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for you that have never been to pattaya

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about 6 years ago i came to pattaya for the first time. My time in pattaya was always great. I kept planning on retiring to thailand and living the good life but I have been putting it off trying to put away enough money to really live like a king. I could have retired last year but i would have only gotten around $2500 us and I knew that if I kept working for another five years that it would be more like $5000. so I put off my dream.


My job sucks and life here the states is miserable compared to being back in pattaya. but I kept thinking that in a few more years I will be there full time.


today I found out that I have stage IV pancreatic cancer. next monday I have to arrnage with an cancer doc for a biopsy and they can tell me what my options are. But things don;t look good. my chance of living another 5 years is around 4%. the most likely outcome is that I will die in 6 months to 1 year.


things will get hectic soon as I go through the surgeries, chemo and other things, I probably will not post much and I will be lucky if I get another chance to return to pattaya.


so my advice to you if you have never been. go now!!! if you are trying to plan for some future to retire in thailand work on getting there asap.


and if you are reading this more than 6 months from today. trust a dying man, my only regret is that I didn't go to LOS sooner, my only mistake that I stayed in the USA too long and will not be able to die in the place I love. :finger

Edited by cowboy
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Sorry to hear of your predicament. Hope every thing goes O K for you I am 53, 2years ago my father died , his last words to me was live your life you are not here long , How true. Pattaya is a frame of mind, if you think it is good it is good if you think bad it is bad, So as long as you are happy thats the main thing hope every thing works out for you , maybe when you are better you can still go if only for a burn out .

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Cowboy, I dont know you, but I still feel with you ! and agree with you ! life is fragile and it´s best to make someting out of your dreams while one still have the chanse.

Some friends of mine are jeallus of me because I travell regualary to thailand, and now have thai wife and and daughter. when I ask them to join me,,,, there is always some reason and " next time, for sure! "

I have stoped asking now. it´s their life!

So once again ,, I agrre ! if there is some of you out there who have a dream to explore and enjoy thailand/pattaya ! do it ! do it now! book a tripp and realise the dream!


And to you cowboy,, I´ll hope you get´s throug this! many people do ! keep the spirit!

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I am sorry to hear of your predicament, what a kick in the balls. However I disagree with your idea about rushing forward with visits, retirement plans, or anything just in case we don't make it, for whatever reason.


None of us can allow for all scenarios but we must all plan and arrange things how we like/want for the things we can control.


IMHO there is no point doing things before you are totally happy with your preparations. We may die tomorrow or we may live a long long time, none of us can see the future but rushing into things because lifes too short can often backfire and make life feel very long.


I do hope that it is not worst case scenario for you and will keep good thoughts for you. Please let us know how your tests/treatments pan out.

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I am sorry to hear of your predicament, what a kick in the balls. However I disagree with your idea about rushing forward with visits, retirement plans, or anything just in case we don't make it, for whatever reason.


None of us can allow for all scenarios but we must all plan and arrange things how we like/want for the things we can control.


IMHO there is no point doing things before you are totally happy with your preparations. We may die tomorrow or we may live a long long time, none of us can see the future but rushing into things because lifes too short can often backfire and make life feel very long.


I do hope that it is not worst case scenario for you and will keep good thoughts for you. Please let us know how your tests/treatments pan out.




I beg to differ from you mate. Good point you make.... but as I have said in previous threads....if you dont live for the 'now', you may be very sorry you didnt! I know this better than most. My 'life-threatening' predicament for me fortunately came at an earlier age.


Cowboy......do what only YOU want and dont listen to me or anyone else. I hope you 'do the right thing' and thx for sharing your predicament with this board. Makes us arse-holes appreciate things that bit more!!


Cheers Bud and if you come to PTY in the next couple of months, send me a PM. I do a wee bit of entertaining (DJ/Karaoke) so if you want a wee shin-dig at one of my mates Bars, then we can do - free of course!!


Take care Bud and PM me if you like!



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cowboy that is a real kick in the nuts life just dealt you. I'll be praying the doc is wrong and mixing up your report with someone worthless.


But I'm on your side here. There was a song a couple of years ago, "Live like you were dying". I say DO rush into things, do as much as you can, go as many places as you can, screw as many as you can, lust after the ones you can't, and never look back.


No matter what, you've got some time, months, years, whatever. You can still cram in more experiences. I know I keep trying to.


All the best.

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Sad predicament indeed-Good thoughts for you as well as anyone that are living with unknown ailments

That's the key word "unknown"

We are all living on borrowed time as soon as we leave the womb.

From the initial slap on the butt the time clock is ticking.

As of today I am a healthy 45 year old.

Tomorrow ???

I agree we should all chase our dreams and desires but with disipline .

Live for today yes, but make preparations for the tomorrows that may come.

How much is too much???

Be it women, money, power etc.,Some have appetites that will never be satisfied.

Years ago I started making decisions in my life based on what the 20 year me would do in the future.

Example: If I wanted an item would the older me need that item.

It worked wonders for me making me realize what I didn't really need but thought I wanted.

I am a bid dreamer and planner of life but we all know "Man proposes, God disposes"

No I'm not a religious freak just a logical person

I hit my lifestyle peak around 4 years ago ..ie no longer need a fast car, big house, the "best looking" women

I count my blessing but still live a nice life.

Cowboy Cancer is no longer a death sentence my nieghbors prostate cancer of 19 years ago is testimony to that the docs gave him 8 months.

Try to keep positive .

we will all end our days with the "should of" and "could of" of life.

Fight for every moment that your here as all of us should


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Inspite of the precarious situation u r in, u seem to be very optimistic , cowboy ! :cry2 Just read the post above mine.


Wishing you the best.

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I'm sorry to read of your illness. As previously said, I hope the doctors have got it all wrong and you live to fulfill your dream of retiring in LOS.


Your story has certainly made me think about planning for a day that may never come.

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Good luck to you on your treatment.

I to had cancer in my very early forties but came through but sure as hell I aint planning for retirement.


Im living for today.



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That's a tough break - I'm sorry.


Hope you manage another trip 2 Patts - somehow?


Just a thought - if your going 2 start treatment very soon, why not have one more week in Patts - 7 days, 7 nights :bigsmile:


It would make one amazing trip report, you could write in between your treatments.


I know time is critical - but if I were in your position, I'd be thinking just one more time :clap1

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Cowboy, we have never met but I sincerely hope things work out for you. Whether in Pattaya or not, live every day as it comes and try to have a little fun if you feel up to it. Some of us reading your posts could be dead tomorrow through heart attack, car accident or whatever. The point is, none of us know what awaits just around the corner. Although the prognosis doesn't look good at the moment, people do overcome your problem. I hope you will be another one. All the best mate.

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I beg to differ from you mate. Good point you make.... but as I have said in previous threads....if you dont live for the 'now', you may be very sorry you didnt! I know this better than most. My 'life-threatening' predicament for me fortunately came at an earlier age.


Cowboy......do what only YOU want and dont listen to me or anyone else. I hope you 'do the right thing' and thx for sharing your predicament with this board. Makes us arse-holes appreciate things that bit more!!


Cheers Bud and if you come to PTY in the next couple of months, send me a PM. I do a wee bit of entertaining (DJ/Karaoke) so if you want a wee shin-dig at one of my mates Bars, then we can do - free of course!!


Take care Bud and PM me if you like!





First of all Cowboy I'm terribly sorry to hear of this, my father passed away from Pancreatic cancer.


I agree with Alexist however. You can't only live for today or tomorrow. It's up to each to decide when they have enough to fund their dreams. For me I've chosen to save enough to explore living in LOS and finding a job but not enough to retire.

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I agree with Alexist however. You can't only live for today or tomorrow.


Of course anyone CAN live for today or tomorrow. For example, it works very well for me. You choose to be a little safer. That's no advertisement for the lifestyle.


Advising a current cancer sufferer to be sure to plan his life well is entertaining, though.

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Of course anyone CAN live for today or tomorrow. For example, it works very well for me. You choose to be a little safer. That's no advertisement for the lifestyle.


Advising a current cancer sufferer to be sure to plan his life well is entertaining, though.


I don't think either post was aimed at the OP (mine certainly wasn't). I would think its pretty obvious that if someone has been given a limited lifespan then saving and planning beyond that would be pointless. The reason for my post was that some people do indeed live life for today but sometimes spend the rest of their lives regretting it. Living a dream beyond your means aint always what its cracked up to be.


It really is a matter of opinion but in Cowboys case the choice has perhaps been taken from him.


Once again I do wish him the best!

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The reason for my post was that some people do indeed live life for today but sometimes spend the rest of their lives regretting it. Living a dream beyond your means aint always what its cracked up to be.


It really is a matter of opinion but in Cowboys case the choice has perhaps been taken from him.


Once again I do wish him the best!




I got some data from the Office National Statistics and it seems in UK at moment 16% of people dont make it to 65. They said that in areas where there was blue collar jobs/lifestyle the figure would be higher . People always told me that hard work dosen't kill ya but the statistics say different.

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