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Do you support capital punishment?

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I'm at wits end. I cannot think of ways to reduce the number of drug related crimes. So many Meth/Yabba heads are killing each other and claiming innocent people too. I think the government needs to discourage others by floggings and firing squads. Are you with me?


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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't think it's my place or anyone else's to decide who lives or dies in this world. Maybe if we enforce the laws we already have crime would be less of a problem.


That was spot on. The BIB should resist from taking bribes & that for the most part ,would help atleast, in bringing down the number of criminal cases. :bow

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I'm at wits end. I cannot think of ways to reduce the number of drug related crimes. So many Meth/Yabba heads are killing each other and claiming innocent people too. I think the government needs to discourage others by floggings and firing squads. Are you with me?

I think the Thaksin govt. (read the current govt. in some shape or form) are definitely with you. At least they were about 4 or so years ago when over a thousand drug dealers (or was that just drug user or even just normal people rightly or wrongly suspected of taking drugs) were mysteriously killed in the space of a few months as part of a government drive to combat the evil of drugs.


Shooting druggies - the scum of the earth - seemed to be an easy vote winner at the time for the Thai government and you seem to be advocating a return to the same reprehensible policies which brought universal condemnation for Thailand from most countries all across the world.

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Britain keeps about 5000 lifers , Most none British , They have killed people in there own Countrys , i.e terrorists, head bangers , They just say human rights . Then the British govenment keep them for life . I say just put a fuck off pill in there drink, Where was the dead peoples rights, Where is my rights, i don't want to keep them with my taxes.

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Britain keeps about 5000 lifers , Most none British , They have killed people in there own Countrys , i.e terrorists, head bangers , They just say human rights . Then the British govenment keep them for life . I say just put a fuck off pill in there drink, Where was the dead peoples rights, Where is my rights, i don't want to keep them with my taxes.
I can't get my head around this one, my cool head says who has the divine right to order the death of another... my hot head says they have rejected society, society owes them nothing and the world would be a better place without them. We make more laws that protect criminals than prosecute them.
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What ever happened to penal colonies? Find some remote island somewhere and leave people there for the rest of their lives. That should keep them out of trouble.


Sort of like in the movie Papillon.



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What ever happened to penal colonies? Find some remote island somewhere and leave people there for the rest of their lives. That should keep them out of trouble.


Sort of like in the movie Papillon.



They ran out of places, as the ones they had turned into quite successful countries. Edited by jacko
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Although cautious about this subject, I think that capital punishment should be applied to those that "willingly" took innocent lives.

The price of keeping these in prison & alive is high.

Personally, I think that money could be put at a better use for those in need who have never done anything wrong.

E.g. : lots of single parents, unemployed & homeless people who are just happy to have one meal a day, some warmth in this winter period and a roof above them.



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True, people who are executed don't commit further crimes, but, they are often, later, found to be innocent of the crime they were executed for. I vote no.


Now that Harris Black, him I'd vote to execute just to clean up the gene pool. But that's a special case. :moon

Edited by mykl
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  • 4 weeks later...

I would definately support capitol punishment, especially here in the US. Televised floggings, hagings in a public squae and placed on a national TV channel (for cases of rape, murder, incest, crimes against children and the elderly). Also any Gov. official cough doing dirty deeds, should get extreme capitol punishment.

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I would definately support capitol punishment, especially here in the US. Televised floggings, hagings in a public squae and placed on a national TV channel (for cases of rape, murder, incest, crimes against children and the elderly). Also any Gov. official cough doing dirty deeds, should get extreme capitol punishment.

sounds like China today

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For some crimes,premeditated murder,killing children ,I am all for the death penalty.I know that some "innocent "people have been hanged but I think that more people have been killed by those murderers who have been let loose after serving totally inadequate sentances.

In the UK we seem to think that letting the criminals get away with it (community service and the like)is the way to stop them commiting crime but the facts are that crime is on the rise ,some crimes are supposedly on the decrease but there are a lot of crimes that go unreported today as the victims feel that it is not worth while when the little darlings get no more than a slap on the wrist and a good telling off.

IMHO if we do not punish those who break the law more severely than we seem to do at present we will become an even more lawless world.

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  • 2 weeks later...
What ever happened to penal colonies? Find some remote island somewhere and leave people there for the rest of their lives. That should keep them out of trouble.


Sort of like in the movie Papillon.

Yes, put him there! :rolleyes:

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