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Glitterman Speaks About Television.

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Television is the biggest time waisting device ever invented in the last hundred years, i decided not to have a television seven years ago, and ive done so much more with the time than if i had, it should not be called 'television' it should be called 'trancevision' as people sit like zombies staring at a luminous screen.

The T.V. is the retina to the minds eye, therefore anything viewed emerges as raw experiance to the viewer. after watching you have achieved nothing, turn off the t.v. and do it for real, live those dreams. 'what the mind can concieve, the body will achieve'

During my antique collecting back home in England i purchased a very old photo album from the late victorian period [a hundred years old] the photos of the people had lively faces with wild lively eyes, there was no t.v. back then. compare that with an album of today and the faces would be dull and the eyes lifeless FROM WATCHING TO MUCH T.V. peolple get used to staring at the t.v. and the habit forms that they stare at everything else outside and not expect any interaction with what they are looking at ,just as if they were still watching t. v.

throw the damn things out your window thats what i say. [and ill be there to catch them, ha ha]

i dont want any rude grumpy old men to reply to this ,like they did with my other topic on alcohol ,so what if my paragraphs are not there, i dont know much about computors, and anyway im not aplying to be cast in the next spielberg film or writting to H.R.H. The Queen of England.

Any grumpy old men will be 'hung ,drawn and quartered and their heads be stuck upon a spike on the entrance of London bridge for all to see and the ravens to eat.


The Royal Glitterman hath spoken.

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I haven't had a television in over 20 years. You won't catch me preaching about others personal choices.


Funny you changed your writing style. All of a sudden you use proper capitalization, punctuation, and paragraphs?


Again, I doubt you are the guy on the bike. I do think you reside under a bridge.

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my dilemma here is that if I didn't have a TV I'd be out drinking
I am really in trouble, I stay home, watch my TV and drink. :unsure:
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ain't gotta chase them any more, they're calling me, so I jack my phone in as my modem & walah, no more calls

i don't wanna be everyone's atm

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I use the T.V. to save money, i stay in for a couple of nights ( i'm paid daily ) then i can afford a good night out, during which i associate with women of dubious intent and, heaven forbid, drink BEER :bigsmile:

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yeah, good idea

I did that during Songkran, with the odd bottle of vodka thrown in & a visit from a few women of dubious intent

Edited by LocalYokul
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Not had one drink on Songkran,more traditional thai in my soiand surrounding area.Was much better than walking around,getting pissed and watching stupid farang.


I fucking hate push bikes,much prefer tv,sexy ladies and booze

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Glitterman, I have a TV associated problem I could some advice on. The other night I couldn't find anything good on TV, so instead of just sitting there watching something I wasn't interested in, I got up and turned the thing off. The GF and I sat there for an hour or so, we really didn't have anything to do. My GF got a call from a friend, she wanted to come over. This girl is young, and kind of cute with a nice body and firm boobs. She doesn't wear make up, or even own a dress, so she is cute in sort of a lesbian sort of way. Anyway, she works free lance on walking street. Business hasn't been so good for her lately, so the GF and myself know what she is after. She wants us to feed her, she doesn't have enough money to eat on. Oh well, that's OK Thai food is cheap, and I have fun with her teasing her about wanting to boom boom her. She doesn't suck cock, so I tease her about giving her free lessons so that she can learn how. She will put up with me fondling her boobs also, so I get my moneys worth out of feeding her.


This time things were a little different. After eating, she tells my girl friend that she wants to boom boom me for 1000 Baht. I ask the FG how she feels about that, and she replies "I want to watch." So, up stairs we go. In 60 seconds flat, I have both the girls naked with a finger in each of their pussy's, and am alternating between them sucking on their nipples. Then I climb on top of her and slide into her pussy, she has a hold of my hips and keeps saying "slowly, slowly." Once I'm all in I go to town giving her a fucking that I'm sure that we will remember for weeks. Well, it turns out that the girl is a bit of a starfish. It wasn't that great, even though her pussy felt damn nice. I roll off and tell her I want smoke, she scoff at that idea, but I'm insistent. She puts her head down and starts to lick the tip of my cock with the tip of her tongue. I tell her several times to put it in her mouth, but she continues to just use the tip of her tongue, like she doesn't want to really taste it or put it in her mouth. I then grab her head ind pull her down over my cock, as I do this she starts gagging and squirming, then pulls away.


I'm not happy about this, and my GF isn't either, because she knows that she will end up sucking my cock to finish me off. So, she tells the girl that she will show her how to do it, and proceeds to give me a good BJ. When she stops, she tells the girl, that's how it's done, your turn. The girl starts whining about the GF's spit being all over my cock. I say fine, and dive back into her pussy for a few minutes. After I'm sure her pussy has washed all my GF's spit off my cock, I climb up on her chest and try to put my cock in her mouth. She tries to fight it off so I grab her head and push my cock into her mouth. At this point, I'm pumping my cock into her mouth as fast and deep as I can. She is trying to say something, but I don't understand Thai, and she kind of sounded like Homer Simpson eating a donut any way. After a while of face fucking this girl, it dawns on me that I'm not going to cum. The gagging and crying just isn't that much of a turn on. Crap.


So now I'm thinking I've got to do something. I'm getting frustrated here, and don't want to end up with blue balls. I grab some KY and fill my hand with it, almost in one move I pull my cock out of her mouth, roll her over to her stomach and lube up my cock. I press my cock up to her ass hole and push the head in, she lets out a scream, and starts clawing at the bed to pull away. I reach under her chest and grab her shoulders and just hold her until she quits squirming. I keep telling her to relax. After she quits squirming, I start pushing the rest of the way in. Again she starts squiring and saying something in Thai. I ignore her until I've push it into the base, then just lady on top of her for a while, until she calms down again. When she calms down enough to where she is just whimpering, I start slowly pumping my cock in and out of her tight ass. My speed and intensity increases. I'm going full bore when I feel an orgasm building. I cum so had that after a while I'm wondering if I'm pissing in her, or it's that much cum. We are talking a big one. I collapse on top of her, covered in sweat. She is still whimpering something unintelligible. I just lay there enjoying the moment.


Now I don't want this girl to think I'm a totally heartless clod. So, I wipe the tears from her eyes, and reach around and put my tongue in her mouth giving her a kiss. I tell her, "boom boom tud good, make me cum mak mak." I lay on top of her until I feel my erection start to go down, at that point I pull out. Looking down I see my cock is covered in shit. My girlfriend looks and notices that I don't have a condom on, she starts screaming about fucking this girl with out a condom. All I can think of is jumping in the shower and getting cleaned off. I jump up and make a beeline to the shower. Seconds later the girl bursts in and sits on the toilet and starts squirting all my hard made cum out of her ass. That kinda pissed me off, if I wanted my cum in the toilet, I could have just jacked off over it, and saved 1000 baht.


After we both showered, we go down stairs and are sitting. This girl is telling me that she wants 5000 baht for fucking her virgin ass and making her smoke. I'm not going for that. I tell her "I not pay extra for virgin, virgin no good, just lay there and cry, her smoke no good, not make me cum." While we are having this conversation over and over, my GF is in a rage, and throwing a tantrum over fucking the girl with out a condom. I stick to my guns about the price. Tell the GF it's done and over, what can I do now? Then the GF takes the other girls side saying that I should pay extra for fucking a virgin. This is getting nowhere, I stick to "virgin no good, just cry and make big sound, not pay extra." After a while I relent, and tell her I'll pay her the 1000 and give her a tip for making me cum. I offer her 1500, which she grudgingly accepts. Then she starts saying that she wants to go to room now. More negations, I expect long time for 1500, she wants to go. Again, I relent, pull my finger out of her pussy and get my wallet. Take out 1500 and giving it to her. I walk her to the door, sick my tongue in her mouth and give her tit one last squeeze. Off she goes.


Now you would think it would be all over and done with at this point, nothing left but a good nights sleep. But NO, my girl friend wants to bitch about the lack of condom all night. I get pissed off big time. I tell the GF that she has two choices at this point. 1. She can shut up and smoke my cock or 2. she can get the fuck out, I'm not discussing it any more. After repeating myself several times, it finely dawned on her that I was serious. Again, up stairs we go where she gives me an exceptional BJ while I finger fucked her pussy. Again I have a really good orgasm, and pass out almost immediately after.


Glitterman, here is where I'm wondering about what you posted. While I enjoyed doing two ladies in one night, and cumming twice, still... It cost me 1500 baht that I wouldn't have spent, and I had to put up with the girl friend sulking around the house for a few days. It seems like it would have been easier to have just put in a DVD and sit in front of the tube for the night. I'd have still got laid, and a BJ. Life would have been easier don't you think?

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