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The Jews Sank the Titanic

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The Jews Sank the Titanic


A plane leaves Heathrow Airport under the control of a Jewish captain.

His copilot is Chinese. It's the first time they've flown together and

an awkward silence between the two seems to indicate a mutual dislike.


Once they reach cruising altitude, the Jewish captain activates the

auto-pilot, leans back in his seat, and mutters, "I don't like Chinese."

"No rike Chinese?" asks the copilot, "why not?"


"You people bombed Pearl Harbor , that's why!"


"No, no", the co-pilot protests, "Chinese not bomb Peahl Hahbah" That

Japanese, not Chinese."


"Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese....doesn't matter, you're all alike."


There's a few minutes of silence.....


"I no rike Jews." the copilot suddenly announces.


"Oh yeah, why not?" Asks the captain.


"Jews sink Titanic." says the co-pilot.


"What? That's insane! Jews didn't sink the Titanic!" exclaims the

captain "It was an iceberg."


"Iceberg, Goldberg, Greenberg, Rosenberg , nomattah...all same."

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Not Funny....Not Funny at all.....Millions of Jews Murdered by the Nazi's, Families obliterated in the most horrible circumstances....The Nazi's started their campaign of Murder in a beer hall telling jokes like the one in this thread :rolleyes: ...Not Funny :dhorse

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I know a guy quite well whose father died in a Nazi concentration camp.





Got drunk and fell out of his guard tower.


C'mon cebual. Telling jokes did NOT lead to Kristalnacht ferkhrighsake any more than marijuana led directly to your paranoia.



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I know a guy quite well whose father died in a Nazi concentration camp.





Got drunk and fell out of his guard tower.


C'mon cebual. Telling jokes did NOT lead to Kristalnacht ferkhrighsake any more than marijuana led directly to your paranoia.



The Holocaust began in a German beer hall by individuals who told Jewish jokes like the one in this thread...The history is real, the Murder of millions was real...the atrocious medical experiments were real, the herding of human beings into trains like cattle was real......the screams of millions Murdered by the Nazi's in the gas chambers was real....All Human beings have a duty to gaurantee that the Holocaust never happens again......by immediately shutting down Jewish jokes, and stopping the jokes, is just one way we make sure the Holocaust is never repeated.....IMHO the OP should just delete the joke.

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The Holocaust began in a German beer hall by individuals who told Jewish jokes like the one in this thread...The history is real, the Murder of millions was real...the atrocious medical experiments were real, the herding of human beings into trains like cattle was real......the screams of millions Murdered by the Nazi's in the gas chambers was real....All Human beings have a duty to gaurantee that the Holocaust never happens again......by immediately shutting down Jewish jokes, and stopping the jokes, is just one way we make sure the Holocaust is never repeated.....IMHO the OP should just delete the joke.



Respect you're right to feel how you do.


but......the best Jewish jokes are told by Jews. They have a wonderful sense of humour.


In any case the Iceberg joke isn't at the expense of Jews.


Joe's very much is...........but we can laugh at it and not become a Nazi..........'vell I can.'

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Yes, political correctness sometimes goes too far. If it was a joke about concentration camps, or some similar atrocity I would agree, but it is a pretty harmless play on jewish names.

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Yes, political correctness sometimes goes too far.


You have politeness and you have sensitivity and you have consideration.


And you have political correctness. Political correctness ALWAYS goes too far. It is ALWAYS horrible. The cure for political correctness is more free speech. Consider: If YOU are offended, that's you - that's your fault. Consider being sensitive and polite enough NOT to tell us about being offended.


Every joke offends someone, somewhere.


And you should delete your joke as well Joe, as it was not funny


These could be very interesting books. Anyhow, they're interesting titles.





Edited by joekicker
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Jokes about intolerance decrease intolerance; right?



We can all take a view on that...............Mine edges towards.....'yes' if it's funny. Give us an example and I'll tell you. Or would you find providing an example discomforting?

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We can all take a view on that...............Mine edges towards.....'yes' if it's funny. Give us an example and I'll tell you. Or would you find providing an example discomforting?


Three jokes above, including cebual's multiple post counting as one joke. So tell us.



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Three jokes above, including cebual's multiple post counting as one joke. So tell us.



What kind of Sociopath are you Joe?....There were 6 to 10 million human beings brutally murdered by a collection of Nazi psychopaths who began their campaign of Murder by telling "Jewish Jokes" in a beer hall in Germany.


Joe, you are not funny, your posts are not funny, the OP's post is not funny!

Edited by cebual
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What kind of Sociopath are you Joe?....There were 6 to 10 million human beings brutally murdered by a collection of Nazi psychopaths who began their campaign of Murder by telling "Jewish Jokes" in a beer hall in Germany.


Joe, you are not funny, your posts are not funny, the OP's post is not funny!



Cebual.............Joe, on the evidence here is not a sociopath. His joke is 'funny'..... to some.....I'd heard it before but I confess I laughed first time. Some of his posts are, in a weird 'Joe-way' funny. The OP's joke has been around a long time............It's funny.


We as humans make fun of everything. Going the rounds now are Fukushima jokes. We make a distinction between 'it's' not funny and 'that's a funny joke. We know that mass drowning is not funny. We know the holocaust was not funny. We know death,deformity,famine........are not funny but we laugh at a good joke about any of them and no harm done.



What makes you think Hitler's anti-Semitism 'began' with a jewish joke?


In any case......... Hitler didn't only kill Jews.


I understand your sensitivity ..............But if you ban this humour there would be a case for banning all humour because someone somewhere in the joke suffers...... Physically, psychologically, financially,sexually..........and so on.


Some people are offended by the word 'fuck'...........But as your compatriot Lenny Bruce said, ''Take away the right to say 'fuck' and you take away the right to say, 'fuck the government.''


No offence but you've made a point and that's all you can do.

Edited by atlas2
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This has been a very interesting thread!


When I was sent the joke by a good mate, I thought it was funny and a clever play on words, but never did I associate the joke with anything to do with the holocaust.


In the same way, the jokes about Osama Bin Laden make me laugh, but don't make me think all Muslims and Islamics are bad in the same way he was.


One thing is for certain, I would never put a joke on here if I thought for one minute it would cause offence. I only post to raise a laugh, in what can be, a world with not much to smile about these days.


Sorry to anyone with a different view.

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The Holocaust began in a German beer hall by individuals who told Jewish jokes like the one in this thread...The history is real, the Murder of millions was real...the atrocious medical experiments were real, the herding of human beings into trains like cattle was real......the screams of millions Murdered by the Nazi's in the gas chambers was real....All Human beings have a duty to gaurantee that the Holocaust never happens again......by immediately shutting down Jewish jokes, and stopping the jokes, is just one way we make sure the Holocaust is never repeated.....IMHO the OP should just delete the joke.

Joe proved what a total insensitive ass he is. My mother grew up in Germany (born 1925). Your are absolutely correct Cebual and you are not paranoid.


The joke was not funny any way.

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Joe proved what a total insensitive ass he is. My mother grew up in Germany (born 1925). Your are absolutely correct Cebual and you are not paranoid.


The joke was not funny any way.

OK then, MLF, perhaps you will answer the question I asked above:


So by telling Irish jokes, we are putting the Irish at risk of genocide?
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I thought the joke was funny , but the aftermath is f*cking hilourious, FFS get a grip , if you find a harmless play on names offensive dont go down Soi 6

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I thought the joke was funny , but the aftermath is f*cking hilourious, FFS get a grip , if you find a harmless play on names offensive dont go down Soi 6


lol plus one, way way way to many anal self righteous PC cunts on here.

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The Holocaust began in a German beer hall by individuals who told Jewish jokes like the one in this thread...The history is real, the Murder of millions was real...the atrocious medical experiments were real, the herding of human beings into trains like cattle was real......the screams of millions Murdered by the Nazi's in the gas chambers was real....All Human beings have a duty to gaurantee that the Holocaust never happens again......by immediately shutting down Jewish jokes, and stopping the jokes, is just one way we make sure the Holocaust is never repeated.....IMHO the OP should just delete the joke.



But it's still a funny joke :whistling:

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But it's still a funny joke :whistling:



I found int quite amusing too, and I am supposed to be one of the most PC members here, according to some. :whistling:


The joke, was not being derogatory to Jews, in a sense that it was laughing at their suffering. It was a play on words between a Chinaman and a Jew.


Do is mean, just that just because of the Holocaust, that no one should ever tell a Jewish Joke ??? Perhaps not about their suffering, but their Surnames is hardly an insult Iceberg, Greenberg etc, what has that to de with genocide. Should we never make jokes about the Japanese, because of Nagasaki or Hiroshima ??


If Jackie Mason had told that joke, it would not have been offensive, in fact, I think it is one of his, if I recall.


I don't believe for a second, that the OP is anti Semitic in his intentions, when making the post.

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One thing is for certain, I would never put a joke on here if I thought for one minute it would cause offence.


So you better stop posting jokes.


Every joke, EVERY JOKE offends someone. That is the nature of humour. The guy who slipped on the banana peel is offended when you laugh. Almost the entire "Darwin Awards" is specifically based on someone getting killed, thus you offend his family, his friends and of course his legacy. Blonde and Polish jokes offend. Kiddie jokes offend. Jokes about BG offend. Lawyer jokes offend, lawyers have actually taken joke-tellers to court to stop them, I kid you not - now THAT is a joke, eh?


I suppose the exception to this rule would be Scottish jokes. They can't offend.












(That was a joke, geddit?)



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Just to keep things balanced, here are are some jokes about Muslims. I copied them from an Internet site and the OP there says he has nothing against Muslims, so they must be OK.





Q: What is the difference between Islam and polio?

A: Science has not yet found a cure for Islam.



There are three rules for being a good Muslim. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.



Police in London have found a bomb outside a mosque. They've told the public not to panic as they have managed to push it inside.



A white man walks into an immigrant pub in London, totally shattered, screaming “All Muslims are shitheads."

A man sitting in the corner shouts, “I take serious offense to that! It's a bloody lie!”

The white guy asks, “Why? Are you a Muslim?”

He replies proudly, “No. I'm a shithead.”



One day, a Muslim goatherder woke up to find that all 100 of his goats had died. Without his goats, he is ruined. So he goes to the nearby lake, and drowns himself. His son wakes up, reads the note left by his father, and decides that life isn't worth living. So he goes to the lake to drown himself as well.

There is a mermaid there. She tells the boy that if he can screw her 5 times, she will resurrect his father, and all the goats. He looks at her bemused and says "What about 100 times?

The mermaid goes "Err, you think that you can handle it?"

The young Muslim lad replies, "Sure! How do you think all the goats died?"

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