare, I don't know anything about this, but recommend you look into the "automatic premium payment taken from your SS check". I don't know if you're allowed to opt out of that or not.

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One additional item. Your SS amount. Most of the estimators ss.gov provides quote what you can expect to receive at age 62. If you delay to age 65, it will be more.


It is what it is. I'm just making sure you haven't forgotten something to the upside.


As for not changing to Medicare, I don't know anything about this, but recommend you look into the "automatic premium payment taken from your SS check". I don't know if you're allowed to opt out of that or not.


Re: Social Security and Medicare. As I recall, there's some sort of provision in the law allowing one to opt out of Medicare if out of the country. Medicare has two parts, A and B. B is always optional, I think, but A is not, unless you're out of the country? Anyway, I'm maybe wrong but I think there's a way to do it. You have to specifically sign up to opt out, and you have to sign a paper indicating you understand the consequences.


One other thing: if you later change your mind and want to opt back into the programs, there's a penalty to pay, based on the number of years you were not paying the premiums.


As for Peak Oil and the fact that "we can't drill out way out" of the mess. It's more than a Democratic buzz phrase. It's true. The USA consumes huge amounts of oil on a daily basis. In terms of the probable world oil reserves remaining, any additional we'd get by way of drilling would be a drop in the bucket. Having said that, I don't care if they drill or not. But they should go forward with plans to develop alternative energy sources.



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js007, right about the medicare A and B. B is optional and if you opt back in it costs. And yes they rip you by taking money out of SS so what you think you get you don't really get. I will opt out of B because I won't be able to use it or medicare period. To be truthfull I am not sure if one can opt out of medicare completly. I will have to do more research before I apply and have a friend doing the application right now so that will help some.


Owen, unfortunately I am basing everything on 65 (I"m 63) or maybe a few months before, ie I am not working 2 or 3 months for a 10usd a month increase in payout. I do believe there is some extra to be added for military service in the 60's that isn't at present included in the annual SS statement. Everything on 65 that is except my pension from New Mexico which won't change no matter how long I wait, I receive my 1st check next month, which will be much to surprise of my ex-wife who is giving me all the grief she thinks she can by not signing a court order giving her half MY fucking pension, she thinks it is frozen by the court. The major item I have to do is go ahead and get in the fight with the VA for a service related disability, I dispise, no make that hate the VA.

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Owen, unfortunately I am basing everything on 65 (I"m 63) or maybe a few months before, ie I am not working 2 or 3 months for a 10usd a month increase in payout. I do believe there is some extra to be added for military service in the 60's that isn't at present included in the annual SS statement. Everything on 65 that is except my pension from New Mexico which won't change no matter how long I wait, I receive my 1st check next month, which will be much to surprise of my ex-wife who is giving me all the grief she thinks she can by not signing a court order giving her half MY fucking pension, she thinks it is frozen by the court. The major item I have to do is go ahead and get in the fight with the VA for a service related disability, I dispise, no make that hate the VA.


1) You do get more from SS for having military service in that time frame.



From 1957 through 1977, you are credited with $300 in additional earnings for each calendar quarter in which you received active duty basic pay.


So when you plug numbers into this next link (your lifetime of earnings that show up on that form they send you each year) Be Sure To Add Your Military Addition, because I have two different sources, including a phone call to SS, that say the military addition is NOT on the form they send you each year, but will be added when you file for benefits.

http://ssa.gov/retire2/AnypiaApplet.html <-- be sure you make it clear age 65 is when benefits start.


2) SS is inflation indexed. Check into New Mexico's pension.


3) The VA is not something to hate. They are not They. It's different people dealing with whatever every year as people move on or move around. They have a written process that they follow. If that process requires you to file paperwork and answer lots of questions, then file it and answer them. The process is there to be sure who deserves a benefit gets it and ALSO to be sure who does not deserve it does not get it. The paperwork is for both purposes and not pointed at you.

Edited by Owen`
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Try this calc out...

Cost of Living Pattaya Calculator

Enter your scenarios, but keep in mind as others say...inflation and health insurance, 2 things that are in need of consideration.. The calc is a little old, but will at least give you some ideas on the things to consider.



I just plugged in my numbers. Says I need 77,000 baht a month. 33,000 of that goes to 'companionship' 5x each week. <huh Well, I think I can shave that number down quite a bit by pulling some runners. <huh

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My monthly expense living in Bangkok looks like it will be around 45,000 Baht

I have a live-in girlfriend and when we go out I pay for everything but I do give her a little extra so she can go out on her own.


8,000.00 Apartment

1,000.00 Electricity and water

1,000.00 Internet

5,000.00 Money for gf

10,000.00 Food for two

10,000.00 Entertainment including nightlife for me

5,000.00 household items

5,000.00 Stupid crap I don't really need

45,000.00 Total


As you can see I don't spend much on nightlife as I'm pretty satisfied just watching a DVD with my live-in most nights. She is very budget minded and in the end saves me a ton of money.

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My monthly expense living in Bangkok looks like it will be around 45,000 Baht

I have a live-in girlfriend and when we go out I pay for everything but I do give her a little extra so she can go out on her own.


8,000.00 Apartment

1,000.00 Electricity and water

1,000.00 Internet

5,000.00 Money for gf

10,000.00 Food for two

10,000.00 Entertainment including nightlife for me

5,000.00 household items

5,000.00 Stupid crap I don't really need

45,000.00 Total


As you can see I don't spend much on nightlife as I'm pretty satisfied just watching a DVD with my live-in most nights. She is very budget minded and in the end saves me a ton of money.

Thanks for the breakdown. They are always welcome as guesstimates are difficult.

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Hmmm, it appears I am spending too much on rent and giving her a bit too much.


I am finding I need an average of 70-75k. This is a recent thing. My rent is the same as last year but fuel and food have shot up. Many other items too.


The above doesn't show some items like

Cable TV



Medical Insurance and vehicle insurance.

Car service and the odd repair (some thief breaks a window).


Road trips and visa trips/expenses.


I might need to move into the sticks to reduce this.

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Just a couple of comments.


1. Full social security for those born after a specific date (don't know that date as I don't qualify for SS) is greater than 65.


2. Regarding LOS inflation. My first trip to Pattaya was in 2001 and while I don't deny that LOS has experienced inflation, I haven't noticed. Practically all my costs in baht are less than my first trip as I've learned to shop around, find better deals, and learned the score. Eating home cooked food that is either grown or raised in LOS is a fraction of what one pays when eating out. Each trip I've made, my accomadations cost was not only less but better. Ones shagging cost should go down drastically unless your lazy. You don't have to go to a bar and pay BFs and LDs to meet TGs as they are everywhere and now one has more time than money to look around. Also regarding ones shagging cost, very few punters will be shagging at the same frequency when they are in their 70's as they did in their 50's, so that's a cost that should decline. Find a live in and that cost will be reduced immediately.

Edited by Emil
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Road trips and visa trips/expenses.


Visa trips would be a big expense for me. A trip to the uk every 12 - 15 months would probobly cost the same as a years rent. Thats partly the reason Im looking at cambo. The hassle of such a long pointless trip is another.reason.

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I know for Vets the disability fight is a difficult one.

But if you were self employed,or just don't have medical insurance the VA can be of great benefit.

Contact them when you are in the states,could be of value to you later on,/Bill

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Visa trips would be a big expense for me. A trip to the uk every 12 - 15 months would probobly cost the same as a years rent. Thats partly the reason Im looking at cambo. The hassle of such a long pointless trip is another.reason.


I plan on going back once or twice a year to visit family. That is of course if it's safe to. :bigsmile:


I'm trying to figure out the best way to stay in Thailand when I can't get a retirement visa because I'm too young. Theres a Thai language school that will allow me a education visa. But I don't know if I can keep that up for years on end. I'm too scared to go back to Cambodia, as I've got some monkeys after me over there. So if I don't get the educational visa, it looks like it's several trips to Laos or Burma every year. Either way I'm staying there legally.

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Just a couple of comments. Snip...Snip...

2. Regarding LOS inflation. My first trip to Pattaya was in 2001 and while I don't deny that LOS has experienced inflation, I haven't noticed. Snip.

Well I am on a road trip and I certainly have noticed how much more fuel is costing. That will filter through to everything.


Once you have learned the ropes, and found the ways to live cheaper, then inflation can be felt as it is all up from there, a move out into the muddy villages excepted.. I would be amazed if even the flight cost now, would work out cheaper than one in 2001.

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1. Full social security for those born after a specific date (don't know that date as I don't qualify for SS) is greater than 65.


It's 65 for those born in 1937 and earlier, and 67 for those born in 1960 or later. Between those years it's scales up from 65 to 67. '43-'54 has full benefits at 66

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Well I am on a road trip and I certainly have noticed how much more fuel is costing. That will filter through to everything.


Once you have learned the ropes, and found the ways to live cheaper, then inflation can be felt as it is all up from there, a move out into the muddy villages excepted.. I would be amazed if even the flight cost now, would work out cheaper than one in 2001.


I just returned from a trip to Laughlin from Sacramento. Total cost of gas was $375, fortunately I won enough to cover all my costs. I don't own or rent a vehicle while in LOS, do much more walking than here in the states so my transportation cost is minimal in Pattaya. Did notice that rice cost me 169 baht for 5 kilos last week compared to about 120 for what we paid the last time. Even though this represents about a 40% increase in price, this bag will last us over a month and it's such a small percent of my total living cost which is easily covered by my pension's COLA. Like I mentioned earlier, one of the largest cost categories for a monger living in Pattaya is his shagging cost and this can easily be reduced by learning the ropes and unfortunately as one ages this cost will be reduced.


Actually the cost of my flights now are much less than my early trips in 2001 through 2003. These were good years for travelers as we had the 9-11 scare, SARS, bird flu and the Iraq War keeping prices low. It was in 2004 that I became fully aware of United Airlines frequent flyer program and took advantage of this knowledge. My average cost for trips in 2005 was $600. In 2006 and 2007 they were $400 USD, so far this year I'm averaging $500 USD. I do travel 6 times a year so this keeps the average low as I pay for 3 and then get 3 freebies.

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I'm trying to figure out the best way to stay in Thailand when I can't get a retirement visa because I'm too young. Theres a Thai language school that will allow me a education visa. But I don't know if I can keep that up for years on end.

Ive looked at the ed visa also and agree that going to classes 2 or 3 full days a week would piss me off afetr a while and it would tie you down to living in the same place. The time would be better spent working part time in a more visa friendly country.

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hi all i know this topic about the cost of living is mostly based about single blokes expenditures for a month,being a married man i would appriciate your ideas on the monthly costs for us, i know everybodys life styles are different just looking at renting costs a couple of nights out etc, a rough idea would be appriciated.

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hi all i know this topic about the cost of living is mostly based about single blokes expenditures for a month,being a married man i would appriciate your ideas on the monthly costs for us, i know everybodys life styles are different just looking at renting costs a couple of nights out etc, a rough idea would be appriciated.
Depends on a couple of things....is the wife a falang or Thai... falangs cost more and need visas? Also where will you live, it is much cheaper to rent away from Pattaya.


For me, with a Thai live in GF , dark side of Pattaya, renting a house, own car and bike. Spend about 60-70k baht/month.

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You claim "Spend about 60-70k baht/month" after rent. Thats what I reckon to have each month, farang wife, but no car, bike or rent. She may be teaching so another extra few bob each month. This is after I buy a condo. If you don't mind me asking, if you have been there a while are you happy renting or wish you bought a house or condo at the time you first settled, or a few months after?




Does anyone thats lives in Pattaya know anyone that has two passports? Dual nationality? I have a thought... I travel on a British passport but am entitled to another, as is Mrs. I'm from Northern Ireland and due to some agreement between the British & Irish Governments I am entitled to both countries passports. A British pp and an Irish pp. Is there any reason why I could not exit LoS on my British Passport, getting exit stamps, then re-enter on my Irish pp. I then post my British pp to a family UK address with downloaded and completed application form, they forward to Thai Embassy in Hull. Hull Thai Embassy process and post back to same UK family address. My family then post to me in LoS. I then leave LoS on my Irish pp and re-enter on my British pp with my new visa? British Immigration does not stamp/frank passports. No expensive return to UK required? What you think? Would this work or have I over looked something? Even if you do not know someone with two passports can you foresee a problem with this?


Your thoughts appreciated.

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python I presume you know that you and your wife are likely to have to each have your own visas, based on your own status and income?? This is specifically and painfully true for a retiree visa.


I know lots of people who have two passports, most of them Thai. None ever has had a problem. In case you ever have to talk about it, in case customs people discover the second one, say, it's definitely not good if they are in different names. Other than that, there seems to be no problem that I've ever heard of.


It's my opinion that people should always do what is in their own best interest.

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I claim to spend 60-70k including rent.


I am quite happy renting, I base that on comparing to what I would pay in a hotel or serviced apartment, and the fact I get much more space. I am not interested in a condo, and as a foreigner I am not allowed to own a house (well the land, legally).

The only time I feel a bit of regret on renting, as opposed to buying, is when my Thai GF points out the grand total of rent I have paid over 2 years. (Wasted money she says).


Based on rent alone, the cost of a house would not be covered for a lot of years (15 in my case), renting is cheap here. That is a long time for a person old enough to be retired, in a country that might decide they don't like him one day and won't allow him to own the land. Yes, perhaps the value of a house will increase and it is an investment, many will tell you so, but in Pattaya, currently, I see a lot of houses offered for sale or rent.


You may even decide you do not like living here after a few months or years, some aspects of life in fun town can wear on you.


A condo may be another matter, where your ownership is clear, and given a good one, tourists are keen to rent, if you later decide to live elsewhere.

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The only time I feel a bit of regret on renting, as opposed to buying, is when my Thai GF points out the grand total of rent I have paid over 2 years. (Wasted money she says).


Yes, but it would be money wisley spent on a house in her name I would bet....

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Yes, but it would be money wisley spent on a house in her name I would bet....
She has the land, ready to go..... :allright Edited by jacko
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I don't remember if I posted in this thread already. It looks like I will be spending about 45-55K Baht a month, all in. This includes, rent, internet, visas, school, food, entertainment and live in girlfriend.


If you want to live here on a budget you really have to curb your appetite for the night life. Even if you don't barfine, paying for lady drinks, snacks and things that seem to come out of nowhere can quickly turn every night into a 10k Baht expense.


One way I have saved money is to not eat at lower Sukhumwit, even Thai food is costly there, just a few BTS stops away and the price drops quickly.

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The only time I feel a bit of regret on renting, as opposed to buying, is when my Thai GF points out the grand total of rent I have paid over 2 years. (Wasted money she says).


Not entirely a wate of money. You still have the principle earning interest either in a fixed rate account or maybe invested earning even a higher rate of return.

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