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My pet peeve with Thai girls

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Hmmm, I was having a sundowner with the neighbours and my TGF yesterday and guess what language we talked in...English.

My TGF, the only Thai, was obviously left out.


You say this as though it proves something, and indeed it does, but not what you think.


It was rude of you to make her feel left out.

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Okay, I have more than one pet peeve with Thai girls. There is one that has bothered me from day one. When out with a Thai laddie, and another Thai comes up, they always speak Thai leaving me comple

Thai social rudeness? You're having a laugh, mate!   What's to stop the OP joining in the conversation?     My recollection is somewhat different. You were bemoaning that one particular w

Heres a an idea....try learning Thai since you are in.................................wait for it..............................THAILAND.... Thats like me getting pissed cause my wifes famil

What OP posted has happened to majority of those BM's who have spend a night out with bunch

of TG's beeing the only male there, but it can be different experience too. I took all employees of my favorite massage place (not that big, just 7 girls) and my GF to one of those Thai BBQ places to eat and after that to my room for evening of alcohol, karaoke and games. That night there was no longer than 5 min max time, that no one of them tried to talk to me in english.

Fun night for me and the girls, but hell for my next door neighbours :grin



Interesting post but this forum not about the real Thailand. It's about Pattaya and getting laid by prostitutes. I see your point but I and many other guys come here to party. Have fun, drink and get laid.


Excuse me D, since when did you gave limitations to this forum and IF this forum is about Pattaya and whores, why do you keep posting about airplane manufacturers, your family's achievements, should i buy 90+" TV, etc.

Did you miss the forum sections like Outside Pattaya, Off Topic and General Chat, Relationships and Thai Culture, and few others that are not about "getting laid by prostitutes".

I find many times post outside of Pattaya or even outside of Thailand to be more interesting than usual "how much do you pay for bath bus" or "is 800 bath too much for ST at soi 6" type of posts.

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You say this as though it proves something, and indeed it does, but not what you think.


It was rude of you to make her feel left out.

Nah, I sent her to the fridge...
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I agree with lovedog but see both sides of it. What his post comes down to is that he's the one with the gold so he makes the rules. That the real rule anywhere.


i'll use my personal life for the example. i'm in the auto retail industry and the vast majority of my customers speak english (i live in canada) so does my sales staff. however we have a growing rate of "new people" customers who don't speak english very well. Should i tell them tough titties learn to speak english before buying a car? some might not me, i have a great muslim salesman who speaks several middle eastern lang and the muslim customers are very happy to deal with him casue there spending thousands of dollars and want to know what there getting, i also have a white salesman who speaks manderin and deals with most of our chinses customers and we have alot of them. Plus i just hired a very good friend of mine who speaks perfect spanish. pretty rare for me to have a customer that dosent speak one of those langs. how does this tie in? Well i want there money so it's alot easier with people who speak there langs like a bargirl who speaks great english or okay english it makes everything alot more fun and your involved.

Or if an american buisness man goes to china and wants there money for x bet your ass there speaking chinese and vice versa. Last time i checked lovedog is american and speaks english since he`s fliping the bill and paying them in some way they should include him if he wants them to. who cares about thai culture (in reguards to this subject) and what there husbands do. If ld wants to be in the conversation it behouves them to speak english if they want his money. plus where in pattaya a tourist city not some villiage in Issan. they should speak english .


BUt it doesn`t bother, for the most of them i could care less what there saying i just want them to play with dick. Only if i really like them do i want to have a real conversation that goes beyond where you from. Great topic btw


p.s i`m a shitty speller and spell check is not working at the moment.

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I agree with lovedog but see both sides of it. What his post comes down to is that he's the one with the gold so he makes the rules. That the real rule anywhere.


i'll use my personal life for the example ...


Your personal example would suggest that your Arabic speaking salesperson agrees the sale (as did the TG with the OP) and the customer, being a generous sort of guy, then invites the rest of the staff out for a bit of food and partying. He (the customer) then gets pissed off when you and your staff spend the whole night conversing in English rather than Arabic. :D

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p.s i`m a shitty speller and spell check is not working at the moment.



Ahhh....I was about to ask which salesman does the English speaking deals for you :)




Bottom line with this subject is, in the scenario of the original post at what point did the writer 'check bin' and leave?


If he didn't then its either a classic 'little head ruling large head', or as said before doormat impersonation.





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Interesting post but this forum not about the real Thailand. It's about Pattaya and getting laid by prostitutes. I see your point but I and many other guys come here to party. Have fun, drink and get laid.


This is a valid topic..... and forums are for debating things like this!!! :rolleyes:

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Hmmm, I was having a sundowner with the neighbours and my TGF yesterday and guess what language we talked in...English.

My TGF, the only Thai, was obviously left out.

She looks a bit bored, not sure if that is because she doesn't grasp the subject of conversation, or as we are all old fogeys, it is just incredibly dull to her.

I have to ask, did your TGF pay you and your friend to go? Then did your TGF pick up the tab? Then it's not the same then is it?


Personally, when I play host for a group, as well as pay them to go. I expect some sort of interaction other than "I want to go with you" and then "I go home now"


If I take a lady for short time, I don't care if she speaks a word of English, I only care about performance. There is a big difference between going short time, and taking out several ladies that do speak English, and playing host, and employer. In this case, all but one, speaks English much better than most bar girls.


Joe said that I probably wouldn't be interested in most of what they had to say anyway, it would all be girl talk. True. But while picking up the tab for the night, I shouldn't be ignored.


Several have said that I should learn Thai. Okay, I'll give you that, even though it will never happen because I can't hear the tones. However, if I learned Thai, and then went home and met a Thai that couldn't speak English, and he offered to take me and my friends who speak Thai out for the night, pay our employer for the night off, and give us lost wages. I can guarantee you that I would not spend the evening talking to my friends in English. But then again, I'm the kind of guy that when in a bar and someone rings the bell, I walk up to the bell ringer and thank him for the drink. I notice that I am always in the company of one, when thanking him.

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to quote mr richard keyes, ex sky sports presenter



Andy "did you smash it" on new years eve?


Hi Stuy


"Well Richard, I didnae... but I woulda! Mebbe nextime, eh? Ye ken?" (= Well Dickie old bean, I didn't but I would have (given the chance)! Perhaps the next time I see her, you understand?" Damned rude those Scots)



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tolerant of any cock-ups that you make - and I make them with monotonous regularity.


That's the thing with tonal languages - studying them can be monotonous.....



Andy Cap


(back to work)

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When I am the host, and spending the money I worked hard to earn, and I am with Thai's that can speak English, I think that they should include me in conversation.


Sounds a bit like "I paid dammit, now stop talking that stupid Thai and pretend to be my friend!!" :thumbup


If I take a BG I hardly know out on the town, instead of back to the loom, I am not expecting her to make my night.


Where is the "fuck em, pay em, and forget em" when we need them? :thumbup

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Sounds a bit like "I paid dammit, now stop talking that stupid Thai and pretend to be my friend!!" :whistling:


If I take a BG I hardly know out on the town, instead of back to the loom, I am not expecting her to make my night.


Where is the "fuck em, pay em, and forget em" when we need them? :allright

Interesting. It's Okay to pay them for sex, but not Okay to pay them for talk, or companionship. I guess I didn't understand the rules.

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I think we would all agree that given the option, most people would converse in their native tongue.

Given that the topic of this thread centres around "If I am paying the bills for a group of persons so that they enjoy themselves then at minimum I should be entitled to partake in the enjoyment and be included".

I say hell yeah!

In most other situations "When in Rome do as ................." or should that be "When in Pattaya do as .............."

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I think we would all agree that given the option, most people would converse in their native tongue.

Given that the topic of this thread centres around "If I am paying the bills for a group of persons so that they enjoy themselves then at minimum I should be entitled to partake in the enjoyment and be included".

I say hell yeah!

In most other situations "When in Rome do as ................." or should that be "When in Pattaya do as .............."

How does one participate in a conversation with several BG's who have limited english skills....

I mean after the where you come from, where you stay, how long you stay, how old you, do

you then head off to discuss quantam mechanics with them???? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :thumbup


Really who wants to converse for 2 hours about what ot feed the pigs and the chickens and what girl is

doing what to her boyfriend.

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Interesting. It's Okay to pay them for sex, but not Okay to pay them for talk, or companionship. I guess I didn't understand the rules.

I guess the ladies didn't understand your rules either. Funny that concept, as once they were explained to them...... "they gave it a good effort".


Your GF sounds like a good lady who truly wants you to be happy.

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Interesting. It's Okay to pay them for sex, but not Okay to pay them for talk, or companionship. I guess I didn't understand the rules.

If you take some Thai girls out to a club, they are thinking you are doing it for you and them to have a good time. As such, you should expect them to have fun and speak together. As you are in Thailand, you should expect them to speak Thai. Also, I don't think you need to be the center of attention.


As I said above, if the girl you are with for the night totally ignores you, that is another matter and I could see your frustration.

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Surprisingly, in my travels around the philippines I have often overheard a couple of filipinos talking English to each other.

Most of the time when I am in the company of filipinas, in a bar or out eating, they will speak english or will explain to me the main poinnts of what they are saying. I think the real difference here is that filipinos are POLITE, whereas there is probably not a word equivalent in thai. !!! they will say "excuse me" or "sorry" when its needed and that is nice.

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Excuse me D, since when did you gave limitations to this forum and IF this forum is about Pattaya and whores, why do you keep posting about airplane manufacturers, your family's achievements, should i buy 90+" TV, etc.

Did you miss the forum sections like Outside Pattaya, Off Topic and General Chat, Relationships and Thai Culture, and few others that are not about "getting laid by prostitutes".

I find many times post outside of Pattaya or even outside of Thailand to be more interesting than usual "how much do you pay for bath bus" or "is 800 bath too much for ST at soi 6" type of posts.


If it wasn't for pussy this forum would have far fewer members.

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Why not learn some Thai? It is a beautiful language. And what a great opportunity if you live in Thailand. Although it seems not unusual for Westerners to not want to learn the local language. I can remember quite recently a trip to Costa Rica where a group of older Americans heard me speaking Spanish to the waitress in a small restaurant. When their turn came to order they called me over and had me translate their order for them as well as a few special requests.I asked them if it was their first visit to Costa Rica.No, they said, they owned a home in Costa Rica and had been there for 4 years. And could not manage to learn the 15 or so words it would take to complete the order. Amazing.

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Surprisingly, in my travels around the philippines I have often overheard a couple of filipinos talking English to each other.

As English is the dominant language in many many aspects of their society it certainly makes sense they'd use it.

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Why not learn some Thai? It is a beautiful language. And what a great opportunity if you live in Thailand. Although it seems not unusual for Westerners to not want to learn the local language. I can remember quite recently a trip to Costa Rica where a group of older Americans heard me speaking Spanish to the waitress in a small restaurant. When their turn came to order they called me over and had me translate their order for them as well as a few special requests.I asked them if it was their first visit to Costa Rica.No, they said, they owned a home in Costa Rica and had been there for 4 years. And could not manage to learn the 15 or so words it would take to complete the order. Amazing.

I believe that I answered that, more than once. Even though learning Thai has been mentioned several times, what does it got to do with my OP? Most Farang in Pattaya do not, and will never know the language.


I have a pet peeve, it's mine, it doesn't have to be yours. I found a work around for an evening. The ladies didn't seem to mind, and it was enjoyable for me. I shared my experience. It's not your experience, or anyone else's, it's mine. One good thing about this forum is, if you don't like the topic, you can click right to the next topic.

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